Chapter 13

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sounds of Riley crawling into my bedroom, and I wasn't sure why she was crawling. She got to the side of my bed and barked like a dog. She licked my hand that was hanging off the edge of bed before barking again. "Are you a dog today?" She barked in response. I picked her up and put her on my stomach. She barked again and licked my face. "Okay, you can be a dog if you want, but stop licking me." She made a whimpering noise and layed her head on my chest. I laughed and sat up in my bed. She stood up beside me. "Dog's don't stand up on two legs." She immediately dropped on all fours again. "Do dogs have birthdays? I don't think dogs celebrate birthdays." She hung her tongue out of her mouth and nodded her head. "Dog's can't eat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast." She jumped up on to her legs,

"Supwise!! I'm not a dog. I'm still a wittle girl."

"Oh, well happy birthday little girl." She hugged me and kissed me on my cheek,

"I wove you daddy! I'm having the best birfday ever."

"I love you too, but we haven't even done anything yet today."

"I had a fun party. You told me we will do fun things today, and you're gonna make me pancakes!"

"Well then we should get started." She helped me mix all the ingredients to make pancake before going to her room while I cooked them. Before I started cooking I got my phone to call Kristen. I wanted to invite her to go out with me and Riley today. I dialed her number, and it rang so long I thought she wouldn't answer. She answered at the last minute with a groggy voice,

"Hello." I had obviously just woken her up.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Do you want to come with me and Riley today to do things for her birthday? We are going to the aquarium first, and then I was going to take her to nail place to get her nails done because I'm rubbish at it, but she loves it. We will probably go out to eat, and then I'll let her come up with things to do."

"Did she ask you to invite me?"

"No, she doesn't even know what we are doing today. I invited you all on my own. I'm paying for everything, so you might as well come and get a free trip to the aquarium, a meal, a manicure, and a pedicure out of it."

"I'll be at your house as soon as I can."

"No you don't have to rush. I still have to cook breakfast and give her a bath. We can come pick you up since you live closer to town than I do."

"Okay well I'll see you later."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and decided not to tell Riley that Kristen was coming. I wanted it to be a surprise like everything else. I cooked our breakfast and sat it down on the table. "BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!! BREAKFAST IS READYYY!" She ran into the kitchen and tripped and fell as she turned the corner. She just got up like nothing happened and sat at the table. I laughed at her, "Are you alright?"

"I'm good." She was very tough, and I liked that about her. She hardly ever cried if she fell or got hurt. She hardly ever cried really unless she was sad, scared, or grumpy from lack of sleep. We ate our breakfast and I convinced her to let me give her a bath. "What are we doing today daddy?"

"It's a surprise. You have to get ready so you can find out." She quickly put her clothes on and we headed out to the car. I sent Kristen a text letting her know we were on our way. We pulled up into her driveway and I parked the car. "You got me my own house!"

"No silly."

"Just kidding. I can't wive by myself I'm just a wittle kid."

"Yeah, you have to live with me, but we have to pick up your first surprise then we will get to more surprises!" I got out of my car, and I went to get Riley out of her car seat when Kristen came out. "We were just about to come knock on your door."

Daddy Niall.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora