Daddy Niall 9

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Niall's P.O.V

It had been a couple of days since we saw Kristen, and I had kissed her cheek. I was going to just try and pass it off as something friendly, but even if it was it would still be a little inappropriate. Riley had sad she smiled when I did it, so maybe she did like me. Why was I listening to Riley's advice she told me yesterday that she didn't mess up her room her toys did it themselves. I was unconvinced of that, and she got mad at me for not believing her. We spent the next couple of days lounging around the house because I was about to go to the studio next week.


Kristen was coming over at nine to watch Riley. I didn't have to be at the studio until ten, but I wanted her there earlier for me to talk to her about Riley. I was just not going to talk about me kissing her cheek. I was hoping she didn't say anything about it, and I was just going to keep doing it like it was some friendly gesture I do to everyone when I have actually never kissed my friends on the cheek before. Kristen knocked on the door and Riley yelled out, "I'll get it!"

"No, you aren't allowed to answer the door what if it's someone you don't know. I'll get it, but thank you for helping me it was very sweet." I didn't have my shirt on yet because I was still getting ready. I let Kristen in and I greeted her with a hug, and so did Riley.

"Kwisten! Daddy is going to work today, and it's just us." She bent over to get on Riley's level resting her hands on her knees, and I couldn't help but check out her butt.

"I know, I'm excited! You look a little tan did you go swimming?"

"Yeah, me and daddy went swimming yesterday." Kristen turned to me,

"Is that a hand print on you stomach?" I looked down at my stomach.

"Oh yeah, we swam all morning and then after lunch while we waited to get back in the pool we layed on the ground to look at the clouds. Riley fell asleep and then I fell asleep. Some point during our nap she rolled on her side and put her hand on my stomach. I have a tiny hand tan line on my body now."

"That's adorable." Riley just smiled up at me, and I smiled at her.

"Oh I got you something." I walked into the kitchen and came back out.

"You got me something?"

"Yeah, it's a key to the house. Sorry I made it sound like a gift. It's just a house key."

"It's okay I don't expect random gifts. Thank you."

"In case you want to go anywhere during the day, and have to get back in the house. There is a spare car seat in the hall closet. You don't have to knock when you come over anymore, just walk in. You are always welcome here even if you don't have to work and you just want to hang out with us."

"Alright." She put the key on her key ring, and I kept talking.

"Help yourself to any food we have here, and we have games in the hall closet if you guys want to play a game. If you go swimming Riley's bathing suit is in the dryer."

"We probably wont swim since I don't have a bathing suit."

"Right, well swim in your clothes if you want. You can wear my clothes if you want I don't mind. I want you to feel completely comfortable here."

"I feel comfortable here don't worry." I was talking to her as I was getting ready."You have my phone number if anything happens, or if you need something. Don't be afraid to call even if it's just to ask where the peanut butter is, or something like that. Peanut butter is in the pantry if you were wondering."

"Niall relax. I've got this."

"Yeah, okay, right it's your job to watch kids. Sorry, you know how to take care of kids. It's just the first time I've left her in a while. I'm probably more nervous than you are."

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