Daddy Niall 11

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Niall's P.O.V.

I walked into the studio to be greeted by Eleanor and Perrie. "Hey Niall how are things?"

"Fine thanks." I looked over at Zayn and Louis.

"Sorry mate. They insisted on coming to talk to you about your nanny."

"Oh. Is it that interesting?" I sat down on the couch and they both sat beside me. Eleanor nodded her head, and Perrie said,

"Eleanor told me about her kissing you on the cheek, and what she said. We decided we didn't want to miss anymore, so tell us about last night." I laughed at them,

"You know you guys are crazy right?"

"Yeah yeah get on with it." I told them about her staying the night, and that we confessed to checking each other out. They made sure I didn't leave out a single detail.

"We told you she likes you. Ask her out!"

"I can't. I'm really busy right now. I have to plan Riley's birthday party, and we are in the studio. I haven't even talked to her since I said that. I left before she woke up. It probably going to be really awkward when I go home."

"You are only in the studio for a few more weeks. She can help plan it, and we can help plan it."

"We start touring in September."

"Quit making excuses, she's not going anywhere. She already told you that, and she has to watch your kid." I went to leave the studio, but Perrie and Eleanor stood in front of me. I just looked at them before Eleanor spoke up, "Call her."

"I'm about to go see her."

Perrie added,"No call her, and ask her out." Eleanor crossed her arms, "Yeah we aren't moving until you do."

"You guys are scary." I looked back at Zayn and Louis for help,

"Sorry we are on their team." I pulled my phone out of my pocket,

"I'll call her in the car."

"No you won't. Do it right now." I dialed her number and she answered,


"Hey Kristen do you want to go out...for lunch. Riley's spare car seat is in the hall closet. We can meet up somewhere if you want, or if you are tired you can go home."

"No we will meet you. Where do you want to go?"

"Ask Riley, and call me back. Talk to you later."

"Bye."  I hung up the phone,


"No, that is not a date. That is her hanging out with you and Riley."

"I know. I found a loophole. Can I go now, I'd like to see my daughter."

"You don't even know where you're going yet." My phone rang, and I stared at Perrie and Eleanor.

"Answer it."

"I will as I leave."

"No. Answer it now." I rolled my eyes and put the phone to my ear,


"Niall, she said she want's to go to the pancake store. I'm not really sure what that means."

"She means IHOP. She has very expensive taste." She laughed at my sarcasm before responding.

"I made her chocolate chip pancakes this morning for breakfast, and she wants them again for lunch."

"I swear that kid lives off of pancakes. Let me talk to her."

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