Chapter 16

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Niall's P.O.V.
On the morning I had to leave I woke up and looked over to find Riley still asleep. I started laughing remembering that last night every time I folded something and put it in my suitcase she would take it out and unfold it giving me dirty looks. I was finally able to pack when Kristen asked if she wanted to help cook dinner. I still never got around to making up from Riley interrupting when I was about to kiss her. I didn't want to start something right before leaving for tour, but her living in the house didn't make that easy. She I took a shower and cooked breakfast when Riley came into the kitchen holding her favorite stuffed animal. She carried him around all morning while I was getting a few last minute things ready. Riley made me hold her most of the morning, so it made things a little more difficult. I didn't mind holding her though because I was going to miss her so much, and she didn't want me to go. I was sitting with her in my lap waiting for it to be time to leave, and she was looking up at me with a sad expression. "Don't look at me like that Riley."
"I'm sad."
"Don't be sad. We are still going to talk everyday." I gave her the same speech I had given her everyday about how we would talk.
"I won't get hugs and kisses."
"Kristen can give you hugs and kisses for the both of us."
"Who will hug and kiss you? Do you want to take my stuffed aminal?"
"Animal, and no you keep it here. He is your favorite one, and he can give you hugs and kisses." She ran off into her room bringing out a smaller stuffed animal.
"You can take this stuffed aminal. He's not my favowite, but he can still give you hugs."
"Okay, I'll take this one. You can take my hat, and wear it while I'm gone." I put the hat on her head and looked at the time. It was time for me to go. "I gotta go now, okay."
"Okay." She followed me to the door, and Kristen was standing right beside her.
"Say bye to your daddy." She waved and frowned. I picked her up and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you sooo much. Give me a kiss." She kissed me, and I put her back on the floor.
"Kiss Kwisten." I wrapped my arm around her waist and pecked her cheek, and opened the door. The driver was already waiting for me. "I love you Riley!!! Bye. Have fun with Kristen."
"Bye daddy, I wove you. Have fun with evewybody." I immediately started missing Riley, and I also missed Kristen. I was nervous about leaving Riley for so long, but I knew Kristen would take good care of her for me. It was still heartbreaking to think that she would be sad there without me. Throughout these first couple weeks of touring I texted Kristen constantly about Riley, and I called to talk to her, and we skyped. She really liked the skyping especially when I could time it right and Kristen would bring the laptop in her room while she fell asleep. She realized once I left that I was serious about talking to her all the time. She would video chat me while she played with her toys, and it would be like I was there playing with her.
I texted Kristen telling her that I had to time to skype if they weren't busy. She texted me back when she had set up the computer so that I could skype Riley. She started to walk off leaving me and Riley to talk, "Wait Kristen don't leave. I have to talk to you at the same time today." We usually talked about how everything was going after Riley talked to me. She came back and Riley sat down in her lap.
"Are you coming home for your birfday?" She asked that almost everytime we talked, so I knew it was coming.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I can't come home to spend my birthday with you, but I do have some good news."
"They said that I could fly you over, and you could come spend a few days with me."
"I'm gonna go pack wight now." I yelled, "Let Kristen help you." as she hopped out of Kristen's lap, and ran off.
"Kristen you need to pack too because you have to come with her."
"I'm coming too?"
"Yeah, Riley can't navigate her way through an airport and fly by herself. I would love to give you a break, but I need you to come with us. You can be on break most of the time while you are here. I will just need you to watch her during the concert. I will have to do one concert when you guys get here. We get a break for a couple of days. You can go out and do whatever you want, or you can just hang out with us. You won't be on full-time Riley duty since I will be there. Not much of a break, but it's the best I can do I'm sorry."
"Niall that's fine with me. I don't need a break. I love spending time with Riley."
"I just wanted to give you a break, so you can see friends. Do whatever you want to do."
"Friends? Do you think I have friends out there? My best friend is four years old."
"Hey, so is mine! Looks like we are in the same boat. I just feel bad about you not having a break, but you have to fly with her. I also want to see you too. I miss both of you."
"We miss you too." I gave her all the details about the flight before we ended the call.
I waited at the airport with a couple of my security guards. Only a few people spotted me, and since I had time I stopped for pictures and autographs. Luckily they had all left before I saw Kristen walking towards us with Riley in her arms. I know I must have had a smile ten miles wide when I saw them. Riley had an equally as big smile when she saw me. She started waving at me, so I waved back. Riley started squirming out of Kristen's arms, and she put her down. Riley started to take off running towards me, but Kristen grabbed her hand. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Kristen shook her head no as Riley pointed in my direction. I assumed Kristen wasn't allowing her to run through the airport by herself to get to me. She held Kristen's hand dragging her towards me. As soon as they got close enough Kristen let go of her hand, and she ran towards me. I crouched down and picked her up in tight hug rocking her side to side. She had her tiny arms squeezed tightly around my neck.
"I missed you so much Riley." I kissed her forehead, and stepped forward to hug Kristen with Riley still on my hip. "I've missed you both."
"How did you like your first time flying Riley?" She went off rambling about the flight. She finished talking and I looked up at Kristen who added, "She loved it. She didn't get scared or anything. I expected her to be a little scared, but nope she loved every bit of it like it was a carnival ride." We drove back to the hotel, and Riley talked the whole time filling me in on everything I missed while I was away. "I got surprise for you at the hotel Riley. Guess who else came to visit?"
"Eleanor and Perrie. They are here with Uncle Louis and Uncle Zayn. They are really excited to see you!" I looked up at Kristen, "They said they were excited to see you again too."
"Yeah, they like you. They all like you. Why wouldn't they like you?" Shrugged her shoulders and I kept talking to Riley about what she had been doing. When we went into the hotel, and I led them to the room. "I tried to get you your own room, but they said they had no more rooms available. I thought that was strange since this is a pretty big hotel, but they didn't have any rooms on this floor, so I asked about the other floors and the guy said they were all booked. This room has two beds though, so you get your own bed. I figured Riley could just sleep in bed with me."
"That's okay I don't mind sharing a room with you."
"Daddy wet's go see Eweanor and Pewwie! I want to see evewybody."
"Alright let's go."
"Kwisten come on."
:"I'm coming." I shut the door and we went down the hall to one of the boys rooms where everyone was hanging out. Louis opened the door, "Rileeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!" He took her from my arms, "How are you doing?"
"Hey Kristen it's lovely to see you again come inside." He let Riley down and she ran to Eleanor giving her a big hug. She made her way around the room giving hugs and making them all sign her cast. Everyone exchanged proper pleasantries with Kristen, and made her feel welcome. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around them or awkward at all, so I'm glad they included her in their conversations. Me, Kristen, and Riley left to go get something to eat for dinner. We came back to our room and ate in there. I had a show tonight and Kristen and Riley were coming which I was excited about. Riley had never seen me play live before. She likes to watch videos of us on youtube, but she has never seen it in person. "I'm going to take a shower and get ready for the concert." When I came out of the bathroom Riley was asleep on Kristen's bed. Kristen went in the bathroom to shower and get ready for the concert and I watched Riley sleep. As creepy as that may sound I loved it. I missed watching her fall asleep every night. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. "Are you alright Riley?"
"I have to go to the bathwoom."
"Kristen is in the bathroom right now. She will be out in a minute can you try to hold it?" She nodded her head, wiggled around for a while. I knew it was too late when she stopped moving and gave me a sheepish look. "Daddy...I couldn't hold it. I twied, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You just had an accident. You didn't do it on purpose." I changed her into clean clothes getting her ready for the concert. She put on jean shorts, converse, and a One Direction t-shirt she insisted on having.
"Daddy don't tell Kwisten."
"I have to tell her. We can't just let her sleep in your pee."
"No, just don't tell Kwisten." The bathroom door opened right as Riley was speaking. Kristen was walking over to her bed and she walked she said, "Don't tell me what?" She started to sit on her bed, and I held my hand out in front of me, "Don't sit there." She stopped before she sat down. "What's going on here?" I looked at Riley and she shook her head no still not wanting me to tell Kristen she peed in her bed, so I took the blame.
"Uhh...well...Kristen, I peed in your bed."
"You peed in my bed?" Riley was standing behind me holding onto my legs with her head popped out from behind them. She was laughing at me taking the blame for her pee.
"Yeah. I'm a little embarrassed about it, but it was an accident. I tried to go to the bathroom, but you were in there. I peed in your bed. I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean to do it" Riley covered her mouth trying not laugh. Kristen caught on that I was covering for Riley.
"That's okay Niall. You tried to go to the bathroom, and it was just an accident. I'm not upset."
"You don't think I'm a baby for peeing in bed?"
"No not at all. It's okay Niall. I forgive you. It's okay to have an accident every now and then, as long as you try to make it to the bathroom." Riley wasn't trying to hide her laughter anymore, and stepped out from behind me.
"Daddy didn't pee in your bed Kwisten."
"Then who did? Why is it wet?"
"I peed in your bed?"
"Ohhh. Well that's fine too. I forgive you. You didn't meant to do it. It's okay."
"You aren't mad at me?"
"Nope. When I have I ever been mad at you for anything?" She ran and hugged Kristen's legs, and Kristen patted her back smiling at me.
"Are you guys about ready for the concert?" They both cheered,
"Well you guys get to stand off to the side of the stage and watch. You will stand with Eleanor and Perrie." We made our way to the concert and I was about to go on stage, "Wait daddy!" I turned around, and walked back to Riley "You need a good wuck kiss." She puckered her lips up for me to kiss her. "Thank you Riley. See ya later." She kissed the boys as well wishing them luck. We went on the stage and we started the concert. I kept looking over at them to see them both smiling up at me. When the concert was over I took Riley from Kristen, "Did you like the show Riley?"
"Yeah. I wike it when you sing. Eweanor said we can have a sweepover. Can I stay with Eweanor and Uncle Louis tonight?" Eleanor looked over at me. "Please let her stay with us."
"Eweanor said she would paint my nails. PWEASEEEE!!!!"
"Why don't you want to stay with me? I haven't seen you in weeks?"
"I missed Eweanor too. I haven't seen her since my birfday."
"Alright I guess you can stay with her tonight."
"WOOO!! Party party party!"
"Alright go have fun. I'll bring you some clothes." We got to the hotel and I just brought Riley's whole suitcase to Eleanor's room. "Here is your stuff Riley. I'm just a few doors down if you need anything. Remember to go to the bathroom before you go to bed."
"I know daddy."
"Alright." I crouched down in the door way, "Give me a kiss. She got up and gave me a hug and a kiss before going back to Eleanor. Before leaving Louis looked over at me and winked, "Have fun with Kristen." Then it all clicked that he had planned this.
"Hey Louis! Can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?"
"No, I'm pretty busy. I've have to keep a child entertained all night."
"It's not that hard you'll be fine. Get in the hall." He came out into the hallway. "You planned this didn't you."
"I might have. We all want you to be with Kristen. It's been so long since you've met a girl you liked. We all just want you to try again. Riley is going to be fine. You're allowed to do things for yourself too. I love that you're such a good dad but the world still exists outside of Riley. We are just helping, so I took her off your hands for the night."
"Did you also tell the hotel lobby not to let me book another room for Kristen?"
"That was me as well. Well we all planned this, but I put it into action."
"Did you also tell the maid service not to bring clean sheets?"
"No. Why would you need new sheets."
"Riley peed in Kristen's bed, and they couldn't bring clean sheets up."
"No that wasn't us. That's just good luck, so now she has to sleep in your bed with you." I just stared at him. "It's obvious you like her, and you almost kissed her once. I mean it's been four years mate. Aren't you getting a little antsy?"

Daddy Niall.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin