chapter 15

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Niall's P.O.V.

I was glad to be spending time with just Riley today. I wouldn't have minded if Kristen came because I wanted to spend more time with her as well since it was out in the open that we both felt something towards each other. She probably wanted a break since she was about to be spending all her time with Riley for a while. I hated leaving Riley for so long, and I hated that Kristen had to watch her without getting a break. I pulled up to the restaurant and got Riley and her awful One Direction bag that she loved out of the car. We took our seat at a table and the waiter took our drink orders. While we waited for our drinks to come out Riley stood up in her chair to look out the window. I let her look for a minute until I saw the waiter walking over with our drinks. "Riley sit down now the waiter is coming." She sat down and as soon as the waiter handed Riley her chocolate milk she spoke up, "Thank you, Do you want to sign my cast?" The waiter looked at me and laughed before turning back to Riley, "I don't have a marker."
"Riley not everyone has to sign it." She ignored what I said before blurting out,
"I have one." She started digging around in her bag, and pulled out a marker. The waiter signed her name and took our orders. "Daddy you haven't signed my cast yet. Only the doctor, the pancake wady, and Kwisten."
"I'll sign it when we get home. What did Kristen write on your cast?"
"I don't know. I can't wead."
"I know you can't read. I meant let me see it, so I can read it to you." She handed her arm out to me and I started reading. "The doctor wrote, Feel better soon. Dr. Thompson the waiter wrote, Hope you enjoy your pancakes! IHOP, and Kristen wrote, I hope you get better soon. I love you. Kristen x. She waved the marker in front of my face, "Fine, I'll sign it now." I love you so much Riley! I'm sorry you got hurt on your birthday. I wish I could make it feel better :( Daddy xox
"I want to talk to you while we're here."
"We are talking."
"I have something important to tell you. Can you pay attention for a minute?" She nodded her head and locked eyes with me.
"I'm going on tour for a little while and that is why Kristen is moving in so she can watch you."

"What's tour?"

"I'm going to go play music for people with Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. I won't be back for a while."

"You're weaving me?"

"I'm not leaving you completely. I'll call you everyday, and I'll talk to you on the computer so we can see each other. I just won't be able to come home everyday. I promise I'm going to talk to you all the time. You will be so busy playing with Kristen you won't even notice I'm gone."

"When are you weaving?"


"It's alweady Thursday that means you weave in two days." I laughed before I corrected her,
"It's Tuesday which means I leave in six days. Even if it was Thursday it would be more than two days. We have plenty of time to spend together before I leave which means we can work on learning the days of the week. Did you forget the days of the week song I taught you?" She nodded her head yes as she smiled up at me. "Look here comes our pancakes." I pointed towards the waiter as she started bouncing in her seat, "Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes! Are we gonna eat all the pancakes daddy?"

"You can eat all the pancakes you want baby."

"Yeah we are going to eat until we throw up. Then we can eat more pancakes." I laughed.

"I don't know about eating until we throw up, but you can eat as many as you want." I agreed because I knew she wouldn't even finish the one she got. It was bigger than my head and had face on it made of whipped cream and fruit. The waiter set our food down and Riley politely thanked her, and I did as well. "Thank you for using your manners Riley."

"You're welcome." We ate our lunch making jokes and laughing with each other before returning home. Kristen was still unpacking in her room, and I played outside with Riley. We were playing tag and I was chasing her around the yard. I intentionally missed her and she turned her backside to me and started shaking her butt singing, "Missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me!" I took off towards her and swooped her up. She let out a high pitched squeal as I quickly kissed all over face. The squeals turned into laughter, and I put her back on the ground. I watched as she tried to catch her breath. "Do you want to go inside and get something to drink?" She nodded her head and led the way inside. I gave her a juicebox and watched as she played with some of her birthday toys. She came over to me and climbed up in my lap, "Daddy I wove my birthday pwesents you got me. Are you gonna get a wot of pwesents on your birthday wike me?"

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