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I lifted my head to look out the window of the car. I had been staring at my phone the whole ride. I see hundreds of people everywhere. There were so many groups of people, probably YouTubers getting swarmed. I believe this means we've arrived.

At VidCon.

We made our way through and around crowds of people. It was pretty cool to see a bunch of cosplays and costumes. There was a group of teenage girls walking with cat whiskers drawn on their face. I have seemed to find the phandom. There was another smaller group all wearing black wigs and devil horns. I found the Homestuck fandom. My favorite costume was a guy holding up a sign with the "triggered" meme on it. 

"So what are we doing first?" Adam asked. I stood there clueless. We decided on just walking around. It was going to be a challenge to not buy everything.

~Time skip brought to you by Dada the Dolphin c:~

"Adam, I don't know where I'm going," I say and turn around. I see he's not even there. "Okay, well..." I say. "Max, can you help me?" I face him. "What?" he says.

"I have no clue where I'm going and I need to get to my panel," I say. He looks at the paper I'm looking at. "The Kia Mainstage?" He turns and says, "That's right there." 

"So I'm blind. Alright, thanks." I say. He nods and goes to follow Ross and Adam. I head straight to the backstage. Luckily, I find Hannah Hoffman. She's on the panel too.

It's an animation panel with RubberNinja/Ross, Egoraptor/Arin, Hannah Hoffman, GradeAUnderA, and Domics. I have never met any of them in real life. This will be interesting. 

We make our way backstage together and watch the setup crew do their... setup crewing.

We look at the area and it is huge. It's honestly amazing. It's cool to think about all the successful people who have been on this stage before. We get mics hooked onto us and we are instructed to go onto the stage. Im surely the least known person up there, and nerves are kicking in. We all sit at a long table in the middle of the stage. We go down the line and introduce ourselves. Im first, of course, I am. 

"Hey, I'm Y/N. The majestic Animellow! Some of you may know me from all of the Undertale, Five Nights At Freddy's, and other randomness. I just hit 1 million subscribers and I'm surprised I've made it on this panel with all these wonderful people." People clap and cheer, I'm guessing I actually have some of my fans here. I scan the crowd as Hannah Hoffman starts talking. I look at the first few rows and see... Adam, Ross, and Max? I wonder why they decided to come. 

We were now doing 30-second drawings. This was going to go horribly. "You have 30 seconds to draw....." He says and flips to the next card, "Your favorite video game character! GO!" I immediately thought of Papyrus. I made a terribly drawn skeleton first and the head. I added a scarf and some gloves. I finished it off with a face and we had to put our markers down. I looked at my paper and it wasn't too bad. We all held it up on the count of three. 

I looked down at everyone else's and saw GradeA did his signature chin in his drawing of Brock. Arin drew a character from the game "Mad Max" and I mentally laughed a bit. Ross drew Default Dan which was hilariously accurate. 

We played another few rounds. "Next you must draw..." He flips to the next card. "The Queen of England!" We laughed and started. I had no clue what I was doing. I did my best. 'Close enough' I thought. I had a scribble and a crown on my paper. I looked at my horrid drawing, then at everyone else's papers and the whole crowd was laughing.

We moved on to drawing advice after our incredible drawings. We all had to pick two people from the audience to answer their question. I picked the first person and their question was directed at me. "How do you find your art style?"

I started, "I have the Suzumiya Haruhi mixed with simplistic type drawing style. It would probably sound very confusing at first but you have to find your own mix. Try different things, making eyes bigger or smaller, making the body super small or the head bigger. Try making points or making more curves. It mostly depends on how you want it to look in the end. Also, your lines in your drawing have a big part. There are smooth lines, sketch lines and so on, which gives the animation or drawing character. Try adding a bit of realism, and a bit of cartoon-like features and see what you like best. There's also coloring, you can do solid colors like a cartoon or anime, but there's also shading and mixing of colors. You could even simply look through Google Images and see different styles you want to try out. Then, of course, add your own features and finishing touches." I finish. That seemed like a lot to take in but the person said, "That really helped, I've been trying to do the same style for quite some time now and I guess I should just experiment. Thank you!" She bows her head. I smile.

Next, Hannah picks someone and we all answer their questions. The last question caught my eye a bit more than the rest. "This is a question for everyone. I have been doing animating for more than two years now on youtube, and it seems no one likes my art. What do I do about this?" 

Everyone gave an opinion and then it was my turn. "I think it's a matter of putting your animations and art on other websites too, so it becomes more public and seen by more people. Put it on DevianArt, post it on Twitter. Stuff like that. More people will start to see it and they will start to like it." Everyone on the panel nods. The asker sits back down and says "Thank you, I will try all of that."

~Timeskip brought to you by STARLIT ZHAO MF~

The panel was over and we were sitting up there until everybody had left. My first panel was pretty fun!


wtf is this shit about JinBop


no. why the hell tho. Ugh that's so fucking wrong.

Anyways. I hope you guys have enjoyed!

Stay Creative!!!

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin