Chapter 18

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Niall's P.O.V.
I woke up with my legs and fingers still intertwined with Kristen's legs and fingers. We were both on our sides, and Riley had woken and was sitting on my hip both with one leg draped over me and one over Kristen. I let go of Kristen's hand so that Riley wouldn't notice and I untangled our limbs. "Daddy why is Kwisten in this bed? Is it because she's gonna be like my new mommy, and parents sleep in the same bed?"
"Riley we've already talked about this. Get your leg off of her, and let her sleep."
"I'm awake. I'm just being lazy, and you couldn't see me since I'm behind you."
"Well good morning. Good morning to both of you."
"What are we doing today daddy?"
"Well I'm going to take a shower and go downstairs for an interview. I will only be gone for about an hour, and I'll still be in the hotel if there's an emergency. You and Kristen can stay here, and order breakfast."
"Bye." She leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"I don't have to leave right now, but thanks for the kiss." She got off of me and I layed on my back. Kristen sat up and Riley went to get one of her new toys to play with. I lightly ran my fingertips back and forth on Kristen's back underneath the bottom of her shirt. She looked back at me and we smiled at each other. It was obvious we both wanted to kiss each other, but we couldn't with Riley in the room. I layed there and rubbed her back as Riley colored in her coloring book, "Riley did you go to the bathroom yet? You need to go if you haven't." She got up and ran into the bathroom as soon as the door shut I sat up and grabbed Kristen's face pulling her into a kiss. We kissed until I heard the toilet flush, and we both laughed as I layed back down. "This is ridiculous. We are hiding from my four year old."
"We aren't hiding. We are waiting until we figure out for sure how everything is going to go. That way we don't dissapoint her if something goes wrong." I heard the sink turn on, and assumed she was washing her hands.
"If something goes wrong?"
"If I cant be her nanny anymore, or if we don't work out. If I have to leave for any reason. It's just going to be harder on her because you know the minute she finds out she will think of me as a mother figure. She can't lose two moms. That's just too much loss for a four year old."
"I think she aready thinks of you that way, and I think we have pretty good chances of working out."
"I do too. Eleanor told me that you wouldn't be doing this unless you were really into someone."
"She did? Well she's right I guess. I don't take bringing people into Riley's life lightly. I hate to say it but being in this industry you don't always meet the most trustworthy people. I trust you though. I literally interviewed you." She laughed and I realized I still heard the water running. She should have been done by now. I yelled into the bathroom, "Riley that's enough, don't play in the water." I heard the water shut off. "Why has she not come out of the bathroom yet?" I got up and walked over to the door. I knocked on the door, "Riley what are you doing? When you finish using the bathroom you are supposed to come out."
"I can't get down." I opened the door and she was on the sink making funny faces in the mirror. "How did you even get up here?"
"I cwimbed up from the toilet, but I'm to scared to cwimb down." I laughed a little bit,
"Why didn't you yell for help?"
"I thought I would be in twouble for cwimbing up here."
"You were washing your hands. You aren't in trouble. Even if you were in trouble I would have found you eventually. I wouldn't just go home and leave you in here for the rest of your life." I picked her up off the sink and set her down. She immeadiately took off running to play with her toys. I stepped out of the bathroom, "Kristen will you watch her while I take a shower, and while I'm gone?"
"I'm the nanny. That's kinda what I do."
"I think of you as more than just a nanny."
"You do?"
"Yeah. You're also like a maid since you clean too." She shook her head and threw a pillow at me, but I closed the bathroom door before it hit me. I opened up the door again, "Missed me."
"I hate you." Riley looked up from her coloring book,
"Kwisten hate is a ugwy word. You can't say that."
"You're right. I'm sorry. I don't hate you Niall."
"Good. I don't hate you either." I grabbed some clothes and my toiletries and went back into the bathroom. When I got out of the shower Kristen was laying on the floor coloring with Riley. "Alright girls it's time for me to go, but I won't be gone long. The room service menu is on the dresser. Riley I already checked to see if they had chocolate chip pancakes for you. They do have them, so you can get that if you want."
"What are you going to eat daddy?"
