Chapter 30

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Niall's P.O.V.

We had all arrived home after listening to Riley excitedly tell us about all she had done at Grandmas house. I couldn't help but to smile to myself the whole way home enjoying every little detail Riley shared. She was truly my pride and joy, and now so was Kristen. I also knew the child she was carrying would make me just as happy. I sighed at how perfect my life seemed regardless of how imperfect it actually was. Riley's birth mom wasn't around, but Kristen filled in the spot perfectly. I had fallen in love with Kristen at a weird time and under weird circumstances, but I wouldn't change it a bit. She had gotten pregnant which wasn't planned, but I knew it would all be okay. Riley wasn't planned, and she turned out to be the best thing to happen to me. I already loved the raspberry sized baby all I could, and couldn't wait to watch it grow up. Kristen was still nervous about the baby, and a bit shaken up by it still. She will come around though, and I think she already is starting to come around. I was glad she was easing up to it easier than I did with Riley.

I wasn't as worried or a new parent so I was excited from the beginning for this child. It made me even happier that Kristen was going to be the actual mother. Me, Riley, and Kristen all consider her to be Riley's mom, but this time it's really her kid. Once we were inside Kristen sat on the couch and Riley got out her doctor kit that my mom had bought her. She put the stethoscope over Kristen's heart.

"Take deep bweaths Kwisten." Kristen did as she said with a smile on her face. I loved watching Kristen and Riley play they were so cute together. I was incredibly grateful that had such a great relationship, and loved each other so much. Riley got excited about actually being able to hear Kristen's heartbeat through her stethoscope that she let me listen to Kristen's heartbeat, and then they both listened to mine. I listened to Riley's and smiled remembering so vividly the first time I heard it. I was with Abby at the doctor and they played it for us and it made me feel ten times as nervous as I already was and comfortable at the same time. Even now sometimes when I lay down with her to help her fall asleep I listen to her heartbeat. Kristen smiled when she caught me smiling at Riley's heartbeat and then put her hand over her stomach. Riley finished pretending to be a doctor for Kristen, and I cooked us dinner. I was happier than usual thinking to myself about what it will be like having two kids instead of one. Riley fell asleep shortly after dinner like I knew she would since she didn't sleep much at my mom's house. She was down for the night and me and Kristen watched a movie. She didn't sit with me in the cuddle chair as Riley liked to call it. It was a cuddle chair if two people sat in it then it became a cuddle chair. She sat on the couch away from me and I knew she was still in shock from finding out she was pregnant.

"Kristen are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm still just a bit frazzled I guess."

"Frazzled. Do you want to come sit with me, or me to come sit over there with you?"

"I kinda actually just want to go to bed. Can we go to bed?" I nodded and clicked off the television before following behind her to my room. I grabbed her hand and turned her around, and put us in slow dance position without actually moving much. I started playfully singing having my baby by Paul Anka to try and help ease her mind. She smiled, and covered her face as she pulled away.

"Niall, stop. I just want to go to bed." I changed into my pajamas, and she had taken her shirt off and put on sweatpants. She went into the bathroom topless with just her bra on. She left the door open so I assumed it was to brush her teeth. I didn't hear any water running, so I went in to brush my teeth. She was in front of the mirror looking at her stomach and rubbing it trying to stick it out further. I smiled and leaned against the doorway crossing my arms against my chest and watching her for a little while before she noticed me in the reflection. She jumped a little and put her hand over her heart when she noticed me. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

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