Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V.

The next morning I was laying awake in bed waiting for Riley to wake me up. I layed there for a few minutes with Kristen before I heard a shattering sound in the kitchen. It woke Kristen up, and we both immediately ran into the kitchen.I found Riley standing in a chair and a bowl shattered on the floor. "What happened?" She started crying and apologizing.

"I'm sowwy daddy I didn't mean to bweak it. I'm sowwy I'm so sowwy. Pwease don't be mad at me it was an accident I pwomise. I'm weally sowwy."

"It's okay I'm not mad. Calm down baby its alright. You didn't get hurt did you?" She shook her head still crying. "Stay in the chair don't get down until I tell you."

"Am I in timeout? I don't want to be in twouble it was just an accident. I'm sowwy."

"No you aren't in timeout it's alright. You are barefoot and there is glass all around you. If you got down you would cut your feet. Let me sweep it first." I grabbed the broom and swept up all the glass, and she climbed down from the chair. She pushed it back to the table and sat back down. She kept crying and had her arms crossed on the table with her head buried in it. I sat beside her and rubbed her back, "What's wrong? I told you everything was fine. You aren't in trouble and I'm not mad. It's just a broken bowl. We have more bowls."

"I was twying to supwise you with bweakfast, but I can onwy make ceweal since I'm too wittle. Then I twied to get a bowl for you, and I dwopped it. I can't do anything because I'm too wittle. I twied to make a special bweakfast since your back from singing, but I wuined evewything." I pulled her out of her chair and into my lap. I hugged her to try and calm her down, and get her to stop crying.

"You didn't ruin anything. It's alright. Thank you very much for making me a special breakfast. It was a very sweet idea."

"I didn't even get to make it for you though."

"You still can if you want. Just let me get the bowl down for you." Kristen handed us bowls and Riley went to the fridge to get milk. I got the cereal from the cabinet and went back to the table. Riley came back over to me with the milk. I took the milk from her, and put it on the table. "Hey I said I wanted to make you bweakfast!"

"You are I was just putting the milk on the table so you could get in the chair." I picked her up and she stood between my legs on the chair. I held onto her so she wouldn't fall out of the chair. She put the bowl in front of me and poured cereal into it. Luckily the milk was almost empty with just enough for breakfast for all of us. She could pour it in herself since it wasn't heavy, but she poured a lot and some of the cereal came out of the bowl. She made her cereal and sat down to eat. Kristen was smiling looking at Riley, "You aren't going to make mine. I have to make my own. I thought you were making breakfast today."

"I've had a wough morning Kwisten, and I'm hungwy now." We both laughed

"I was kidding. I don't mind making my own cereal go ahead and eat."

When Riley took a nap me and Kristen sat together in the chair watching a movie. Kristen loooked up at me, "What happens now?"

"In the movie? Just watch it and find out."

"No, not the movie. With me. Am I fired now? Do I need to pack up and leave? Find a new job?"

"You don't need to pack up and leave. Me and Riley would miss you terribly. You don't need a job. Just stay here with us, and let me take care of you."



"It's not that simple. I'll stay living here, but I don't want to just free load off of you."

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