Daddy Niall 3

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up to Riley jumping on my bed. "How do you already have this much energy?" She just kept jumping. "Wake up! Bweakfast time!!!!" I got out of the bed backed up letting her climb on my back. I walked into the kitchen and got a pop tart out of the box. I was too tired to cook an actual breakfast. She ate both of her pop tarts, which I expected because she only ate half of her sandwich last night. She finished eating and immediately asked, "Can we go to the park?"

"It's nine in the morning. Why don't we wait a little while. I'll call the girl who liked your ponies, and see if she wants to go."

"Okay." She went and watched one of her t.v. shows. I went to my room and called Kristen to invite her to the park. I wanted to watch her with Riley before I hired her. She said she would love to meet me there at eleven. I told her I was going to bring food because Riley will want to eat at twelve. I finished our phone call, and went back too the living room. "Riley, Kristen is going to come to the park with us. We are gonna pack our lunch, and eat at the picnic tables."

"Yay! Wet's go!"

"We aren't going just yet. We have to get ready, and you have to take another bath." She started whining,


"Yes, you got dirty playing outside yesterday. You need a bath."


"Don't tell me no Riley."

"I don't want a bath."

"I say your taking a bath, so you have to take one."


"Riley, I make the rules, and you have to follow them even if you don't like them." I hated being stern with her, but I had to sometimes.


"Quit telling me no, if you keep fighting me we aren't going to the park." She crossed her arms and gave me a dirty look. "Don't give me dirty looks either, or you will go to timeout." She softened her face and uncrossed her arms. "Now let's go take a bath." She slid off the couch and followed me into the bathroom. I filled the tub with water, and she got in. "Toys?"

"Do you think you should get to play with your bath toys after how you just acted?"

"Sowwy daddy."

"It's okay, but you can't act like that when you don't get your way." I pulled out a basket of bath toys from the closet. I put the lid to the toilet down, and sat there for a while as she played. I eventually made her finish her bath, and we went to go get dressed. I pulled out some shorts, and a t-shirt. I set them down beside her, and got her socks and tennis shoes. I helped her put her clothes on before I went and got dressed. I was in the kitchen making sandwiches, and Riley was playing with some of her dolls. I packed juiceboxes, chips, and some cookies. I went into the living room, "I know you don't like wearing your hair up, but if you are going to be playing outside it's gonna get hot. Can I please put your hair up, so you don't get so hot?" She nodded her head probably only agreeing with me because she had already fought with me about the bath. I sat down on the couch, and she sat on the floor between my legs facing away from me. I held a hair tie between my teeth, and started trying to work through the tangled curls. I was getting pretty good at fixing her hair, when she was younger I didn't have a clue what to do with it. "Ow."

"Sorry, your curls are hard to brush sometimes."

"Do you think my mommy will have curly hair like me?" I sighed wanting to avoid the topic of moms.

"Yeah, I think she does." I knew her mom had curly hair. She had beautiful, long ,curly, brown hair, and I loved it. The keyword is had curly hair, and Riley asked if she will have curly hair. She thinks that her mom is going to show up one day, and it breaks my heart to have to tell her otherwise. Thankfully, she didn't ask anymore questions about moms. I finally had her hair smooth enough to put the hair tie in letting the curls free in the ponytail. She stood up, "Is it time to go?"

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