Daddy Niall 2

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Niall's P.O.V.

The first person started walking towards us, and I leaned down to whisper, "You have to be good okay, and act like a princess. Princesses are always minding their manners." She looked up at me and stuck her finger in my face,

"Pwincess. Got it." She brushed her hair out of her face, and adjusted in her sear as she clasped her hands together on the table. I laughed at her before I greeted the first nanny. She told me about her work with children, and what all she would do. I thanked her, and told her I would let her know. I few people came through, and I noticed how bored the princess looked. I pulled a few toys out of her bag for her to play with. She got in the floor and started playing with her my little ponies as I talked to the next person. She seemed alright the others seemed very pretentious, and I wanted someone who was more fun and less strict. I still wanted her to have rules don't get me wrong, but I also wanted her to have fun. I wanted her to like her nanny. She didn't seem impressed with any of these people. This one wasn't that bad, she might actually have a chance. I was talking to her before I was interrupted, "Daddy, I wan't juice." I was about to talk when I was interrupted by the nanny,

"It's impolite to interrupt." She pulled me down to her level and whispered in my ear,

"I don't wike her. She's mean." I laughed,

"Okay, there is a cup in your bag. I put some peanut butter crackers in there too if you want a snack."

"Thank you." She pulled her snack out of her bag, and handed me her crackers. "Open, pwease." I opened her crackers, and handed them back to her. "Thank you."

"Thank you for using your manners." I finished interviewing this lady, and sent her on her way.

"Daddy when can we go home?"

"We only have a few more left to see." Two more people came, and left. My mom looked over at me, "Not much luck today. Hopefully the last one will be okay."

"I hope so."

I looked down to her and she had her knees into her chest while she played. "Baby, put your legs down."


"I can see up your dress, and that's not lady like. If you wear a dress you have to keep your legs down." She reluctantly put her legs down. She was starting to get cranky. It was a little after her normal lunch time, and she was hungry. She was tired of these people, and so was I. "We only have one more left, so start picking up your toys." She cleaned up, and sat beside me. The last person came to the table, and I shook her hand. "Hi, I'm Niall."

"I'm Kristen. Who is this?"

"This is Riley." She was the first person who even asked her name. Riley hid her head behind my arm.

"Hi Riley, I'm Kristen." I moved my arm so she was visible,

"Say hi to her." She waved, but still didn't speak.

"Are you shy? That's okay you don't have to talk to me if you don't want too." I started to talking to her for a while, and Riley stood in her chair to whisper in my ear. Kristen stopped talking, and didn't seem bothered by her interrupting. I put my arm around Riley to make sure she didn't fall out of the chair. "I have to go potty."

"Can grandma take you?" She nodded her head, and left with my mom.

"Are you bothered by her interrupting you?"

"No, not at all. I think if a kid has something to say to you, you should listen. It could be something important to them, and they have shorter attention spans and can't wait very long. She had to go to the bathroom, and that can't wait."

Daddy Niall.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant