Chapter 41

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Niall's P.O.V

I was in bed and Riley burst through the door, "Daddy it's Saturday! Do you know what that means?" She climbed on the bed with me and Kristen, "That means today is my birthday party!!!"

"Nope that's next weekend." I smiled and she sat on my stomach.

"No it isn't. Everyone is coming over today, and we have to get ready. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" She jumped off the bed and pulled my arm until I got out of the bed. We stood in the doorway as she talked, "I can't wait for Taylor and my friends to come over! Don't worry I made Taylor pwomise not to tell the other kids she is the onwy one who gets to spend the night."

"Alright well let's eat some breakfast." I turned around to the bed, "Hey Kris, want to come with us today to run birthday errands?" She nodded and got out of bed,

"I'm going to take a shower while you cook breakfast." We ate breakfast together listening to Riley excitedly talk about her party. After breakfast Kristen gave Riley her bath as I took a shower. Once we were all ready we went to get everything we needed for the party. We went to pick up the cake that was decorated to look like a big castle. We also picked up a few more things to go in goody bags for the children that were coming. We picked up all the balloons, and bought a bunch of snack foods before going home. Riley and Kristen started decorating as I started making hamburger patties to put on the grill. I had just finished preparing the hamburgers when Riley ran in to the kitchen. "Daddy when is my bouncy castle going to be here?" We had rented a bouncy castle and a big slide for the kids to play on.

"They should be here any minute now." Three minutes later they knocked on the door with the inflatables. I told them we wanted them in the back yard, and showed them where to set it up. Riley stood inside at the sliding door and watched them inflate. "Daddy wook! It's so big!"

"I know! Are you excited to play on them?"

"Defintewy." They had finished inflating and I started grilling the hamburgers. "Daddy can I play on the bouncy stuff before everyone gets here?"

"If you play on it now won't you be bored with it when your friends get here?"


"Alright just for a little bit." She hugged my legs and ran off to the slide. Kristen came outside to finish decorating. She stood next to me rubbing her stomach when she was finished. "Niall, do you remember this time last year? You were about to go on tour, and leave Riley with me. I definitely didn't think I would be pregnant and engaged in a year, let alone with you. We were trying so hard not to like each other." I kissed her cheek.

"Luckily we were unsuccessful thanks to some help from our friends. You just couldn't resist my charming personality and devastatingly good looks."

"Oh is that it?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Okay well while we are telling lies don't forget about how much I love your super huge dick." Her tone was filled with sarcasm as she spoke. She just smiled at me pleased with her own joke.

"You're so mean to me. It didn't seem to bother you when I knocked you up with it."

"Alright, that was a bit far. I'm sorry I forgot you aren't supposed to make jokes about a man's penis size."

"Tell me you love it."

"I'm going to go inside and get food ready." She went to walk away but I playfully wrapped my arm around her neck putting her in a headlock.

"Say it."

"Never." I heard Riley yelling from inside the bounce castle, "Daddy wet go of her! Don't choke her! You are going to hurt her!" I let go of Kristen.

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