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We all immediately stopped walking. I looked at Max. Max looked at me. Josh looked at me. Christina looked at me. "What do you guys expect me to do?" I whisper-yelled. "You're the one that brought us here," Josh replied, slightly raising his voice. "Okay, let's just make a plan," I said. I took a deep breath.

"I think we should get off this floor, if you catch my drift," I spoke. "You mean run and go to the roof?" Max said quickly. "Drift caught," I nodded. We started walking. I realized that there are windows on both sides of the building. We can probably be seen as we walk past each one. I think Josh had the same thought because he pointed to the windows and said, "Guys, there's windows."

We walked through the middle of the building, hoping not the be seen from the outside. Just to be safe, we ran whenever there was a window next to us. 

We eventually made it to the stairs that led up to the roof. There was a fence on top that we hid behind to make sure we didn't get seen. Then we could actually see the police. Two cars. Sirens still blaring and lights still flashing. I could tell that the officers were already in or trying to get in the building because we couldn't see any of them.

"Why are they even here? It's not like they could sense that a group of idiot youtubers came here." Christina said. "What if there's like a criminal here and he's hiding and the police found him and tracked him here?" Max added. "Are any of you a criminal?" Josh asked jokingly. I interrupted the conversation, "Ooor, there was some type of alarm or something," I said. "But we didn't hear anything," Max said in a questioning tone. "You do know silent alarms are a thing right?" I said. 

Everyone looked at me with an expression that said "Oh no" and "That's true" all at once. No one else spoke, so I guessed it was my job to make a plan. "I say we go to the other side of the roof, it's the last place they would look." Max looked at me, nodded, and started walking in front of everyone else.

I looked down, quickly realizing how thin the roof is and how easily it could break through. "Stop, Stop," I yelled out to Max. I pointed down, "Walk on the beams, please don't fall through the roof. He looked down, quickly readjusting to a nearby beam. 

We walked in a straight line across the beams to the other side and quietly sat down behind a wall of some sort. Christina was looking around the area and suddenly she whispers, "Guys?" She sounded worried. 

I looked over and she was staring down at what looked like a piece of wood. I didn't think anything of it so I walked over to her. I soon realized that the piece of wood was against the ledge on the roof, making a clear step to jump off. "Oh my god. Do you think that's why the cops are here?" I shook my head. Josh responded with the same words I would have said, "No, it can't be. The step looks old." I stepped closer to it.

I hesitated and then looked over the edge down to the ground. "What if they barely found it though?" Christina replied. "In that case, we need to get out of here-" Max said. I didn't see anything at the bottom so I quickly replied, "No, there's nothing down there."

They all looked over at me, noticing where I was. Max slightly tugged on my arm, "Come away from the edge." I took a few steps forward, towards everyone else. 

"We just need to be quiet and not get found."

And we did exactly that. I set up the camera on the edge of the roof and made a timelapse of the view while we were sitting and waiting. I honestly forgot I had been filming this entire thing, I had just been pointing the camera in front of me and recording whatever I could. Everything was completely silent until we heard the police cars again. They were leaving this time. We all took a deep breath in relief and started making a new plan.

We decided to go back down to the 1st floor and explore that area. "The staircase only goes to the second floor," I said once I reached the bottom level. "We'll have to find another way down. Are there any other staircases?" Josh said. "I haven't seen any," Christina added in. "There's escalators?" Max said, pointing to an escalator on the other side of the floor. 

We started walking to the other side, occasionally hearing random noises. Except, the weird thing is, that whenever one of us would hear a noise, no one else would. I heard a crash sound behind me and no one else would look back. Or when Christina screamed because she heard a laugh, but no one else heard anything at all. It was kind of scary because if any of us followed the noises we would be going in all sorts of directions and get split up.

We made it to the escalators and started going down. "I've always wanted to run down the up escalator. This is my only chance since they aren't moving," I said to try and brighten the mood. We laughed and headed down.

"How do you know this one is the up escalator?" Max asked while following me down. "Yeah what if it's this one?" Josh said from the opposite escalator. "Why do you guys have to kill my dreams?" I said as we got to the bottom. They both shrugged. 

We started walking around. Almost a minute later I heard a very loud sound and quickly looked in the direction it came from. That's when I noticed everyone else looked over too. "You guys heard that too right?" Josh questioned as we all looked at each other. Everyone nodded, "Yeah, do you think we should check it out?"

We walked towards it anyway, quietly this time. It sounded like it came from behind a wall not too far away from the bottom of the escalators. We made out way towards it. 

As we approached the wall we noticed there was something written in spraypaint on it. I knew it wasn't just graffiti though because there was nothing else on this particular wall for some reason. We got closer and realized it said "Get Out." in big letters and at the bottom "You don't want to be in the haunted mall at night" was written, along with a pentagram drawn next to it. One we walked up to it, we noticed the spray paint was still wet. 

"That's... Uhm." I said in a loss for words. 


oh damn starting off 2018 with a spook

anyways, i hope you guys are having a great 2018 so far

anyway, time to get to writing the next chapter

Stay Creative & take another 400 awesome points. c;

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now