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In the room was nothing except a black trash bag and a baseball bat. I continued looking around and I saw a large splatter of something on the wall. It was red. In order to not freak out, I told myself it was red paint, even though I knew it wasn't.

I had my light fixated on the wall adjacent from me like I was waiting for a person to just emerge from out of nowhere. No one did, but the paranoia still lingered. I shifted my weight to one foot and peered into the trash bag. It looked empty but I sure as hell am not gonna check. I looked to the left and saw the baseball bat. It looks brand new; no dust or dirt on it at all.  

I stepped back and looked over at the "paint" splatter. I couldn't recall if the last time I glanced at it if it was wet or not, but I do think there are more drips than before. I called back out to everyone else, "Do you think if there is something that could be classified as a weapon, should I pick it up?"

"Are you crazy? Don't touch it," Josh yelled back to me. "What about self-defense though?" Christina added before anyone made a decision. "Yeah, what happens if we see a murderer or something?" I agree. "Okay, but what if that's the weapon of a crime and you put your fingerprints on it and go to jail?" Max responds. "Don't worry. What are the chances of that even happening? I think not dying is kind of more important right now anyway," I said. I looked through the hole and saw everyone nod.

I picked up the bat. I swung it around in my hand. "Plus, I think this is a little more fun."

I finished my look around the room and concluded that there was no dead body anywhere. Sadly, I'm surprised I didn't see a decapitated head or severed limb anywhere. Although, I never checked the trash bag. It looked like nothing was in it from here, but if I got a little closer there was a bulge on the corner of the bag, indicating that there was, in fact, something in it. 

I was curious and I really wanted to check it. But I didn't know if I was brave enough. "What are you staring at?" Josh called to me. "Shh. I'm trying to tell myself I'm brave enough to do this," I replied.

I took a deep breath. If I don't look, I'll never know, so I might as well. I tossed the baseball bat in the air, catching it on the other side. I reached the bat out in front of me and used the end to move the top layer of the bag over to one side. I stood on my toes, trying to look in and not get too close. I saw more "red paint" on the edge of the plastic bag. I shifted back a little before taking a long step forward and seeing what it was.

It was a bone. Honestly, I expected much worse, but that was still pretty terrible. The closer I looked, the more bones I saw. It was a pile. I couldn't tell if they were animal or human bones, but nonetheless, I wanted out. I used the end of the bat to cover the bag up again and walked back over to the hole. 

I started squeezing myself back through, bat in hand. I got half of myself through but the baseball bat and my leg got caught on a piece of the concrete. "Are you stuck?" Josh asks. I shifted my body and got my leg through, pulling the bat with me. "No, the only thing I'm stuck on is band-aid brand," I responded. We all laughed.

The laughter died down and that's when Max asked, "What did you see?" I took a moment to recall everything, how do I explain without freaking everyone out. Hell, I don't even know why I'm not scared. I think its the adrenaline again. "Well, I got this... and," I held up the baseball bat and paused. "There was a blood splatter on the wall. I'm gonna stick to calling it red paint though. The rest was just a mess of boxes and random trash. Except..." I stopped, wondering if I should even say it.

"There was a trash bag, it was right next to the baseball bat. I didn't touch it but I used the bat to look inside it. It was a.. a pile of b-bones." I stuttered.

Everyone's eyes widened. I stood there for a moment waiting for someone to say something. Until I joined them in shock when I heard 2 noises. The first came from the room I was just in. The second was a half a second after and it came from behind us. We all had the same instinct and started running. We ran to the opposite side of the building, trying to make as little noise as possible. I gripped the bat hard in my hand. 

We stopped beside a wall to hide behind and catch our breath. There was another noise right behind the wall. I realized we probably should stop moving because the noises could be trying to lead us somewhere. "Guys, this isn't Scooby-Doo. Slow the fuck down," I whisper-yelled. "Why? Aren't we trying to get away from a possible murderer?" Josh responded, trying to sound smart. "Yeah, obviously but-" Max finished my sentence for me, "What if the sounds are trying to lead us to the murderer?" 

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Max. He gave me an amused, yet awkward smile. I nodded and we turned back to Josh and Christina. "Stop flirting, you dipshits. Can we just go somewhere else, away from the noises?" Josh said. I stifled a laugh and we started walking a different direction. 

It took a lot of walking and a lot of time passing to hear any noises. This wasn't just any noise though. Not a creak, a crash, a thump, a tap, a knock, a smack, a bang, or a screech. It was sirens. Police sirens. 



its been forever since I've updated.

honestly, I have been in a pretty bad place in my life and I didn't have the motivation to get out of bed, nonetheless, write 1000 words that turn into a mediocre couple paragraphs at best.

So, I'm gonna try to stay a little more consistent with these updates. Hopefully. No promises though.


Stay Creative c:

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