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I had Max go on my phone and call my mom, and once she answered he put it on speaker and I told her to do the same. I asked her if everyone was in the room with her and, since we were almost home, I told her we had a long story and to not freak out once we got home.

I unlocked the door with my key and we both went inside. My mom hugged me instantly which made me wince in pain, but I hugged back and tried not to start crying. 

Max and I explained what had happened. It took a while and there were a lot of questions asked. Once we were done explaining everything, I put the pies on the counter and went straight to my room. I found pajamas to change into and I did that quickly. We both did our usual night time routine and said goodnight to everyone. 

I took two Advil for the pain and offered two to Max as well. He declined, "Alright, go ahead and suffer." I said. He nodded.

I looked at my arms and legs. It looked like I was beaten up just as bad as I had been in middle school. There were purple and blue welts all over, and it hurt to breathe.My lip was split open right in the middle and my nose finally stopped bleeding. Luckily, neither of us had broken anything and weren't severely injured.

The bruise on Max's jaw started off looking like someone smeared purple dye on his neck and it stained, but now it was worse. Dark purple, almost a black, was centered in the middle. Around it was a blue greenish-yellow tint and the skin that was surrounding it looked almost gray. 

Everything felt sore. Anytime I moved there were spots of various colors that scattered all over my vision. My feet and hands were throbbing and it was just a focused and painful pulsation. I decided that I needed to be distracted by all of this, but Max said exactly what I was going to, "Why don't we do something to get our minds off of this and focus on something else?"

I agreed, "In Halloween spirit, let's watch a horror movie." Max got excited and we decided on one we both wanted to watch. I grabbed my laptop and put it in between us both. I pulled up Netflix and found the movie, The Shining. I've seen the first 2 minutes of the movie and Max has never watched it. 

Before I started it I quickly, well, as quick as I could, went down stairs and got a cup of tea. I went back upstairs and lied back down and started the movie. 

It was a lot of jumping back and laughing at each other and putting our face in our hands while trying to peek through our fingers. At one point I was hiding behind Max's shoulder and peeking over the top, while Max was just squeezing my wrist. 

My face had probably flushed many times but I couldn't tell because it was pretty dark in the room, except the dim light from the fairy lights and the laptop's glow that was illuminating our faces.

~time skip~

After a total of three horror movies, we decided it was probably smart to get some sleep. We were able to sleep in though, which is good because it's 3:33 AM. It was around that time where whatever you say is just extremely funny and you're pretty much just hysterical. I had an interesting thought, "So it's 3:33 AM. Does that mean that the time is half of satan because satan is 666?" We both burst into laughter, as quietly as we could, and Max just shook his head. 

It was weird because I'm not tired at all, and neither was Max. I could sleep but I felt like I had energy. I looked over at my phone, which kept lighting up from notifications and noticed something. My cup of tea next to it was caffeinated. I must have mixed up the two different kinds. So that's why I have energy.

"Why did I think 'Oh, yeah. Drinking tea at 10 PM is a good idea'. Like why am I such an idiot?" I said. Max shrugged, "I don't know, but you aren't an idiot." I laughed, "See that's where you went wrong."

We talked for a while until we were both tired, to the point where we sounded drunk and decided that one of was about to pass out from a need of sleep. I turned off the lights and plugged in my phone, while also turning off my alarm completely. I layed back down and turned away from Max to face the window so we wouldn't randomly start laughing at each other. "Goodnight, Y/N," He said. "Goodnight, Max," I responded.

Honestly, When I met Max I never knew that he would mean this much to me. I feel like I've fallen in love. I knew I liked him ever since the Disneyland trip we all had together for Disney Day after VidCon. I still remember when he forced me to go on California Screamin'. That was probably one of the best moments. I hoped that he thought of me the same way I thought of him, but I am truly and genuinely happy that I am able to call him my best friend. I would take a bullet for him, and maybe even a nerf bullet. 


short chapter but the next few will be very long.


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