Chapter 45

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Niall's P.O.V.

It had been a few weeks since Daniel was born and he was starting to be more alert. I dropped Riley off at school and came home as Kristen was talking on the phone to who I assumed to be her mother.

All I heard was Kristen's side of the conversation as I sat next to her on the floor and started playing with Daniel. "I don't know...I'll ask Niall...It's starting to get cold out, so I'm not sure...I know you want to see them...Daniel and I have to go to the doctor this weekend...I'll talk to Niall about it, but no you too, bye." She put her phone down and looked over at me. "That was my mom. She wants us to come over this weekend for dinner. I have to go to the doctor Saturday morning and so does Daniel. It's also getting quite cold outside, so I don't want to have Daniel out in the cold. I know she just wants to see Daniel and Riley, but it's such a hassle."

"Well she hasn't seen them since Daniel was born."

"That was just five weeks ago."

"Well imagine if you couldn't see him for five weeks."

"That's different, I'm his mother."

"True, but still they want to see their grandkids."

"So you think we should go?"

"We can bundle the kids up and it will be warm in the car. If you want to go then I'm okay with it."


"Do I need to go to the doctors appointments with you guys?"

"No. I mean you can if you want, but mine is just going to be checking to see if I've healed properly. Daniels is going to be checking if he's growing properly."

"If you've healed properly does that mean we can have sex?"

"Yes. Trust me as soon as I think I can have sex with you I will. I've missed it just as much as you have." I raised my eyebrow at her. "I have! I like having sex with you. I do enjoy the other ways you have tried to make up for sex, but I do like the sex."

"Other ways? I didn't know I was doing other things to make up for it."

"Yeah you are. You just are closer to me more often. It's like you just want to be next to me or something. You hold me tighter when we sleep, and hug and kiss me more. It's sweet. You are being affectionate in other ways." I leaned over and kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.

"I'd rather hump your brains out." She laughed and pushed me off of her.

"and you've ruined it. Get away from me." I laughed and picked Daniel up off the blanket he was laying on. I pulled my knees up and layed him along the length of my thighs propping him up.

"Mommy is being mean to me. What do you have to say about that?" He brought his balled fists closer to his chest and started to move them a bit. "Oh you want to hit her? Me too. Let's beat her up."

Kristen swatted my shoulder playfully and I laughed looking back at Daniel. "Just kidding we can't hit girls. Even if your mommy is really mean." She took Daniel out of my lap and made a fake angry face at me. She cradled him close to her chest, and rubbed his cheek. "Don't tell my baby I'm mean. He loves his mommy." She kissed his forehead and started talking to him. "Right? You love your mommy and we don't need stinky mean ole dad." I laughed and got out of the floor and sat on the couch we were leaning against. She got up after me and sat right next to me leaning into my side. I leaned away from her, "No get off me. You said I'm stinky and mean."

"You encouraged your son to beat up his own mother."

"I was kidding! He's five weeks old what damage could he possibly have done?"

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