Chapter 26

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Niall's P.O.V.

The next morning I had a picture message from Kristen. I opened it to see Riley smiling and waiting still in pajamas with her blanket wrapped around her. Louis was sitting next to me in the dressing room, so he saw it too.

"Is she waiting to watch us?"

"Yeah. I told her I was going to say hi to her."

"Let's send her a picture back to tell her it's almost time." Louis came closer to me and we sent her a picture of the two of us making funny faces. She loved making funny faces. Sometimes I would walk through the hallway and find her just standing in front of the bathroom mirror making faces at herself. After I sent the picture I sent another text to Kristen

How is she feeling today?

Her fever isn't completely gone, so I still gave her medicine. She hasn't thrown up anymore, and I got her to eat some oatmeal. She is in a good mood, and she is really excited about seeing you on t.v. That is all she talked about last night until she fell asleep, and she just started back up again when she was awake.

Good I'm glad she's feeling better. I wish I could somehow see her reaction when we are on t.v.

I'll record it for you.

Okay thanks. I got to go now. We are about to be on, so get ready.


I walked out to the couch that was always uncomfortably small. Five of us never fit on one couch, but we squeezed and somehow managed. As soon as I walked out I looked at the camera and smiled, so Riley would see it. They started asking about tour and then they asked about missing our families. "It must be hard being away for so long. How do you guys manage to keep relationships with people when you are away? Especially you Niall since you have a small child."

"I actually taught her how to use skype, so we do that. We call and send each other pictures. It's hard but we make it work."

"Who watches her while your gone? Is it the girl that's been in the paparazzi pictures with you guys lately?"

"I don't know I haven't seen any pictures." I knew they must have been of Kristen, but I played dumb. They pulled up a few pictures of me, Riley, and Kristen on different occasions. "Yeah she takes care of her."

"Is she a nanny or a girlfriend?"

"Well she started out as the nanny and just watched Riley while we were in the studio. We went on tour and she moved in to take care of Riley and she became my girlfriend."

"Do they get along well?"

"They love each other. I think they like each other more than they like me. They are actually watching right now and I promised Riley I would say hi to her. Can I say hi to her."The interviewer nodded and pointed to the camera. I looked at the camera, "Hi Riley. Hi Kristen. I love you guys." I quickly realized that I had just said I love you to both of them.The rest of the boys joined in saying hi to Riley and Kristen. I did love Kristen, but I had hoped to tell her in a more personal way. I didn't want to do it over t.v. I snapped out of my thoughts. "I hope you're feeling better Riley."

"What was wrong with her was she sick?"

"Yeah we had two days off and I went home to help take care of her. She had the stomach flu. It was pretty bad, but she's doing better."

"Awh. Poor girl."

"Yeah it was awful. I didn't like seeing her sick. She is usually full of energy, but she just layed around until she had to throw up. I talked to them this morning and she was doing a lot better." We talked more about Riley, our album, tour, families, and all the usual. We performed one of our new songs, and we left. I looked at my phone to see a picture of Kristen and Riley they had sent me. Kristen had typed out 'We love you too.' The way we had told each other we loved each other wasn't ideal, but it was still genuine. I was back on the bus with nothing to do so I texted Kristen.

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