Chapter 37

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--A few weeks later--

Kristen's P.O.V

I was laying in Niall's arms waiting for him to wake up, and for Riley to come in. The mornings were always my favorite time of the day. It was just like some sort of family time that I hoped Riley would always think back on as she got older. I'm sure she would have plenty of good childhood memories, and I hoped this was one of them. Me and Niall had already talked about how this was our favorite thing to do. We spent all our time together as a family anyway, but this was just different somehow.

I was glad the morning sickness had stopped, and I didn't have to rush out of bed ruining the cozy morning moments. Niall liked to cuddle and I loved that, but I usually slept with my head on his chest laying on my stomach. I couldn't lay on my stomach anymore, and I couldn't face him anymore. Sometimes we both slept on our sides with our stomachs pressed together and legs tangled with my head buried in his chest. We couldn't be stomach to stomach anymore. That was how we both preferred to cuddle, but we had found alternate ways. Sometimes I would lay on my back, and he would just lay on his side really close to me with his arm over me or our legs intertwined. Last night we ended up spooning. His arm was wrapped around my stomach, and I knew he was awake when he started rubbing my stomach. It was very soothing, and I almost wanted to fall asleep again. He kissed me behind my ear, and I turned my head to kiss him on the lips.

I layed on my back, and he stayed on his side slowly running his fingertips across my stomach. I started rubbing my stomach as well. His eyes were closed still not ready to fully wake up. He started humming, and I closed my eyes. He was somehow soothing me when I didn't even need to be soothed. I was already warm laying in a bed, but having him rubbing my stomach and humming was putting me back into sleep I didn't even need. The baby started moving like he always did when Niall was near me talking or singing. He already loved Niall, and Niall already loved him so much. The baby kept moving, and Niall's hand froze over where I had just felt him move. I opened my eyes to see Niall smiling at my stomach. "Can you feel him now?"

"Yeah, but he isn't moving anymore is he?"

"No. Talk to him or sing to him. That always gets him moving around."

"It would be easier to talk to him if he had a name."

"I know. Why is it so hard to find a good name?"

"You want to like it. He has to have it his whole life. Do you just want to get a baby name book and randomly point or do you want it to have a meaning?"

"I don't want to randomly pick a name."

"What about Walker?"

"That's my last name. His name would be Walker Walker."

"No it won't. His last name will be Horan."

"Oh yeah. I don't know what I was thinking, but it's still my last name."

"It won't be your last name forever."

"I still don't really like it. It was a good idea, but I'm still unsure." Riley came in the room, and Niall put her on the bed. "Mornin' princess."

"G'Morning Daddy. Mornin' Kwisten. Mornin' bwother."

"Good morning sweetie." She kissed Niall and leaned over to kiss me before kissing my stomach, "What do you think we should name your little brother?"

"I alweady told you his name should be extwa Wiley."

"We can't name him extra Riley."

"Second Wiley?"

"You're just being silly." I started tickling her, and she started squirming around and laughing.

"Okay, okay, okay, we won't name him Wiley. Stop tickling me!" I stopped tickling her, and she looked up at Niall. "Since you call me a pwincess call him pwince. You can be the King, and Kwisten is the Queen."

Daddy Niall.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora