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I started walking faster and pulled ahead. The adrenaline of not knowing what the noise was was very intriguing. I felt a hand on my arm, trying to slow me down. I turned around, "Slow down, we don't know what that was, it could be a serial killer," Max said. He caught up to me and now stood by my side while we reached the wall where we heard the sound behind. 

We go around the wall. We are all very quiet and slow, being overly cautious. We come to find a large room with absolutely nothing in it, expect a single chair in the exact center. "That's slightly unsettling," I said. I saw Max nod and Josh replied, "Slightly?" 

It was a creepy room in general. It was much cleaner than the others and there was no clutter. Just the chair. I think that makes it the perfect time to bring it out. I took my backpack out and brought out a box. "Who's ready?"

Josh responded first, "You brought a Ouija board. Why." I shrugged, "Content?" I did finger guns at the camera. Max and Christina were kinda just standing there, half face-palming, half scared. "Okay, it's either we do it now, or do it when it's night. I'll let you choose," I added in. Max sat down, "Well I know for sure I'm not doing that at night." I smiled and sat down also. 

Christina sat down, "Why did you have to pick the scariest room?" I laughed. Max responded for me, "Isn't that the point?" Josh groaned and sat down next to Christina. I put the board on the ground in the middle of our circle. I held the planchette while I grabbed a coin out of my pocket. "Supposedly a silver coin does something to save us from not being possessed, but I'm not sure if that's completely true," I spoke. "Might as well try it," Josh responded.

I put both things on the board, the coin at the top in between "yes" and "no", and the planchette at the very middle. I put two fingers on it, and everyone else followed. "Who wants to start it?" I ask. "Uh, I think you do," Max said to me. I regretfully nodded, wondering why I even asked. 

We moved it in a circle around the board three times, and after, I spoke, "Is there anyone here that would like to talk to us?"

Nothing. I took a deep breath. I asked again.

Nothing. I asked the same thing once more after waiting for a little longer than last time.

Immediately, the planchette moved. It was very quick and it went straight to "hello". I looked up at everyone. The person who asked the question varied every time. "Can we ask what your name is?"

The planchette moved slightly slower but it was still quite quick.

"C" "H" "A" "R" "L" "I" "E"

"Is your name Charlie?" I asked. The planchette moved to yes.

"Do you mind if we ask about your death?"

It moved to no.

"How did you die?"

"S" "H" "O" "T"

"Do you know who you got shot by?"

It started moving to no, but went back and started spelling something, "M" "E"

As it went to the letter "e" there was a noise below us. It sounded like it was from the floor below. We questioned it and freaked out a little, but we just continued what we were doing.

"What year did you die?"

"2" "M" "O" "N" "T" "H" "S" "A" "G" "O"


"How old were you when you died?"

"2" "3"

We continued with basic Q&A pattern until the spirit just stopped responding. 

We did the whole thing again, but with a different spirit.

Then a third time. This time the planchette moved really fast, almost too quick to keep your fingers on it. For some reason, it gave me bad vibes. Everyone else agreed.

"Do you have bad intentions?"

The planchette slowly moved to "yes"

We discussed it and quickly came to the conclusion that we should say goodbye.


The planchette slowly started moving to "no" but stopped and quickly went over "goodbye"

We all took out fingers off the planchette. "I don't know what the hell just happened."

I put everything back in the box and returned it back to my backpack. "Where we going next?" Christina asked. "Wherever we haven't gone," I replied. we started moving forward again. The opposite of the way we came. Once again, I'm the one that's leading. 

We continued our walk around the place. We were on the second floor and it was probably the least open of the three floors. There were a lot of walls, most of which are broken or wouldn't even be classified as a wall anymore. Except one. There was one wall that was just a mix of wood and drywall. It was still standing except a medium sized hole 

We all started walking over to it. Behind the hole looked like a big room because it was closed off everywhere else too. "Who's gonna go through the portal to Neverland?" I asked in a singsong voice. "Im definitely not," Josh said. "I would not fit through that, plus I'm the tallest," Max responded. "Yeah, Y/N you do it. You're the only one that will fit," Christina added.

I sighed, "I can't tell if being short is a superpower or a disability." I guess I have to go through the portal now. Yanno, I'd rather not. But I did bring it up. Damn.

I walked over to the hole and realized it's a lot smaller than it looks. She's right I would probably the only one that could get through. I got a leg and through and used my elbow to push the rest of me through. 

Once I made it inside, I realized how dark it was. I put my flashlight down before I came in. "Anyone care to give me my flashlight?" 

Max nodded and handed it to me through the hole. Time to see what's in here, or is it nothing? 

I clicked the button on the side of the light to reveal whatever is in front of me. 


oooh, shit cliff hanger?/?//??

haha, anyways.

I hope all you Americans had a great Thanksgiving and any non-Americans- hope you had a good day. c:

anyways, to those of you who actually read these things at the end of the chapter, I award you with 1000 awesome points!

Stay Creative. -nightmare/kai

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