chapter 22

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up before Kristen and Riley did, but I didn't get out of bed I just layed there with them. Riley's eyes were red and puffy from crying herself to sleep, and Kristen and I somehow managed to intertwine our legs with Riley in between us. Our head were both above Riley's, and she just layed in between us. We were like a protective barrier surrounding her. The three of us were sleeping so close together that we only took up small space on the bed. Most of the bed was empty, but I liked being close to them. Riley was moving around a little in her sleep like she was about to wake up. I watched them both sleep until Kristen slowly woke up, She didn't even look up at me she just ran her fingers through Riley's hair, and smiled down at her. I looked away from her when I felt her gaze shift towards me so it didn't seem like I was staring at her. When I felt her look up at me I looked back at her. She smiled and I smiled back before kissing her forehead letting my lips linger for a bit before I pulled back. She tilted her head up and kissed me properly. She got up and left the bedroom. I went to the bathroom before I followed behind her leaving Riley asleep in bed. I followed her into the kitchen, "Do you wanna call my mom before Riley wakes up? I'll call her and put her on speakerphone, so you can just hear her. You don't have to say anything."

"Okay." She dialed the number and the phone rang a few times before she answered.


"Hey mom."

"Good morning Kristen. It's been a few weeks since I've heard from you. How are you?"

"I'm good. I've just been really busy. How are you and dad?"

"We're good. Not much goes on." She sounded friendly and harmless. I didn't see what Kristen was so worried about.

"That's good. I'm glad you're doing well."

"Whats the reason for the call? I can tell you have something to say."

"I can't just call to talk to my mother?"

"You can, but you don't. What's on your mind?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I have a boyfriend. I met his family last night, so I figured I should at least tell you about him."

"What's wrong with him?" I smiled at her mom's first question about me.

"Why would think something is wrong with him?"

"Not saying something has to be wrong with him to want to date you because you're lovely, but you could do better."

"You are already telling me I could do better, and you don't know anything about him."

"I just meant in general. You always go for less than you deserve." Kristen rolled her eyes, and there was a small silent pause before her mom spoke again, "So what's wrong with him? It's not another musician is it?" I smiled at her because I was in fact a musician.

"There's nothing wrong with being a musician."

"Not if you're successful. Does he worship Satan? Does he have kids? Does have three ex wives? Does he have current wives? What type did you attract this time?" She covered the speaker on the phone and smiled as she whispered, "Do you worship Satan or have current or ex wives?" I smiled and shook my head.

"He doesn't worship Satan, but I think It would be easier for me to tell you about him rather than just making horrible blind guesses."

"Fine, go ahead."

"He is a musician-" Her mothers voice sounded disappointing when she interrupted her.

"Oh does he at least have a good job on the side? I want you to be with someone who can take care of you."

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