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I walked out of the office's kitchen with my tea and proceeded to walk back to my office to get ready for a recording. As I made my way through the editor's area I saw Max and noticed he was yelling and angry. "Well, it looks like someone didn't get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs," I said. Max glared at me but couldn't help but laughing, along with Tim and Jordan.

I sat down and took a sip of my tea. Shit, That's hot. I join a call with Red and Barney, and Red starts his intro.

~timeskip brought to you by house of mem(e)ories~

So I was forced to do another video for Office Antics. And we know how that went last time. And this time it's the lego challenge. Fun.

I walked over to the recording area and saw a bucket of legos on the floor. I took the opportunity and poured out a few of them. I started to stack a few and soon it turned into a lego house.  I saw two people walk past me, but I just continued what I was doing. I looked up a few minutes later to see Max and Adam standing there staring at me.

"Hey, what's up?" I said nonchalantly. They both looked down at my masterpiece. "I don't know about you but im joining," Max said and sat down next to me. He grabbed a few blocks and started fitting them together. 

Soon enough, Adam sat down and watched us, until he starting making something. My creation was almost finished, but that was when we were told to start the recording. That's when I decided, 'Hey I should smash this to pieces because why not.'

I picked it up and dropped it back down to the floor. "That's one way to do it." I heard Adam say. I picked up the remaining piece that was still intact and dropped it again. "Also a good way to get your anger out I guess," I added.

We stood up and moved the pieces to the center of the room. Adam started his intro, "This is not gonna be a censored video because we are all going to curse out in pain by the way." I added in. Adam nodded and we played a big game of rock paper scissors to see the order of our turns. Adam lost immediately so he went first, then it Barney, Max, then Me. I won if you didn't notice.

Adam picked a paper out of the hat and looked at it, "Walk. Okay." He got the literal easiest one. "Are you kidding me. This is rigged." I said. Adam hesitates and walks over the Legos as quick as possible without running. 

We moved on to Barney, he picked Hand and Knees. "Get ready for pain," Max said before Barney went for it. I guess his method was going all out. "God damns that was painfuls." He said while standing back up. "Really? I thought it was going to be pleasant." I said, he laughed at my sarcasm.

Next was Max. He picked a paper from the bottom of the hat and read it, "Run." He drops the paper dramatically and puts his head in his hands. "Have fun with that," I say, also dramatically. "Oh, I will." He says and starts walking towards the pile of death. "For Narnia." He says and actually runs across the Legos. He jumped up and down in pain, "I DREW BLOOD MOTHERFUCKERS." He limped back to the rest of us and that meant it was my turn. 

"And that's it for this video guys see you next t-" I started. My attempt at getting out of this failed and now I'm being forced to practically die. I took out a piece of paper from the hat and looked at it. "CARTWHEEL? REALLY? Whoever wrote that down should be prepared to get stabbed."

I slowly walked my way over to the actual pile of suicide and got ready. "Anyone got bandaids ready?" I asked. "No we are too hardcore for that," Adam laughed. I sighed, "Well, I'm not so that's not fair. Screw it," I did my cartwheel while trying to go as far into the middle of the pile as possible so that I would only have to land on the Legos with my hands. "GOD BLESS AMERICA," I yelled. 

I walked back to where everyone else was standing while looking at my hands. "Hey, I drew blood too!" I laughed. Max and I high-fived, "Blood Buds!" He said. 

Creative And Mad // Mithzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now