Daddy Niall 6

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Niall's P.O.V.

We played in the pool for a while longer before we all got tired and hungry again. The sun was about to start setting when we got out of the pool. We all dried off and went inside. "Riley let's go put on some warm and dry clothes."

"I wanna wear a dwess over my bathing suit like Kwisten." I crouched down on her level,

"It's getting late why don't we put on some pajamas and eat dinner."

"Can I wear my pony pajamas?" I picked her up and carried her to her room,

"You can wear whatever pajamas you want." We went in her room and I put a my little pony night gown on her and she took her hair down. She went out to Kristen and I changed into sweat pants and a tank top. Kristen was still wrapped in her towel talking to Riley. "Kristen do you want some clothes or something?"

"I've got my dress. I should have thought to bring clothes."

"I'll get you a t-shirt and some sweat pants it's not a problem. Your dress will get wet from your bathing suit. I was about to put mine and Riley's in the dryer i can put yours in too, and you can borrow some clothes."

"Okay." I got her some sweatpants and a really baggy shirt. I made sure the shirt would be extra baggy because I knew she wouldn't have a bra on. It would be inappropriate for me to stare at her chest all evening. The less I could see the outline of her body the better. I handed her the clothes and she went to bathroom. I had the towels and swimsuits ready for the dryer. She came out of the bathroom and handed me her clothes, "Thanks."

"No problem." We went into the kitchen and Kristen sat at the table as I leaned against the counter watching Riley. She was trying to get a juice box from the fridge. I forgot when I told her she could have one that I put them on the top shelf. I was watching to see if she could actually reach it herself, but she started to climb in the fridge. "I'll get it. Don't climb that's dangerous."

"No, I wanna do it. I'm a big girl."

"Fine, but no climbing." She left the fridge open and ran off somewhere, and Kristen and I exchanged confused looks. She came back with her stool for the bathroom. She pulled out a juice box, "Got it. Want one daddy?"

"No, but thank you."

"Kwisten? Juice box?"

"That's very kind, but I am fine thanks." Riley shrugged her tiny shoulders and climbed off her stool. She went in the living room leaving the fridge open and the stool in the doorway. Before she made it to the living room I stopped her,

"Hey Riles, are you forgetting something? You can't leave the door open, and you need to put your stool back where you got it." She put her juice on the table and put her things away. She came back to the kitchen for her juice, "Riley do you want me to warm you up some pizza for dinner?"


"What do you want?"

"Peanut butter and jewwy."

"Okay I'll make it for you."

"In twiangles."

"I know what to do, I've been making you sandwiches since you could eat them." She went to play in the living room. "Do you want pizza or a sandwich. We have other food if you want me to make you something else."

"I'm fine with pizza." We ate our dinner and after went to living room. I sat with my legs on the couch as I watched Kristen and Riley play. I loved seeing Riley this happy. Riley wanted to watch a movie, so we watched The Little Mermaid. Not even ten minutes in she crawled up on my chest. When she was almost asleep I sat up with her still laying on my chest, so Kristen could sit on the couch. Riley barely opened her eyes and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, "I'm not asweep. Don't take me to bed. I'm not tired." I laughed because she was barely awake telling me she wasn't tired. I slanted my body so I was reclined and Riley still felt like she was laying down. "I know. I was sitting up, so Kristen could sit on the couch." I rubbed her back as she drifted off to sleep. She had a long day today, and I knew she would be asleep early. I looked over at Kristen who was twirling her hair, and actually watching the movie. "You still want to know what I told Riley about her mom?"

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