Final Chapter

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It had been about a month since the wedding and everything was great. Riley was out of school for the summer, so we got to spend more time with her since she wasn't at school all day. Kristen had adopted Riley who was loving having her as a mom. She already thought of her as a mom and everyone knew that, but now she called Kristen her mom.


We had packed our bags and we were going to the island for a family vacation. Riley loved the plane ride to get there and loved seeing the water all around the island. We got there at night and all day Riley had been asking when we were leaving. I gave Riley a tour of the house since she had never been here. It was late and it was almost time for bed, so I showed her the bathroom, my room, and her room. Daniel was going to be sleeping with her. I had a crib and bed in one room for them, and a playroom set up across the hall. Kristen was getting Daniel ready for bed since he was already sleep. I read Riley a bedtime story and layed with her until she fell asleep. Kristen layed Daniel down in his crib and I walked over to her and hugged her from behind resting my chin on her shoulder. She turned her head and kissed me before grabbing my arms and moving them off of her. She didn't let go of them and lead me into the hallway and to our room. She turned on the baby monitor and changed into pajamas before getting in bed with me. I pulled her close and she cuddled into me.

"I can't wait for tomorrow. Just hanging out here with the kids is gonna be so much fun."

"I know. Riley is gonna have so much fun especially when she sees the pool has a slide."

We talked more for a little while before we eventually went to sleep. In the middle of the night we woke up hearing Daniel's cries through the baby monitor. I sat up, "Why is he crying? He usually sleeps through the night now."

"He fell asleep in my arms and woke up in a place he doesn't recognize. He is probably just scared since he doesn't know where he is." I got out of bed and heard Riley talking on the baby monitor.

"It's okay Daniel. Don't cry. I'm here." I heard a kissing noise and assumed she kissed him through the bars of the crib. He stopped crying a little and I smiled at Kristen. "She's such a good big sister." I heard her talking to him again. "Lay back down and go to sleep okay." I heard him lay back down. "Here's your pacifier it fell out of the crib." I looked over at Kristen. "I don't even need to go in there Riley's got it covered."

"You should still go check in a minute."

"I was still going to I just wanted to listen to Riley take care of him." A few minutes later I went to the bedroom and saw Riley laying on the floor asleep next to Daniel's crib with her hand through the bars holding Daniels hand as he slept. I went back to my room and got my phone to take a picture and tell Kristen about them. I took a picture of them before I put Riley back in her bed. I kissed her forehead and covered her up before leaving their room to go to my own room. Everyone stayed asleep through the night. The next morning Daniel woke up when Riley left the room to go to the bathroom. I kissed Kristen before going to get Daniel. "Good Morning."

"Morning." She sat up after I got out of the bed. "I'll start breakfast while you change Daniel." I nodded my head and she got out of the bed and walked around to me. She hugged me as we walked out into the hallway at the same time Riley came out of the bathroom. "Good morning. What's for breakfast?"

"I'm making pancakes while your daddy gets Daniel. Do you wanna help?"

"Of course." She took Riley's hand and they went off to the kitchen. I went into the kid's bedroom and Daniel grabbed the bars pulling himself up so he was standing. He couldn't stand on his own but he liked to pull himself up on things. "Hey Daniel!" He responded with some cute baby noises since he still would only say mama. I picked him up and took him to the changing table where I took his pajamas off of him and changed his diaper. Once he was in a clean diaper I started tickling his sides to get him to laugh. I blew raspberries on his stomach and he giggled and grabbed his stomach. I laughed at how cute he was and put his pajamas back on him since they would get dirty at breakfast. I kissed his cheek and gave him his pacifier before putting him on his hands and knees. "Come on. Let's go eat breakfast." I took a few steps so he would crawl after me, but he just sat up and held his hands in the air. "You want me to hold you?" He just stared at me as I talked not that I expected a response from him. I walked back to him and picked him up. Once we got to the hallway I put him down again. "Come on let's go find Riley and mommy and see what they are doing." He opened his mouth letting the pacifier fall to the ground.

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