Chapter 17

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Niall's P.O.V.
I woke up with Kristen still in my arms. We were both still naked, and I smiled to myself remembering what all had happened last night. I wiggled away from her being careful not to wake her. I cleaned up our clothes off the floor, and I took a shower. I got dressed and got new sheets for both beds. I made sure there was no evidence that we had sex since Riley would be coming back to this room tonight, and I didn't want her to find a condom wrapper and ask about it. Last night we were kind of just throwing clothes and trash not caring. Once everything was clean I layed back down on the bed beside Kristen. I kissed her forehead and moved hair out her face. She smiled before opening her eyes, "You know that's exactly how Riley wakes me up if she wakes up before me."
"She does that to me too. That's how I wake her up, so I guess that's where she got the idea."
"Awh, that makes it even cuter. I thought that was just something cute she did, but it's cuter that she got it from you."
"Are you always naked when she wakes you up?" I laughed so she knew I was kidding.
"No, I make it a habit to never be naked around children."
"That's a good habit. Speaking of Riley we are all having breakfast together and Louis is bringing Riley with him."
"How does this work with us now?"
"I think we should just be normal for now in front of Riley. The boys will probably just assume, and I'm sure they will find a way to discretely ask about it. They will know, but I'm not to sure about telling Riley yet."
"I want her to figure it out herself."
"We can just let her slowly put pieces together until she asks, and she will ask." I leaned down to kiss her. I planned to just give her a simple kiss, and then be done. I couldn't help myself and we had a small makeout session. We pulled apart, but I placed a final quick peck on her lips before sitting up.
"Oh, happy birthday!"
"Thanks!" She wrapped a sheet around her before getting up to take a shower. I called the maid in to make the bed. I would have done it myself, but when I asked for sheets they said she would make the bed. I felt bed since the sheets had been dirtied in ways other than just normally sleeping in them. She probably wouldn't even be able to tell we had sex, but I would know. She came into the room to change the sheets. I watched as she took off the sheets from Kristen's bed, "Watch out, my daughter peed in that bed. Do you want me to take the sheets off for you?"
"No, it happens all the time. I'm used to it, but thanks for the offer." I tried to act busy as she made the bed so it wasn't as awkward. She finished one bed and went to the next, and I remembered Kristen had covered herself with a sheet as she went to the bathroom. I knocked on the door to the bathroom, "Hey Kristen?"
"The housekeeping lady is here and she needs the sheet you carried into the bathroom."
"The door is unlocked you can come in and get it for her." I opened the door and stepped into the steamy room. I could see her naked body through the shower curtain. I could only see a blurry outline of her body, but she still looked so fit and I already wanted to have sex with her again. "Niall I can literally feel you staring at me."
"Sorry." I nervously turned around to get the sheets. I was about the walk out of the bathroom when I turned back to the shower to look one last time. She popped her head out of the shower and the curtain clung to the swell of her breasts making her boobs clearly visible and defined. I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into a kiss getting my forearm wet from the shower. I pulled her against my body with the shower curtain between our chests, so that I would stay dry and still feel her pressed against me. We both started laughing, and I'm not sure why. I stepped away from her drying my arm with the sheet as she turned the water off. She stepped out of the shower completely naked and dripping wet. I threw a towel at her, "Cover yourself before you kill me." She smiled as I walked out of the bathroom. The cleaning lady was smiling as if she had been in the bathroom to witness. I handed her the sheet, "Took you a while to get a sheet. Did you get distracted?" I smiled down at my feet and nervously ran my fingers through my hair.
"Yeah a little."
"Your girlfriend must be really pretty."
"She..." I was about to deny that we were together since every time we went out with Riley someone said something. I was just used to saying she wasn't my wife, girlfriend, or Riley's mom. I wasn't completely sure if she was my girlfriend or not but she was a lot closer to it than she had been before. She wasn't exactly my girlfriend yet, but she wasn't not my girlfriend either.. I smiled before finishing what I was saying."She...yeah, she is." The maid took the sheet and left the room as Kristen stepped out of the bathroom now dressed since she had taken her clothes into the bathroom. She threw her hair up into a bun that made smaller hairs fall around her face. She put a small amount of make up on, and we went to breakfast. We were the last ones to join the table. Riley was sitting in Perrie's lap, and Perrie leaned to whisper something in her ear. When she stopped whispering Riley hopped out of her lap and ran to me wrapping her arms around my legs. I picked her up and she hugged me properly, "Happy birthday daddy!"
"Thank you." We sat down to eat breakfast with her in my lap. "Did you have fun?"
"Yeah Eweanor bwaided my hair. Do you wike it?"
"I love it."
"I don't wemember what it's called." Eleanor reminded her that it was a french braid before Louis started in with a new conversation and I already knew what was coming before he started speaking, "Happy birthday Niall! Are you still going on four years?" I knew he meant had it still been four years since I had sex. Riley spoke before I could, "He's not four, I'm four. How old are you daddy?"
"See he's not four."
"Oh okay I thought he was four and you were twenty-five. Sorry!"
"You're funny."
"I'm a bit silly aren't I?" She nodded her head. "So Niall, did you celebrate your birthday last night?" Harry answered for me,
"He celebrated. I heard it they were pretty loud. These hotel walls are pretty thin." I looked over at Kristen who was about as red as a tomato.
"Daddy, why were you and Kwisten so loud?"
"We were...watching a funny movie and we were laughing really loud." I made faces at Louis and Harry and they got that I didn't want anymore discrete remarks around Riley. "So, Riley what do you think we should do for my birthday?"
"Go to the toy store, and buy me some toys."
"How is that for my birthday? That sounds like something for your birthday."
"Sounds fine to me."
"I'll buy you a new toy since you don't really have a lot with you. Can you think of anything else fun we can do together?"
"Don't wook at me I'm only four."
"Okay, Kristen can you think of something?"
"I've actually already agreed to go shopping with Eleanor and Perrie, but Riley saw mini golf on t.v. the other day and said she wanted to do that."
"Do you think you can do it with your cast on?"
"I can twy."
"We can do that, but you have to take a bath first."
"No. I took one yesterday." I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Then you peed in your pants, and got all sweaty at the concert."
"I don't want to take a bath."
"Fine you can be dirty today, but you are taking one tonight." After breakfast everyone went their own ways to do their own things. Riley had a difficult time with the mini golf since even the kid sized club was taller than her, and she had a cast on one arm. She had always been small for her age which worried me, but her doctor said she was fine. I was always a small kid and her mom was petite as well. We left halfway through mini golf because it was too difficult for her and she didn't want to do it anymore. We were in a city with a lot of things for tourists to do, so we walked down the shopping strips. We found a guy who did fake airbrush tattoos and Riley wanted to do that. She insisted that I get a pink flower on my hand. "What do you want Riley?"
"I want a butterfly. Can I get it where Uncle Hawwy has one."
"If that's where you want it." She laughed as the guy put a butterfly on her stomach telling him how much it tickled. We walked around doing a few more fun tourist things. After lunch we went to get ice cream, we had gotten our ice cream and sat down at a table when Riley noticed Perrie, Eleanor, and Kristen. "Wook daddy." She pointed in their direction and they hadn't noticed us yet.
"Let's play a trick on them."
"Let's sneak up behind Kristen and put ice cream on her face."
"Yeah!" I carried Riley on my hip, but as we got closer Eleanor and Perrie noticed us since they were sitting facing our way. I brought my finger to my lips silently letting them know not to say anything. I moved Riley so that I was holding her up by her waist. We got right behind Kristen and Riley pushed her ice cream cone against Kristen's cheek. Everyone started laughing as Kristen turned around to face us. She smiled at us as I sat Riley down on the floor. Riley was laughing so hard she was holding her stomach and trying to catch her breath. Her hysterical laughter made this so much more funny. Kristen cleaned her face, "You guys are troublemakers, did you know that?" Riley held her hand up to me, "High five daddy." I high fived her tiny hand that fit into my palm. "Niall do you have a pink flower on your hand?" Riley excitedly answered before I had the chance.
"Yeah we got tattoos."
"Not real ones."
"I kinda figured since four year olds can't get tattoos."
"If she had parental permission she could have, and I'm her parent."
"Wook!" Riley lifted her shirt almost completely off of herself to show her tattoo. I pulled her arms down, "Riley don't lift your shirt so high we're in public." She rolled her eyes and lifted it high enough to show just the butterfly. "Hey, don't roll your eyes at me. We don't need any of that attitude." We sat down at their table and Perrie started talking to Riley, "Have you had fun with your daddy?"
"I'm too small to golf."
"That's okay. You will get bigger, and it might be easier when you get your cast off. Did you have fun doing other things?"
"Yeah, he still hasn't got me a toy yet."
"I promise I will get you a toy Riley. We will leave here and go to a toy store." Kristen sat her ice cream down before rummaging through some of her shopping bags,
"That reminds me Riley, I bought you something." Riley gasped with excitement,
"What is it Kwisten?"
"Remember when we went to the store the other day, and we couldn't find the outfit you wanted?"
"YOU FOUND IT?!?!?" I was just as excited to see what Kristen had for Riley was since I had no idea what they were talking about. She pulled out a rainbow tutu and Riley balled up her fists and started squealing with excitement. I laughed and looked at Kristen, "I think she likes it."
"I wove it Kwisten. Thank you!" She hugged Kristen and turned to me, "Can I wear it to the toy store?"
"You don't have any place to change into it."
"Take me to a bathwoom."
"You can't go in the boys bathroom and I can't go to the girls bathroom. Why don't we just wait until we get back to the hotel."
"Niall you realize you are sitting at a table with three girls. I'm sure one of us can help her change." Riley grabbed the skirt and pulled Kristen into the bathroom. She came back out twirling and spinning almost running into chairs if Kristen hadn't been pushing them out of the way, and guiding her back to the table. "Do you wike it daddy?"
"I love it. You look like a beautiful princess."
"I am."
"Well then beautiful princess would you like to go to the toy store now?"
"Yeah, can we get a tiara for my dwess."
