Chapter 35

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Niall's P.O.V.
I woke up to Riley running into my room asking the same question she had been asking for a few weeks now. "Is today the day we go get my wittle brother?" I wish I could have a clearer understanding of how she thought this all worked. Did she think he was in Kristen's stomach and the doctor had him. I just didn't exactly know what she thought, but I didn't want her to ask questions either. "No not today."
"What are we doing today?" Kristen and I had made a list of things we needed to get to work on finishing the baby's room, but she had a doctors appointment today. I was going to go to the store while she was a the doctors office.
"We can go to the store to buy him clothes, toys, and stuff he will need. Do you want to do that with me or do you want to Grandma's house instead." We had been a few times to the store, and we started decorating the room. When we bought him stuff Riley usually stayed with my mom because I didn't want her to get jealous of us getting all this stuff for him and not her.
"I wanna go with you." We only had a few things to get today, and the room was almost finished. Kristen had everything organized and almost completely ready. I was surprised at how quickly we were able to get it all done. Kristen spent a lot of her time in the baby's room. She said she was nesting, and I told her she wasn't a bird. I had moved all of her stuff out of the room, and his furniture in.
We all got ready and I took Riley to the store while Kristen was at the doctors. We got a few things, and Riley wanted to pick him out a stuffed animal. We walked over and I got her out of the cart so she could properly look around. She got him a little brown stuffed pony, and I was actually surprised she hadn't picked out a girly pony "Can I get a stuffed aminal?"
"Yeah pick one out." She grabbed this stuffed iguana and put it in the cart. I lifted her up and put her back in the cart, "Are you sure you want the iguana?" She nodded her head. "He's adorable. He's gonna gwow up and be wike his daddy."
"What's his daddy?"
"A dwagon. He goes with my stuffed dwagon."
"wizard is a baby, iguana is when it's gwowing, and a dwagon is when its an adult."
"Oh, okay. I didn't know lizards grew into dragons, but that's good to know."
"Boys gwow up wike their daddy, and girls wike the mommy."
"My wittle brother is going to sing wike you, and I'm...I...I don't know what I'm gonna be? I can't be wike my mom."
"Your mom was a photographer."
"Whats that?"
"She took pictures of things, people, places, and whatever she wanted to take pictures of. That's how we met. She was taking pictures of me with your uncles."
"That's cool. I'm gonna be a photogwapher?"
"You can be whatever you want. You don't have to be what your mom was, and your little brother doesn't have to be a singer. You can do whatever you want."
"I wike taking pictures, but I don't have a camewa. I just use your phone when you wet me." I took her to look at the cameras and I let her get a cheap digital camera because she was four, and probably would end up breaking it or forgetting about it in a week." We went home and she started taking pictures of everything. Kristen came home and Riley took her picture. "Niall you bought a four year old a digital camera?"
"She was confused and asking about her mom, and I felt bad. If she wants to know things about her mom I want her to know them. I felt guilty because she doesn't know a lot about her and that's my fault."
"So you bought her a camera? What did she ask that led to that?"
"We were talking about how lizards turn into iguanas and then into dragons. Which isn't very accurate, but that isn't the point. She said sons grow up to be the same m as their dad and daughters like their mom. She told me that her little brother was going to be a singer like me, but she didn't know what she was going to be. I felt guilty because she seemed discouraged. I told her that she can be whatever she wants but Abby was a photographer, so I got her a camera."
"I don't blame you. She seems to be having a lot of fun with it." Riley continued to take pictures of everything.
"Do you want to see what we got the baby?"
"Of course."
"What did the doctor have to say?"
"He said we were both very healthy, and that by now the baby should be able to hear outside the womb." She smiled and followed me to the baby's room. I showed her everything we bought and Riley showed her the pony she picked out. At the end of the day Riley was laying with Kristen on the couch rubbing her belly. "Kwisten your bewwy is getting bigger. Does that mean my bwother is getting bigger?"
"That's exactly what it means. Did you know he can hear you? Try talking to him if you want." Her face scrunched up, "You want me to talk to your bewwy?"
"If you want. It would be like talking to your brother because he can hear you. He can't say anything back, but he can listen." Riley looked over me, and I encouraged her to talk to him. She looked at Kristen's stomach, "Hi I'm gonna be your big sister. My name is Wiley, and you don't have a name yet. I'm gonna call you wittle bwother until you get a name. I got you a stuffed pony today I hope you wike it. If you don't wike it I'll take it, and it can be my pony. I can't wait to meet you, and I wove you! I'm watching a movie wight now, but I'll talk to you more later." She kissed Kristen's protruding stomach and went back to watching her movie. She fell asleep, and I put her in bed. I found her camera on the kitchen table and sat beside Kristen, "Want to look at her pictures?"
"Is that snooping?"
"She's four I bet half of them are just going to be of the walls."
"Okay." She leaned against me and I wrapped my arm around her holding the camera in front of us. I went through all the pictures she had taken, and it was just random things. She took pictures of her lunch, dinner, toys, stuffed animals, there were a few of her toes, and then we got to big section of her just making silly faces. We saw close ups of inside her mouth, up her nose,and one of her eyes. "Look she had the flash on for this picture of her eye. She is going to blind herself with this thing."
"These pictures are pretty funny. We should put some of them in the scrapbook, and just always add to it."