"I'll eat downstairs. Have fun while I'm gone."
"Wait daddy! I have to give you hugs and kisses." She ran up to me and I picked her up for a hug and a kiss. I sat her back down on the floor and she went to wave bye to me, but hit herself in the mouth with her cast. She held her fingers to her lips, but didn't cry. I slightly smiled at her trying not to cry as she stared me for a second before I finally spoke. "Are you alright? Let me see your lip." She moved her hand off her lips and saw some blood on her fingertips. Her eyes got wide and she looked up at me and started crying just because she was scared. I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. "You're alright Riley it's just a little blood." I sat her down on the sink, and Kristen came in with some paper towels. I got them wet and wiped up the blood from her mouth. "Do I need a doctor?"
"No baby you'll be fine. Oh my gosh you're missing a tooth!"
"I'm just kidding." I smoothed down her hair and kissed her forehead. "All your teeth are here. It doesn't even hurt does it? You just got a little scared from the blood, and started crying. Everything is fine you can stop crying okay." She nodded her head and stopped crying. "Turn around and look in the mirror." She turned around to look at her cut lip, "All that blood, and it was just a little cut."
"It's still bweeding."
"Not really it was just a big scratch. It might bleed a little bit, but just hold this paper towel up to it. When it stops you can get pancakes, but I really have to go now. I love you have fun with Kristen. I'll be back soon." I kissed Riley on the cheek and thanked Kristen for helping before I went downstairs. The interview had already started when I walked up. The interviewer looked over at me, "How nice of you to join us Niall. I thought it was just going to have to be four boys."
"Sorry I'm late. I had a small emergency."
"I hope everything is okay now. If you don't mind me asking will you tell me what happened."
"Emergency was a strong word. My daughter scratched her lip. She broke her arms a few weeks ago and she went to wave bye and hit herself in the face. She kinda freaked out when she saw the blood. She's fine the cut really isn't that bad. There was barely any blood and she calmed down pretty quick."
"So your daughter is on tour with you?"
"She is just here for a few days. We're taking turns visiting each other. It's hard to be away from her for long periods of time, but we make do with face time and extra breaks added into the tour."
"She has a broken arm and a busted lip? It's been a rough few days for her."
"She actually broke her arm on her birthday, but yeah she is a little clumsy. She's still little and figuring it all out." We got back on track and did the normal interview questions. I went back upstairs to my room after the interview, and they were finishing their breakfast. "Hey daddy!"
"Hey Riley! How's it going?"
"Wook my wip stopped bweeding!" She gave me a big toothy grin, and you could barely see the cut. I mimicked her smile as I leaned down to kiss her forehead.
"You're so cute Riley. Did you know that?"
"Ugh, yes I know! You tell me all the time!"
"I just want you to know how pretty you are."
"Dont worry I got it. Do you wanna pway with my new toys?"
"Yeah, what are we going to play with first?"
"The wittle piano." She ran off to get her little keyboard and sat on the couch. "Get your guitar daddy. We can make music together." I got my guitar and sat beside her on the couch, and Kristen took a shower while we played music. Neither of us really played anything we just made a bunch of noise until Kristen was out of the shower. "Kwisten did you hear our music?"
"I did hear it, and it was very lovely."
"Daddy do I have to take another bath?"
"Nope you took one last night, so you're all good today. I'll probably make you take one in the morning though."
"What are we going to do today daddy?"
"We don't have any plans, so I thought we would just hang out here all day. Tonight we have to sleep on the tour bus because we are going to a different place."
"Bus, bus, bus, wet's go get on the bus."
"We don't have to go until later let's wait a little while."
We had our stuff packed up and ready to get on the bus. We went down to the bus to load our stuff in. I let Riley keep a few toys out to play with on the ride to the next city. Riley and Kristen were sitting next to me on the bus waiting for everyone else to get on. Liam was the last one to get on the bus, "We got a bus full of people tonight. Sleeping is going to get a little cramped."
I handn't even thought about the sleeping arrangements. We had five bunks that could fit two people in, but I had three people to squeeze into a bunk. Eleanor would sleep with Louis, Perrie would sleep with Zayn, and Liam and Harry had their own bunks. It got later and Riley started getting tired, "Daddy, where am I gonna sweep?" I took her to the bunks and pointed out my bunk. "This middle one is where you will sleep, and you have to share it with me."
