Chapter 44

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Niall's P.O.V.
I woke up in the morning and checked on Daniel before getting in the shower. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I had bought microwavable pancakes because I knew it would be harder to cook breakfast now that Daniel was here. They were out of chocolate chip pancakes so I had to get blueberry pancakes for Riley. I put them in microwave for a few minutes and cut them up for her. I put the plate on the table next to the cup of milk I poured for her. I walked into her room and woke her up. "Riley! Get up your breakfast is getting cold." She rolled over onto her stomach pulling the blanket over her head.
"No." I sat down on her bed beside her.
"Please get up! You have to go tell all your friends at school about Daniel. Come on."
"No thank you." I laughed at her.
"Thank you for using your manners, but you have to get up and go to school." I picked her up along with the blanket. I flipped her over to face me and wrapped the blanket around her. "Look at you like a little baby." I started rocking her back and forth and I could only see her grumpy face sticking out of the blanket from where I had wrapped her up. I carried her into the hallway and noticed Kristen was awake holding Daniel. I went and sat down next to her on the bed holding Riley the same way she was holding Daniel. Kristen leaned over to look at Riley, "Awh! Look at the little baby girl! She's adorable what's her name?"
"Kwisten you know my name and I'm not a baby." She started squirming around trying to get out of my arms.
"Her name is Susan. She was just born a few days ago. Isn't she so cute?" I started kissing all over Riley's face as she yelled.
"My name isn't Susan! I'm Wiley!!!! Put me down! I'll go to school! Geez!"
"No I have to keep my little baby with me."
"I'm not a baby, and I have to pee. I'll pee everywhere if you don't put me down." I stood up and put her on the ground I grabbed the blanket.
"Spin." She spun out of the blanket, and I grabbed her arm as she caught her balance. She went to the bathroom and I kissed Kristen and Daniel good morning. "Do you want some pancakes?"
"Yeah. I have to go to the bathroom as well, and then I'll be in the kitchen to make Daniels bottle. She put Daniel in his cradle and got up. I went to the kitchen and put some pancakes in the microwave for me and Kristen. I started making Daniels bottle and was shaking it up when Kristen came in the kitchen rocking Daniel. "You didn't have to make the bottle I could have made it."
"I'm in charge of breakfast. I had the time to do it."Kristen sat at the table with Daniel and Riley. Riley was eating her breakfast, and I ate mine with her. Kristen took a couple bites of hers as she fed Daniel.
"These chocowate chips don't taste very good."
"Well, that's because they are blueberries. They didn't have chocolate chip pancakes so I got blueberry. They are healthier for you anyway."
"I like chocowate chip bettter."
"I know you do. I'll try and get those next time." I finished eating and ran bath water for Riley as she finished eating. I went back in the kitchen, "Alright Riley, are you finished? You need to take a very quick bath." She put her plate in the sink and ran into the bathroom. "Do you want me to feed Daniel so you can eat?"
"Yeah." I took Daniel and fed him while Riley was in the bath. She finished her bath and Kristen got her dressed for school. I gave Kristen Daniel after he finished his bottle and I helped Riley brush her teeth before I dried her hair. She made funny faces in the mirror the whole time I was fixing her hair. We finished getting ready and I put her backpack on her. "Can I take my camera to school, so I can show everyone pictures of Daniel?"
"No you aren't allowed to have your camera at school, but I'll print out a picture for you today and you can take the picture to school tomorrow." She nodded her head. "Go tell Kristen and Daniel bye." She ran over to the couch where they were sitting and hugged and kissed them both. I drove her up to the school where we had wait in a line for a teacher to get her out of the car. It was almost time for the teacher to come to my car, so I turned to look back at Riley, "I love you Riley. Have a good day at school. Make good choices." She giggled a little bit,
"Okay, love you too. Have a good day with Daniel and Kwisten. Make good choices." I laughed as the teacher opened my door and Riley unbuckled herself. She hopped out of my car, and ran to catch up with Taylor who was almost inside the school. I went home and Kristen was laying down on the couch asleep with Daniel asleep between her and the back of the couch. I turned on the t.v. and watched it quietly for a minute before I started laundry that had built up since we didn't do any this weekend. I was in the laundry room sorting clothes and Kristen came in with Daniel. "Hey Niall."
"Hey Kristen. How are you feeling?
"I'm good. I'm still a bit sore. I feel like the soreness isn't ever going away."
"Well that's understandable you pushed another human out of your own body." She looked down at Daniel and smiled.
"It was worth it." I kissed her forehead and rubbed Daniels head as I walked out of the room. She came into the living room with me "I'm going to take a shower okay. I should be done before he needs anything."
"Alright, but I can handle it if he needs something."
"I know you can handle it I was just letting you know." I took Daniel from her and went to the couch as she went to take her shower. I layed down on the couch and watched football with Daniel laying on my chest. I rubbed his back until I fell asleep along with him. Kristen woke me up when she took Daniel off my chest. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"It would actually probably be beneficial for us to nap with him since he wakes up in the middle of the night. You deserve a nap."

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