"You wouldn't be a proper princess without one." We said our goodbyes and went to the toy store. I held her hand as we walked through the store and she took that as an opportunity to spin around some more. "You really like this tutu don't you?"
"I wove it! It's so pwetty, and it looks cool when I spin." She tried on a selection of tiaras before finally deciding on one. I let her get a few other things since she hadn't brought many toys here with her. I carried her and the bag of toys back to the hotel. We had walked everywhere we went today since everything was close together. We got back to the hotel and Kristen was in the room watching t.v. and Riley ran up to her, "Do you wike my tiawa? I'm a weal pwincess now."
"It's very beautiful."
"Daddy can I go show uncle Hawwy my tattoo and my tutu?"
"Yeah let's go find him." We found Harry in a room with Liam. When we were on tour we hardly ever stayed in our own rooms unless we were sleeping. I popped my head in the door, "Hey guys Riley wants to show you something." She came through the door and did a spin. I shook my head and silently laughed at how excited she was about this tutu. Liam was the first to speak, "That's very pretty Riley. Are you a fairy princess?"
"Just a pwincess. I'm not a faiwy. Wook!" She lifted her shirt up to show Harry her tattoo. She pulled her shirt back, "Oh, Daddy said not wift my shirt so high." She lowered her shirt and Harry started laughing, "I like it. It's not real is it?"
"No I'm just a kid."
"Oh okay. I was just checking. Did you get it to match me?"
"Yeah. I wike butterfwies." She walked back over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the door. "Wet's go pway with my new toys."
"Okay, I guess were leaving. Good seeing you boys." They laughed at the brief interaction as we left the room. We went back to our room and she played with her new toys until it was time for dinner. We just ordered room service since I didn't really feel like going back out tonight. Riley finished her dinner and I told her it was time to take a bath. She surprisingly didn't argue with me, and just got her bag that had her soap and other toiletries in it. She brought it over to me and I pulled a plastic bag out of it. I tied the bag around her cast, so it didn't get wet in the bathtub. "When do I get this cast off? It doesn't hurt anymore."
"Kristen is going to take you on the twenty-sixth to get it off. I put it on your calender, and all the dates I get to come home just like you asked."
"Do I wook wike I have my cawender with me?"
"Alright sassy, get in the bathtub." She walked into the bathroom and after she undressed got in the water being careful not to get her cast wet. "Is my butterfwy gonna come off?"
"No, he said it stays for three days." She finished taking her bath and I walked to the doorway, "Hey Kristen can you bring me that towel I left on the bed?" She brought it over extending her arm out to hand it to me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me and kissed her since we were out of Riley's sight, and I had been wanting to kiss her all day. "Did you leave the towel over here on purpose?"
"Actually yeah, I did. I'm pretty clever aren't I?"
"I'm not gonna lie it was a pretty smooth thing to do. Sneaky, but clever."
"Thank you. We just have to be sneaky and clever until we get things figured out." She kissed me quickly before going back to sitting on the bed. Riley stood up in the tub, and I wrapped the towel around her and pulled her out. I carried her over to the bed, and started drying her off. Kristen brought me some pajamas out of her suitcase. I took the bag off her cast,and got her dressed and ready for bed. "Let's brush your teeth." I put her up on he sink and helped her brush her teeth correctly since when she did it by herself she wasn't very thorough.
Kristen layed down in her bed and I layed in my bed with Riley. We watched cartoons until Riley fell asleep I wiggled out from underneath her. I had become quite the expert at not waking her up while maneuvering her. I got out of the bed and walked over to Kristen's bed. She was on her side facing away from me, so I knew she didn't see me get out of the bed. I knew she was still awake because she just rolled over a few minutes before I got up. I grabbed her arm and she jumped a little bit. She was about to say something when I held my finger up to my lips. "Shh." I pulled her out of the bed and we went out on the balcony. I moved the curtains and left the door cracked so I could see inside and listen for Riley. I sat down in one of the chairs at the table and she stood against the railing. "Sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday. I'll get you something eventually."
"You already did get me something."
"No I didn't."
"You and Riley came to visit and that seems pretty good to me. You also had sex with me which was a good present."
"You paid for us to come here, and that wasn't a present. I would have had sex with you even if it wasn't your birthday." I leaned forward and grabbed her hands bringing her to me. She leaned down and kissed me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her into my lap. "I feel bad that I'm making you sneak around. I don't want you to think I'm ashamed of you, or feel like I'm using you."
"I don't think that at all. I understand. You're in the public eye a lot and that can make things hard. On top of that Riley is always watching as well."
"Good. Im glad you understand." We stayed outside talking and kissing for what felt like ten minutes, but it was actually closer to two hours. I just wanted to kiss her all the time now that I have actually properly kissed her. She had perfect lips, and she was a great kisser. We finally went back inside, and she went to her bed. I stopped her and told her to sleep in bed with me. I just liked knowing she was nearby. It was comforting having her around. I layed on my side facing Riley and Kristen slid in bed behind me facing my back. I hooked one of her legs with mine intertwining them. I put my hand underneath the blanket and found her hand. I held her hand and she kissed the back of my neck. She cuddled into my back as we fell asleep.

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