Chapter 20

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I moved Kristen so that she was laying partially on top of me. We layed like for a while and we almost fell asleep, but I stopped us from falling asleep. "We have to put clothes back on, and open the door. Riley almost caught us in the pool, and she will be in here in the morning. We should be clothed when she comes in."

"Should I just go to my room? You know if I'm in here she's going to ask if I'm like her mom now."

"I don't like when she asks that."

"She already thinks of me like that she's just waiting for a yes. That's why she asks it." She got up and went to get her clothes back on. She threw my sweatpants to me and I put them on as she turned for the door.

"Wait, come here." When she got closer to me I pulled her down over my body. Her legs were slung across my body, but her torso was laying beside me. "Don't leave yet."

"Okay, but if we fall asleep..." I interrupted her and pulled her closer to me as she moved her legs off my body.

"Shh. I know, but I missed you. I missed Riley too, but I can spend the days doing whatever I like with her. I have to pretend you are just the nanny during the day with Riley around since she doesn't know yet."

"What would we do differently?" I rolled over and kissed her leaning half of my body over hers, and resting my leg inbetween hers with my hand on her hip. She put her hand on my bicep and I pulled away from the kiss.

"I would be able to kiss you more often."

"You would kiss me in front of Riley?"

"Yeah. I mean I wouldn't be shoving my tongue down your throat or anything, but I don't think it would be a bad thing for a simple kiss here and there. I could kiss you good morning because it would be okay for you to be in my bed in the mornings. I could let my mom watch Riley, and take you out on a date."

"Like an actual first date?"

"Yeah, but I don't really know how I would walk you to your door at the end of the night since we live together. How would I pick you up?"

"Don't worry about it. First dates are awkward anyways, and I'd much rather just be hanging out with you. It's just like we are skipping the awkward parts of dating."

"That's a good way to look at it, but I will take you out someday."

"What if I don't want to go out with you? What if I don't even like you?"

"Then you should stop having sex with me and kissing me because its very misleading."

"I'm kidding, I like you and I would go on a date with you."

"Good." We layed in my bed cuddled close, and occasionally kissing or talking. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand and it was close to one in the morning. Kristen saw the time, "I should go back to my room now, and get some sleep."

"No, don't go. Sleep here."

"You and your daughter like cuddling more than anyone I have ever met."

"I just like being comfortable, and I like it more now than I did before Riley was born. Do you not like it? I'll stop if you don't like it."

"No, I like it. I love it actually."

"I just like to be close to people I guess. When Riley was born ninety percent of the time she was in my arms. She even slept in my bed with me, and she rarely ever slept in her crib. I didn't like her being so far away from me I thought something would go wrong, so sometimes I slept in a chair in her room. My intention was to always go to my room when she fell asleep, but I never did. I was always so paranoid that I was doing something wrong or something would happen."

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