Chapter 27

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Niall's P.O.V
A few days later we threw a New Years Eve party, and I had to leave again the next day. We invited my family, Kristen's family, and the boys. Riley loved it mostly because she got to stay up past her bedtime, and everyone she knows and loves was in one place. She spent most of the night with Theo, Eleanor, Perrie, and Kristen's parents. Everyone was having a great time even though there was a no alcohol rule since children were around. I didn't want people getting crazy around Theo or Riley. If they really needed the alcohol I'm sure there are tons of places they could get it tonight. Everyone started counting down the New Year, and when it was time we all paired off to kiss someone. Riley kissed my dad and Theo and kissed my mom while everyone else kissed their girlfriends. I of course kissed Kristen even though I felt weird about it since her parents were there, but they kissed so I went for it. Everyone had left and Riley had fallen asleep on the floor. I carried her into her bedroom where Kristen was cleaning up the mess from Riley and Theo playing. Riley woke up right before I layed her down, "Can I sweep with you tonight since you are weaving tomorrow?" I looked over at Kristen and smiled because we both knew I would let her sleep in there with me, but that means we lost any chance at having sex again before I left. I set Riley on the ground, "Yeah go to the bathroom before we go to bed." She slowly walked to the bathroom since she was still partially asleep. Kristen stopped cleaning and got Riley some pajamas out of the drawer for Riley. "I hope you're okay with Riley sleeping in bed with us."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"That means you won't be able to sleep next to me because Riley probably will want to be between us. It also means we won't have sex."
"I can cuddle Riley while she cuddles you. We can wait to have sex until you get back from tour." I kissed her until I heard Riley coming back into her room. I put the pajamas on Riley while Kristen went to put her pajamas on. "Daddy is Kwisten sweeping in her bed or is she sweeping in your bed?" Kristen walked back in as Riley asked that,
"Where do you want me to sleep?"
"With me and daddy."
"Good that's where I wanted to sleep."
I carried Riley into the bedroom and I layed her in the bed. Kristen got in bed next to her as I changed into my pajamas in my bathroom. I came out and turned on a lamp before getting in bed. I layed on my side facing Riley and Kristen. Riley fell asleep after she cuddled against me. I layed on arm above Riley's head and it reached over to Kristen. I played with Kristen's hair and grabbed her hand. I put my arm over Riley and brought Kristen's hand up behind Riley's back to hold it. My palm was on the top of her hand with our fingers intertwined. As much as I would have enjoyed the sex, I honestly enjoyed laying here with what felt like a complete family just as much. It was a different type of enjoyment, but it was still a great way to spend my last night here with the two girls I loved. I really enjoyed being off and with Riley and Kristen during the holidays, and now I had to leave for the last month of tour. I had to leave in the morning, and I wasn't looking forward to saying bye again.
When I woke up Kristen was already out of bed. Riley was awake and laying her head on my chest watching television. I started rubbing her back, so she would know I was awake. She sat up and climbed on my stomach to hug me. "Good morning Riley."
"Morning daddy."
"Where's Kristen?"
"Making bweakfast. Pancakes." We were watching t.v when she looked back up at me, "How wong are you weaving this time?"
"One month."
"How wong is that?"
"Four weeks."
"How wong is a week?"
"Kristen told me you have been working on the days of the week. Count the days. You say the days of the week and I'll help you count."
"Sunday." I held up a finger for each day,
"Nope. You skipped one" I slowed down as I talked trying to get her to finish the word. "Wedn-"
"Four." We did this until we got to seven days.
"So seven days."
"No i'll be gone four weeks. That's twenty eight days since there are seven days in a week."
"Yeah, just dwaw a smiwey face on my cawendar."
"Okay, let's go see what Kristen is up to." I carried her into the kitchen and when I put her down she went to the fridge. I hugged Kristen from behind and kissed her cheek before Riley shut the door of the refrigerator. She waddled over to me trying to carry the milk.
"Do you want milk? Are you just telling me we have milk? Did you just want to show me the milk?"
"Daddy! You know what I want."
"Ask politely."
"Will you pwease get me some milk pwease?"
"Yes, of course I will."
"Thank you."
"You are very welcome." I put the milk away and sat at the table talking to Riley until breakfast was ready. Kristen put food on all the plates before she sat down to eat. After we ate we stayed at the table and Riley was making us laugh being her usual silly self. We eventually got up from the table and Riley followed me around all morning while I packed and got ready. When I was done I started walking back to the living room, but she stood in front of me.
"Hold me."
"Why do I always to have to hold you? Why don't you ever hold me?"
"You're way too big! My muscles aren't stwong enough."
"I think you're just lazy. Let me see your muscles." She flexed her arms,
"See, I just have wittle girl muscles." I picked her up so her feet barely left the ground. I acted like I was having trouble lifting her.
"I think I have little girl muscles too. What are we going to do now?"
"You do not! You're being silly. You're my daddy, so you have to have big stwong muscles."

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