"Can we way down now?"

"Are you tired?" She nodded her head. "How tired are you? Do you need me to read you a story, or do you just want to lay down?" Her eyelids were obviously heavy with tiredness when she answered me,
"Just way down with me." I lifted her up and put her in the bunk before climbing in behind her. She cuddled up close to me and I rubbed her back. She had fallen asleep within five minutes, so I went back to join everybody else. I sat down on the couch beside Kristen and put my arm over her shoulders since Riley wasn't around. It wasn't a big gesture of affection, so it went unnoticed to the boys. Kristen leaned in slightly closer and smiled letting me know she noticed the gesture. We all stayed up talking to each other until everyone else got tired. Everyone started walking to their bunk, "Kristen we are going to have to be crammed in this bunk pretty tightly since Riley is in their too. Normally two people can fit closely in one of the bunks, but she is small so it might not be that bad."
"She sleeps fairly close to people without being in a small space, so it doesn't bother me." I pulled back the curtain on the bed to see Riley sprawled out taking up the whole bed. I gently picked her up without waking her up, and Kristen got in the bed. She scooted over against the wall as close as she could. I layed Riley on top of her and climbed in beside them. I took Riley from her and she naturally burrowed herself into my chest even in her sleep. I put my arm around Kristen partially because I wanted her in my arms and partially because it made more room. Harry walked over since his bunk was underneath mine, "Well look at the happy family."
"Go to sleep Harry."
"If you want Riley can sleep in my bunk with me."
"No that's alright, but thanks."
"I've got more room than you. Kristen could sleep in my bunk with me if you want to keep Riley with you. You could sleep in my bunk with me, but that might be weird."
"It would be weird if Kristen slept with you too."
"I know I was kidding about you and Kristen, but it wouldn't be a problem for Riley to sleep in my bunk."
"Okay, but she might wake up in the middle of the night confused. If she gets scared tell her I'm above her and rub her back. You can wake me up if you need, and if she..."
"Niall I've got this. I've babysat for you before, and I'm not a stranger I think she will be fine. She loves her uncle Harry, or Hawwy as she says it. I can explain it if she gets a little confused." I stopped rubbing her back and I kissed her head before Harry took her off my chest. He layed her down and popped back up, "Goodnight. Keep it clean up here. Just because your kid isn't up there with you doesn't mean people aren't around you." I smiled as I rolled my eyes and closed the curtain. I rolled onto my side and used the arm I had around Kristen to pull her closer to me. I had my arm around her shoulder, and I cupped her face with my free hand. She smiled at me and put her hand over mine. I kissed her innocently on the lips, and we both smiled with our lips still touching before we kissed again. We stopped kissing, and I kissed her forehead before we both fell asleep. Halfway through the night I woke up and heard sniffling from underneath me. It wasn't loud enough to wake me up, and I'm not sure why I woke up. It might have just been because I had learned to listen for Riley in my sleep. I heard Harry trying to calm her and shush her, and I heard her say, "I want my daddy. Where's my daddy?" I hopped out of my bunk and pulled back Harry's curtain, "What's wrong?" Riley immediately jumped into my arms and threw her arms around my neck hugging me. She stopped crying as Harry answered.
"You were right. She woke up confused and scared."
"Well she woke up in a different place than where she fell asleep, and with a different person." I rubbed her back since that always calmed her, "I would have been scared too." I kissed the side of her head. "Are you alright?" She nodded her head.
"Can I sweep with you?"
"Of course you can. Harry just put you down here with him because he had more room. We just thought it would be more comfortable, but if you want to stay with me that's perfectly fine." I looked back at Harry, "Thanks for trying. Can you hand her to me after I get in the bed? I don't want to lay her on Kristen, and wake her up." He agreed and got out of his bunk as I got in mine. He lifted Riley into my bunk and she kissed him on the cheek, "Night uncle Hawwy."
"Goodnight Riley." I once again rubbed her back until we both fell back asleep.

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