Chapter 47

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-5 months later-

I woke up before anyone else in the house did, and just layed in bed with Kristen. I rolled over and kissed her cheek a couple of times before pecking her lips. She smiled and I kissed her nose, but her eyes stayed shut. "Good morning Kristen."

"Good morning Niall."

"We are getting married today."

"Oh I'm glad you said something about that I had almost completely forgotten." She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at me with a smile. "Just kidding. This is not a day I plan on forgetting. Isn't it bad luck to see me before the wedding?"

"I think it's just bad luck to see you in the dress, but I'm not superstitious."

"I'm not either, but you still aren't seeing my dress until I walk down the aisle."

"That's fine with me." I kissed her and I heard Daniel start cooing and laughing through the baby monitor. "I'll go get him." He was always cooing and laughing now, and it was adorable. He discovered he could make noises and never stopped. He started out making a mmm sound, and would just hum randomly. When he started making m's Kristen took that opportunity to sit in his face and say mama repeatedly until he said it back to her. Now he calls everyone and everything mama, or just randomly says it. I started walking to Daniel's room, and almost toppled over Riley as she zoomed across the hall into the bathroom. "Morning Daddy."

"Good morning. Don't forget to wash your hands." She shut the door without saying anything but I knew she heard me. I went into Daniels room and he was kicking his legs laughing at the mobile above him. "Good morning little man. What's so funny?" He kept smiling and cooing and I picked him up. I changed his diaper and walked out into the kitchen, "I'm glad you're so happy because today is a big day for us. Me and your mom are getting married, and you are going to try baby food for the first time."

"Ma ma."

"Yep, mama." Kristen came in the kitchen with Riley, and Daniel started reaching for her. She took him from me and sat at the kitchen table with Riley. "What does everyone want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!"

"Why don't I make something that requires less dishes since we have a busy day today?"

"Okay. I want eggs and toast."

"I can do that." I made eggs for Riley and turned to Kristen, "How do you want your eggs?"

"We are getting married today and you don't even know how I like my eggs?

"You like them cooked different ways, so I never know how you want them."

"I don't want any, but thank you. I'll just eat a piece of toast."

"A piece of toast? That's it?"

"I want to look good in my dress."

"You look great in your dress."

"You haven't even seen my dress let alone me in the dress. You can't tell me I look great."

"Riley can. Riley does she look pretty in her dress?"

"She looks soooooooo pretty."

"Thank you Riley. You look very pretty in your dress as well. I'll eat some eggs, but my dress is very tight and if I don't fit in it I will cry."

"You just tried it on again yesterday. I'm sure nothing has changed." She shrugged her shoulders and started talking to Daniel.

"Are you ready to eat some baby food?" He made a gibberish noise and she kept talking. "Do you want to try vegetables or fruit first?" He made another noise and she replied like he had actually had said something. "Oh yeah? You are thinking fruit?" She put Daniel in his highchair and grabbed some baby food.

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