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We all got scared and ran back to the escalators. We scrambled to get back up to the second floor, higher ground. We found the area what we put our bags and then sat behind a wall to catch our breath because in the midst of all the chaos we ran to the opposite side of the building.

After a couple minutes, I said, "Yanno, whats funny? I brought penny boards and frisbees and fun shit." Josh responds with heavy sarcasm, "Yeah, how about we go down there and ask the murderer to skate with us?" I roll my eyes and laugh. "You know what?" I said getting an idea. I got my backpack. I zipped it open and grabbed the penny board. I pointed at the escalator and walked over to it. Max followed me, curious what I was going to do. Josh and Christina laughed and came along. 

In between the escalators was a flat part. I thought it would be a good idea to use it like a ramp and trying to go down it. I felt brave enough to try it at least. I put the board down and got on it. Once I was balanced, I shifted my weight forward and slowly rolled until the edge of the flat part. The wheel got stuck on something, but I didn't move. "Someone push me," I said. 

I looked back and saw Josh and Christina standing back to the side, recording this. Max stood behind me. He got up on the flat part and gave me a hesitant look before giving me a small push. I rolled forward, slowly picking up speed as I went down. I made sure to keep my balance in between closing my eyes because I didn't realize how steep this was.

I winced as a got to the bottom and jumped off so I didn't fall with the board. I ended up actually not falling but the board hit the ground, making a loud noise. Quickly I picked it up and started running back up, just in case there was someone down that and it drew attention. I ran up the broken escalator and laughed along. I made it back up and we made our next game plan. 

"Since we made so much noise I think we should go back up to the roof just in case," Josh said. I nodded. Max spoke, "Good idea."

We found the staircase again and followed it up. After staying up there for a good half hour to be safe, we went back down to the second floor. "I think we should explore the area around where we entered because we just walked past it all," Christina said. We started walking.

There was an area behind a wall that we decided to look around at. My flashlight started blinking so I pointed it at the ground a twisted it again. As it lit up the ground, I jumped back quickly as if something just popped out, but what I saw was a pile of bones on the floor. "Guys," I yelled to get them to come over and look. 

I kept my light pointed at it and then ran over. I looked at the pile a little more. "It's definitely not human bones now that I look at it. It just scared me," I said with a hand to my chest. My heartbeat and breathing slowed. Josh replied, "It's probably just coyote or some type of small animal or something," 

Josh quickly turned to a noise that supposedly we all heard. 

"C'mon, let's find that noise," Max said with a reassuring look. "You would be the one kid that always dies in horror movies because they want to investigate," I replied. We laughed. "If anyone says to split up I'll kill you myself," Josh added in. I followed as they walked towards the hole that we entered through. I heard a noise behind us, but of course, no one else did. I looked back and didn't see anything. But I did remember something.

"Hey, guys?" I spoke into the silence. They stopped and turned around towards me. I pointed over to a door that was right next to the entrance. "Wasn't this-" I started. "door open when we came inside, yes it was," Max said, following the same train of thought. Max was standing right next to me and Josh and Christina were standing a couple feet in front of us, but in that moment our eyes all widened.

We turned back again to look because we all heard a noise from behind the door. We looked back and forth between each other and the door in the panic. Christina and Josh looked at Max and I and then they looked at each other. They looked like they lost words, but also got more scared. 

I felt my nose dripping so I wiped my hand below it. I looked at my hand and saw red. Bloody nose, of course. Perfect timing. I looked at Max and his nose was also dripping blood. "Max," I said. He looked down at me and quickly realized my situation and his. "Shit," he said. 

We looked over at Josh and Christina and saw that they were struggling to stay balanced. "You guys alright?" I asked. "I don't know, I just got extremely dizzy out of nowhere," Joh replied with a little panic in this voice. Christina nodded, in the same situation as Josh.

"Okay," I said, not sure of what I was about to do. All I knew is that I was curious. I walked up to the door that was in front of us and kicked it down. It revealed nothing but a completely empty room with nothing in it. That was almost scarier than seeing something in there since we heard noises. 

I don't know why, but we started running away. Across the entire floor. "Put down your lights," Josh yelled. "What is it with you and wanting to turn off our lights when things can attack us? I want to see my death coming at me," I said between breaths. "I don't know?!" He replied.

We kept running until we were on the opposite side of the building. We sat down against a wall and eventually caught our breath. I pulled out a bag of chips from my backpack, "Snack break?"


I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update, I've been caught up in school and procrastination. But, I will try to be more consistent now that I'm a little more motivated.

SO anyways, I hope you liked the spook :)

Stay Creative c:

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