Daddy Niall 8

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Kristen's P.O.V.

I woke up still in Niall's clothes from last night. I should have just taken them off and washed them as soon as I got home, but they smelled like him. I shouldn't be this attracted to my boss, but how could you not be? He was gorgeous, nice, a great father, and talented. I knew I couldn't like him, and it would be inappropriate. I was going to be watching his daughter, and I still felt like he was tied down by Abby. He acted like a widow and I felt guilty for being so attracted to him. I didn't want to have to say I couldn't watch Riley anymore, but it would be weird if I liked Niall. I couldn't back out now I already loved Riley. She was the sweetest most adorable thing, something she probably got from her dad. Niall told me Riley really likes me, so I wasn't going to leave her now. I was too invested in such a short time, so I was just going to have to ignore that I liked Niall.

I was watching some t.v. and trying not to think about Niall when my phone rang. I picked it up from the table and looked at the was Niall.


"Hey. Kristen?"


"Riley wants you to come see a movie with us. I told her we should give you a break, but she keeps pestering me. I gave in to the spoiled little brat, but it's cool if you can't make it." I could hear Riley laughing in the background because he once again gave her what she wanted. "She has been begging me to take her to the movies, so I said I would. When I agreed to that she begged for me to invite you, so I did."

"Yeah. I'll come." I could Riley in the background trying to get him to tell me something. He didn't tell me and just said you can tell her later.

"Sorry, Riley was talking to me. You said you'd come?"

"Yeah. I'll be there in like fifteen minutes."

"Okay cool. See ya then. Bye.

"Bye." I hung up the phone and rushed out of the house. I had to if I was going to make it to the theater in fifteen minutes. I pulled into the theater and found Niall's car. I parked next to him,and he was still in his car waiting for me to get there. He looked so good today. I hadn't even realized I liked him until recently. I of course thought he was a generally attractive person when I first met him, but he just seemed to get more attractive everyday. He was such a good dad and always really nice almost in a shy way but also being charismatic at the same time. I couldn't figure out what it was I liked about him, but I knew I did. Riley was in the front seat since the car wasn't moving, and they were just waiting on me. She waved at me excitedly and I waved back with the same excitement. I got out of my car, and Niall and Riley got out at the same time. We walked into the theater and Riley made me hold her hand while we walked. She was standing between me and Niall holding both our hands and made us swing her as we walked in. Riley sat between us during the movie, and I could really tell Niall loved her. During the movie he kept looking at her, and when she laughed he would get the most genuine smile on his face. When she looked at him his eyes lit up like he'd never seen anything more important, or better than her in his entire life. I suppose that's the way a parent should look at their child.

When the movie was over we went to get ice cream. Riley was sitting beside Niall, and I was sitting across from them. We were eating our ice cream, laughing, and having a good time. Niall went to lick his ice cream cone when Riley pushed his elbow, and his ice cream went in his face. She started laughing hysterically which made me start laughing. "Oh, you think this is funny little girl?" She nodded her head still laughing. Her laugh was so cute, and she was laughing so hard she could barely breath. He put some ice cream on her nose, and she kept laughing. "Take a picture of us Kwisten." Niall handed me his phone, and Riley stood up in the seat next to him. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth, so Niall stuck his out to pose for the picture. He cleaned the ice cream off of her face, and then cleaned his own face. We kept eating our ice cream, and Riley blurted out, "Daddy cwied earlier." He laughed and turned to her.

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