Chapter 42

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Niall's P.O.V.

Kristen and I only slept for a little bit before the sound of the alarm woke us up. I turned it off and rolled over to Kristen. I kissed her cheek, "Kristen are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm up."

"How ya feeling?"

"The strangest mixture of the most terrified I've ever been and the most excited I've ever been." She hurriedly got out of the bed, and got dressed. I got out of bed doing the same, and she added a few things to the bag she had packed to take to the hospital. She had bags sat on the bed in front of us. "I have our bag, diaper bag, and Riley's bag. I'm just going to pack a few more things, and you go get Riley ready." I kissed her quickly before going to Riley's room. I sat down on her new twin size bed we had got for her, and moved her hair out of her face. "Riley wake up." She groaned and kept her eyes closed.

"I don't want to go to school today. I'm tired."

"Okay. You don't have to go today." She opened one eye and looked at me.


"Really." She rolled onto her back and opened both her eyes.

"It's Fwiday I have to go to school."

"You don't want to go to the hospital with us to get your brother instead?" She instantly jumped up to her feet standing on her bed.

"Today is the day we get my bwother?" I nodded my head and she balled up her fists holding them against her chest as she squealed through gritted teeth with excitement. "Let's go!" She jumped off her bed, and went to her closet to pick out some clothes. She grabbed a baggy white t-shirt and some rainbow striped leggings. She put on her small uggs as Kristen came in. "Niall what is she wearing?"

"She didn't give me time to pick anything out. She got dressed in record time all by herself."

"Those aren't even pants they are leggings." I pointed at Kristen's legs.

"You are wearing leggings as pants right now."

"They are the only thing that fits me right now, and I won't be wearing them for long. She looks comfortable and we will be there for a while so it's okay." Riley ran up to Kristen's stomach.

"I'm so excited to see you today! I can't believe I finally get to see you." Riley hugged Kristen's stomach, and turned to me. "Can I bring my camewa?"

"Of course you can. You have to have pictures of your little brother." She grabbed her camera and put on her jacket. "I packed that backpack over there full of coloring books and toys, so you won't be bored all day." She picked up her backpack, and I carried the overnight bags and diaper bag to the car. We got to the hospital and checked Kristen in to the delivery room. The nurses came by to give her something to change into. I stepped out into the hallway holding Riley as they got her dressed and hooked up to the monitors. The doctor came by us in the hallway. "Lovely to see you and Riley again Niall." He shook my hand, and looked at Riley. "Are you excited to meet your baby brother?" She smiled and nodded her head. "Alright well when I come back out of the room you guys are clear to go back in."

"Alright. Thank you." He left me and Riley in the hall.

"When we go back will my brother be in there?"

"No. He won't be here for a while, but we have to be here all day to wait for him to get here."

"He is in Kwisten's belly right?" I nodded and she played with the material of my shirt. "How does he get out?"

"He just does." She looked up at me and smiled,

"Is Kwisten going to poop him out?" She giggled at the thought.

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