Chapter 40

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Niall's P.O.V.

When I got home Kristen was in bed watching television, so I went and layed down beside her. She was sitting up leaning against the headboard, and she looked down at me. "How did it go at school? Did you cry because your little girl is growing up?" I shot her a fake death glare.

"No I did not cry. It was good. Kinda sad, but good. I saw the kid who was mean to her yesterday. Her mom dropped her off at the same time I was there."

"Did you guys talk about what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah, she apologized. I apologized, and we talked on the way to our cars?"

"About what?"

"About what happened yesterday until she asked why I didn't have a wedding ring. I told her I wasn't married, so she asked what happened to Riley's mom. I explained and she told me that her kids dad left when she got pregnant."

"You know she was flirting with you right?" I knew she was flirting, but I decided to play dumb and mess with Kristen.

"No. She was just being friendly."

"No. She was trying to see if you were attainable." I sat up beside Kristen.

"I thought she was just curious, so I asked the same questions? Do you think she was really flirting? Do you think she thought I was flirting?"

"Probably if you asked the same questions that she was using to flirt." I shrugged my shoulders and watched t.v. even though I could tell Kristen had more to say. She stayed quiet for a little while before she spoke up. "Was she pretty? What did she look like?" I smiled because I knew she was bothered by this girl flirting with me. I decided to play with her and leave out the part where I told the girl I was engaged.

"Blonde hair, tall, and thin. Her name is Natalie."

"But was she pretty?" I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head looking at Kristen out of the corner of my eye. "Niall! You are supposed to say not as pretty as me!"

"Oh, she wasn't as pretty as me. I'm gorgeous." I looked over at her and she started laughing,

"Yes you are, but you should be more mindful of flirting."

"Did I forget to tell you that I told her I had a very beautiful, very wonderful, very pregnant fiancée?" She made a fake angry face, and playfully hit my arm.

"Don't do that to me. You know I already have all sorts of crazy hormones and emotions right now. I don't need jealousy and anger mixed in as well. I also doubt you said beautiful and wonderful. You might have said pregnant fiancee."

"Does it matter? I'm telling you now I think your beautiful and wonderful."

"No, it doesn't matter as long as you got the point across that you are unattainable." I smiled up at her,

"I'm all yours babe." I sat up a little to kiss her cheek, and in return she pecked my lips. I wanted to keep kissing her more, but I knew for some reason she was completely turned off the idea of anything sexual while she was pregnant. I just sat completely upright and wrapped my arm around her shoulders letting her scoot closer to me. I kissed the top of her head once she got comfortable against my chest. She looked up at me, "Why do you keep kissing me?" I raised an eyebrow shocked at her response to me kissing her.

"Sorry, I'll stop. I forgot I wasn't allowed to kiss you."

"I didn't mean it like that. You can kiss me anytime you'd like."


"Anytime. Unless I'm using the bathroom that would be a little strange. Just use common sense." I laughed and cupped her face attaching my lips to hers. I kissed her slowly letting my lips linger before pulling away. She sat up and found my lips almost immediately. Her hand was resting against the side of my ribcage slightly pulling my t-shirt. I put my hand on her back, and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I pulled back, "This is a new mood swing. I like it a bit better than all the other ones."

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