chapter 23

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Niall's P.O.V.

I put Riley in her car seat, and opened her candy for her, "Please try not to make a mess with this." She nodded her head even though we both knew she would still get it on her face. I looked back at her after she had eaten her candy and she had indeed made a mess. I pulled baby wipes out of her bag, and leaned back to wipe her face off. She tried pushing my hands away from her, "Daddy turn awound this is dangerous."

"I have to clean your face first. You don't want to be dirty when you meet Kristen's parents." She stopped squirming and let me clean chocolate off her face. I turned back around in my seat, and Riley shortly fell asleep. Kristen looked in the mirror, "She's awfully quiet back there."

"She's asleep. Which is good because she was starting to get cranky, and I don't want her to be rude to your parents. A short nap will do her good. She drank all her juice, so I hope she doesn't pee in her car seat." I made conversation with Kristen on the way there, and we never ran out of things to say to each other. We pulled up to the house, and I got Riley out of the car. "Wake up Riley we are here." She grabbed her backpack and I held her hand as we walked up to the door. Her mom opened the door, "Kristen why are you knocking on the door? You don't have to knock, I'm your mother." She hugged Kristen, and then hugged me. "You must be Niall. Good to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She bent down and Riley hid partially behind my leg still holding my hand.

"You must be Riley. I'm Kristen's mom." She nodded her head, but didn't say anything. "Are you shy? That's okay, you don't have to talk to me yet if you don't want to talk." She led us into the house, and Riley started tugging on my hand. "What?"

She motioned for me to come down on her level. She whispered in my ear, "I weally have to go to the bathwoom." I stood back up. "Do you have a bathroom Riley can use? She drank a lot of juice on the way here."

"Go down that hallway, and it's the second door on the left." I took Riley to the bathroom, and stood outside the door while she went. She came out, and I buttoned her pants for her. "You don't have to be scared okay. Don't be shy it's alright. These are Kristen's parents, and they will love you. How could they not? You're great." We walked back into the living room.

"Are you guys hungry? Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. I just have to take rolls out of the oven." Kristen led us into the kitchen.

"Where's dad?"

"He's in his office. Working his life away." Kristen turned to me,

"He's a lawyer, an he thinks if he works at home it isn't working." She turned back to her mom, "Is he really busy, or can I go get him?"

"He's never too busy for you." Her mom looked at me, "He spoiled her all her life, so naturally she's a little daddy's girl." That made me nervous because it probably means he doesn't like any boy she brings home. I really wanted her family to like me, so I was nervous to meet her dad.

"I am not spoiled. I just love my dad." She walked over to a door, and leaned against the door frame. She knocked a couple of times, "Daddy? Are you busy?" I knew he wasn't going to immediately like me because I have a daughter that I spoil, so I can kinda relate. Riley isn't old enough to bring boys around, but I don't even like the thought of her getting any older than she is now. He is just protective of her like I am of Riley. He opened the door, and hugged Kristen. He was a rather large guy, and it was very intimidating. He was tall, muscular, and seemed very manly.He looked like the only person he would ever really be nice to is Kristen. He kissed her cheek, "Hey. Good to see you. Why don't you ever come see your old man anymore?"

"I don't know. Daddy this is Niall and his daughter Riley." He held his hand out for me to shake, and gave me one quick nod before crouching down on Riley's level. "Hey sweetie." She moved closer to me holding onto my leg, "Hi."

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