Chapter 14

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Niall's P.O.V.

I was kinda bummed my chance to finally make a move on Kristen was interrupted, but my main concern was Riley right now. I pulled up to the hospital and we could see an ambulance with the light flashing and people were pulling someone out of the back. I got Riley out of her car seat and carried her towards the doors while she still held ice on her arm. "Daddy I don't have to get in that car do I?"

"Nope. That car brings people that are hurt here to get help. You are already here, so there is no need to get in the ambulance."

"Good. Why didn't they bring me here?"

"They are for really big emergencies, and for people who don't have someone to bring them. You just banged up your arm a bit, so I brought you here."

"Oh." Riley sat in Kristen's lap as we waited to be seen by a doctor, and I filled out all the paperwork. Riley was looking around at everybody and I could tell she was feeling a bit uneasy about this. She was scared because she didn't really know what was going on around her, or what the doctor was going to do to her. I think Kristen noticed that she was a bit apprehensive as well because she started rubbing Riley's leg to help soothe her. I leaned over to look at Riley's face, "Are you alright?" She nodded her head. "Are you scared?" She shook her head no even though it was obvious she was. I moved hair out of her face, and started playing with her hair to calm her. She always liked when people played with hair, especially when she went to sleep. She found it soothing, "You sure you aren't scared? I'm kinda scared." Her eyes widened and she snapped her head to look at me.

"What? Why? You're not supposed to be scared."

"What if the doctor is a mean, scary, evil, and ugly witch."

"Daddy it's not going to be a witch. They are only in movies. Doctors are nice they help us when we get sick or hurt."

"Oh, so you don't think it's going to be a witch."


"What if it's a dragon?"

"A dwagon? Dwagons can't be doctors. Dwagons aren't even weal." I leaned back in my chair and started mindlessly flipping through a magazine.

"Mmm I don't know. I have a strong feeling that it might be a dragon."

"You're cwazy daddy. It's not a dwagon. You don't have to be scared."

"Okay good. I was nervous for a minute."

I was glad to see that me joking around had calmed her down, but when the nurse called us back she tensed back up. She walked between me and Kristen, and the closer we got to the nurse the closer she clung to my leg with her good arm. I picked her up and held her close as a way of comforting her. We went into the hospital room and I put her on the bed. Kristen stood off in a corner to stay out of the way, and I went to take a few steps back to join her when Riley stopped me. She grabbed my hand making me stay by her side, "Daddy don't weave me."

"I'm not going anywhere. I was just trying to get out of the doctors way." The doctor looked up at me from the stool she was sitting on in front of Riley, "You are fine right were you are. She just wants her father next to her." I sat on the bed beside Riley and wrapped my arm around her tiny shoulders before patting her upper arm and removing my hand. The doctor started talking to her, "Can you tell me your name?" She really quitely answered her.


"Riley, that's a pretty name. How old are you Miss Riley?"

"Four. Today is my birfday."

"Happy birthday. Getting hurt on your birthday isn't very fun is it?" Riley shook her head no, and was calming down at the friendliness of the doctor. "Can you tell me how you hurt your arm?"

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