Daddy Niall.

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Niall's P.O.V.

August 15th, 2014 was they day my life changed completely, and I knew it would never be the same. My daughter was born right before my twenty-first birthday. Those three years seemed to fly by all to quickly. I was making her chocolate chip pancakes today because they were her favorite, and I needed her to be in a good mood today. As much as I hated the idea of having a nanny raise my kid I was interviewing people to do just that. I couldn't stand the idea of having someone else raise and take care of my daughter, but it was necessary. Eleanor or my mom helped out and watched her if I couldn't, but I hated asking them to watch her. I could get away with bringing her along to things and into the studio occasionally, and when I took her to the studio the boys kept her entertained while I recorded. They always say they don't mind watching her, but I always feel bad about it. They probably really don't mind though, she's a great kid. She's funny, well behaved, sweet, and smart. I loved her more than anything in the world.

I finished making her a plate of pancakes before I went to wake her up. I cut up her pancakes, and made sure everything was ready. I put her a cup of milk on the table since I was trying to let her use cups without lids at meals. She spilled it most of the time, but that was okay. I walked into her room to see her all crowded by stuffed animals. She looked so peaceful all snuggled up in her bed. I didn't turn the light on because I knew she would be cranky if the lights woke her up. I sat on the edge of her toddler bed and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Wake up." She groaned and moved around a little bit. I moved the hair out of her face. "Come on baby, I made you pancakes." Her eyes slowly opened before she looked at me, "Chocowate chips?"

"Of course." She stood up in her bed, "Did you have an accident?"

"Nope. I'm a big girl now." She was potty trained, but sometimes she had accidents in her sleep.

"I know, but big girls can have accidents. Let's go eat." She stood up and held her arms out for me to carry her. I needed to stop babying her, but I honestly loved holding her. When she was tired she would cuddle into my shoulder, and I thought it was the cutest thing. I carried her into the kitchen with her face nuzzled into my neck. I sat her down in her chair. "Do you want me to tie your hair up so you don't get syrup in it?"

"No." I don't know why I even asked she very rarely let me put her hair up. I liked it down too, I liked watching her brown curls bounce around as she played. I only tried to put it up if she was getting hot, or if she was doing something messy.

"That's fine you have a take a bath after breakfast anyway."


"You have to take a bath."


"Yeah, you are starting to stink. Everyone is saying mean things about you."

"Nu-uh. You stink." She giggled before putting more pancakes in her mouth.

"What I already took a shower before you woke up, so I don't stink. You don't stink either I was just messing with you. You will have to take a bath."


"We are going out today. We are going with grandma to find someone to help take care of you when I'm at work."

"Oh." Oh? That's all she had to say? I thought for sure she would have something more to say. She finished eating, and she had sticky hands and a sticky face. She had syrup on the sleeves of her pajamas and in her hair.

"I told you, you should have put your hair up." She grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom now leaving me with a sticky hand. I turned the bath water on and tested the water letting it rinse the syrup off of my hand. When It was warm enough I let it fill the tub before I turned the faucet off. I turned to her and she lifted her arms for me to take her shirt off of her. She kicked off her pants and got in the water.


"No, not today. We don't have time to play in the bath. We need to get ready." I folded a rag like a bandanna, and handed it to her. "Cover you eyes, and lean your head back." I filled the cup with water and poured over her hair. She had the rag over eyes, and I had my hand at her hairline as an extra precaution. She hated when water was in her eyes. She leaned her head forward and I put in the shampoo. I handed her the soap and she washed her body while I washed her hair. I wrapped a towel around her body once we were finished and I lifted her from he tub. I carried her into her room as she shivered. She wasn't as cold as she acted like she was. She was just a drama queen. I stood her on her bed and dried her off. I went to the drawer and pulled out some panties for her. "NO, THE PWINCESS ONES!!"

"Okay. Calm down. There is no need to yell. She held onto my shoulders as she stepped into her panties. "Do you want to wear jeans or a dress?"


"Which one?" I carried her over to her closet and gave her few choices, so she wouldn't pick something crazy. She decided on a pink dress with a flower on it. I grabbed her pink sandals and put them on her. We brushed her teeth and tried to brush her hair, but she wouldn't let me without a fight. After we were finished getting ready we needed to pack a bag. She always insisted on carrying a one direction backpack when we went places. I tried to buy her other backpacks, but she wanted the one with her daddy and her uncles on it. I packed the bag with some snacks and a cup of juice. She picked out a few toys to put in the bag. Once she was satisfied with her selection of toys she put the backpack on, and I carried her to the car. I strapped her in her car seat, and we went to go pick up my mom.

My mom got in the car and immediately turned to the backseat, "Hey sweetie."

"Hi gwandma. Daddy made me chocowate chip pancakes!"

"He did! Were they good?"

"Mmm hmm."

"You didn't bring me any?"

"No we ate them all."

"I was just kidding, I already ate." My mom turned back around in her seat. "Her hair is a tangled mess Niall."

"I tried to brush it. She got syrup in it, so I gave her a bath. She fought me when I tried to brush her hair. I didn't want to push her because I want her in a good mood." I checked on her through the rearview mirror and she was just staring out the window. She was acting quiet and strange the whole way there like she was nervous. While I got her out of her car seat I asked if she was okay. She shook her head yes, and I kissed her forehead. We walked into the building and sat at a table while we waited for the first person to come in to be interviewed.

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