"Okay we can do that." We flipped through more pictures of what she was watching on t.v. and then I stopped on one picture she had of me and Kristen. It was when we were in the kitchen cooking dinner. I thought Riley wasn't paying any attention to us, and was watching her shows. Turns out she had taken a picture of me kissing Kristen. Kristen looked at the picture, "Awh! This picture is actually kinda cute. Look at you trying to lean over my stomach to kiss me. I like this picture."
"I like it too. These pictures Riley took of you are the only pictures we have of you pregnant. We can add those into the scrapbook as well." We finished looking at the pictures and checked on Riley again before we went to bed." She pressed her back into my chest as we tried to fall asleep. I rubbed her stomach until we fell asleep.
I woke up to a flash in my face. I opened to my eyes to see Riley and her camera. "Mornin daddyo."
"Good morning Rileyo."
"What are we doing today?"
"I actually have surprise for you today!!"
"Are we going to get my wittle bwother?"
"No, not today. You know how Eleanor and Louis are getting married soon right?"
"I'm gonna be a fwower girl. Is it today? I don't even have a dwess."
"It's not today, but Eleanor is coming to get you today to spend the day with her."
"Really. She told me that you guys were going to go get dresses today and get your nails done for the wedding."
"I gotta get weady! Come on! Make me bweakfast! Give me a bath! Wet's go!"
"Alright I'm coming!" I made her a bowl of cereal, and she ate it in record time. She didn't even ask for bubbles or toys in the bath. She just got in and let me wash her hair immediately she didn't even want to play. She got dressed and let me fix her hair with no problems. Eleanor came at ten just like she said she would, and Riley ran up to her hugging her legs. "Eweanor!!!!"
"Are we gonna twy on pwetty dwesses today?"
"We are going to try on pretty dresses. I already have a few picked out we just have to pick which ones we like the best. We are also going to look at flowers, and get our nails done. Does that sound fun?"
"You all ready to go?"
"Wet me get my camewa first." Eleanor put her down and she ran into the kitchen to get her camera. She ran past me back to Eleanor, "Bye daddy!"
"Don't I get a hug or a kiss?" She whined, "Daddy!!!"
"Come here you are four years old. You are not too cool to hug your dad. Not yet." She hugged and kissed me real quickly before once again going back to Eleanor. They left and I went back to bed with Kristen. I scooted close to her and fell asleep for about twenty minutes before she woke up. I was on my side facing her and she was laying on her back. She put the back of her hand against my chest. "Hey."
"Hey, what's up."
"I wasn't trying to make small talk I was about to ask what time it is." I held onto the hand she had layed against my chest,
"It's a little after ten-thirty."
"Is Riley already with Eleanor?"
"This is one of the rare times we get to spend with just each other. I like when we get times like this...I of course love when Riley is around too I just meant that we do-"
"I know what you mean. You don't have to explain it."
"I just didn't want to sound like I didn't like Riley around. I love Riley."
"I do too. You know what else I love?"
"The boy and you."
"Well me and the boy love you too. We also love breakfast. Do you want anything?"
"No I ate with Riley, but thanks." I layed in bed while she went to eat. I got up shortly after she did, and she was already eating pretzels in the baby's room. She was just sitting on the floor leaning against the wall looking around and taking it all in. I walked in and sat beside her, "Crazy right?"
"It's still hard to believe that I'm a mom. I'm excited, I have almost everything prepared, I've seen him, heard his heartbeat, I'm getting bigger, and it still just amazes me."
"We still have to name him." We spouted out names to each other some were serious ideas and some were jokes. I eventually layed down with my head in her lap.
"Sing to him. He likes when you are around. I don't know how to explain that, but he likes you already." I opened my mouth and belted out a deep operatic note as a joke. Kristen shoved pretzels in my mouth. "Nevermind don't sing, at least not like that." I started singing small bump by ed sheeran, but I left out the part at the end. I knew Kristen was already worried enough even though she tried to hide it. She was also hormonal and I didn't want to make her sad. "I hope he has the dimple beneath his chin like you."
"Don't make it sound cute. I hate my butt chin."
"It's cute. Speaking of cute did you see this shirt I bought for him the other day?"
"We bought a lot of things the other day. I might have missed it."
"It says handsome like my daddy."
"I'll get Riley one that say Pretty like the girl my dad knocked up." She laughed at my joke since we both knew she was more than that, but she played along.
"I've been downgraded. Now I'm just the girl you got pregnant. What happened to mother of both of my children, future wife, or even girlfriend. I'm hurt that was a big downgrade." I sat up and pulled her into my lap wrapping my arms around her. She scooted off me keeping her legs across mine because she thought she was getting to heavy, and that she would hurt me. I rested my head on her shoulder, "You are more than all of that."
"Actually everything I said was pretty accurate. Unless you've changed your mind."
"Nope, never. You mean more to me and Riley than you think you do. I know Riley would love to tell people you are her mom, and I would love to tell people you are my wife. If it were up to me we would be married today."
"It is up to you?"
"It's up to me to propose. I didn't think you would want to get married while you were pregnant, so I'm waiting. I kinda want to wait and let Riley and the boy be in it."
"That would be adorable." I layed down on the floor bringing her with me. I wrapped my arm around her and buried my face in her neck. "You sure are being cozy today."
"I just wanna be lazy all day with you. I don't know if we should use free time to be lazy or productive. We don't really get the time to be either. I don't know if I should clean Riley's room, or lay here in this room with you."
"There is always laundry that needs to be washed. We don't have free time, and we probably wont for years to come. We better just get on with it."
"Ughh. It was good while it lasted."

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