Chapter 36

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We had finally stopped cleaning and taking care of everything that needed to be done around the house when Riley got home. We had just sat down when Eleanor knocked on the door. We both got up and went to the door. Riley came running in as soon as I opened the door "Kwisten wook at my nails!" She wiggled her fingers and toes, and Kristen complimented her on them. Eleanor handed me her bag, and her camera. "Niall please make sure those nails don't get messed up before Saturday."
"It's Thursday what could happen?"
"Just please try not chip the color. She doesn't have fake nails so they can't break, but don't clip her nails."
"She bites her nails anyways."
"Don't let her do that. They will be all crooked and jagged."
"She's actually quite good at it, and they almost look perfectly clipped. I'll watch her though."
"Thank you." She looked over at Kristen, "Kristen I'm counting on you to watch her. The rehearsal is tomorrow night at six. She has to be at the church at seven saturday morning to get her hair done, get ready, and do a dress rehearsal." I grabbed Riley's head and pulled her closer to my leg.
"What are you doing to her hair?"
"I plan on actually brushing it."
"I brush her hair sometimes. You can't brush curls out it just ends up poofy. It looks better this way trust me." Riley nodded her head in agreement.
"I know. I want it to be a surprise for you how her hair is fixed. Just be there Saturday at seven."
"I know. I have to be there at the same time to get ready. I'm in the wedding too remember?"
"Oh yeah. Kristen you're still coming to help everyone get ready right?"
"Thank you!" She hugged me and then hugged Kristen. "Your stomach is getting so big! You look so cute. Can I feel it?"
"Yeah, but you probably won't feel him moving. I can feel him from the inside, but not on the outside yet." She put her hand on Kristen's stomach, and Riley did the same.
"Hey wittle bwother!" Riley looked up at Eleanor, "Say hi to him. He can hear you, but he can't talk back to you." Eleanor and Kristen smiled at each other laughing at Riley's comment.
"Hey I'm your aunt Eleanor!"
"She's weally nice and funny."
"I can't wait to meet you, and talk to you in person."
"Me too!" Eleanor stood up straight and Riley stood in front of me again. "Can Eweanor stay for dinner?" She looked over at Eleanor before I could answer, "Wanna stay?"
"I have to go eat with your Uncle Louis. He will be sad if he has to eat alone."
"Okay, you can go eat with him."
"Alright. See you tomorrow night!"
"See ya wayter awigater"
"Love you! Don't bite your nails. Take care of them."
"Got it! Wove you too!"
Riley had been in a good mood the rest of the night keeping the whole house lively and happy. She was being so fun and playing around with us. After dinner she was following Kristen around the house holding her hand out to the side and shaking her hips as she walked. I was laughing at her and Kristen turned around and Riley would stop. She did it a few times until Kristen finally caught her in the act. "I do not walk like that. I have never walked like that."
"Yes you do Kwisten. Tell her daddy."
"Tell Riley I don't walk like that." It was true she had never walked like that, but I decided to play along with Riley.
"You kinda do walk like that." I winked at Riley and she started laughing.
"I do not walk like that." She kept walking around doing things she needed to get done, and Riley continued to follow her. She put a pillow under her shirt and held it as she walked.
"Ugh, I'm gonna toss my waviolis!"
"I didn't even have ravioli for dinner."
"I did. It was dewicious. I got a bewwy full of wavioli. You got a bewwy full of baby." Kristen sat on the couch and Riley got her camera. She took a picture of Kristen, and then a picture of me. She handed me her camera, "Take a picture of me and Kwisten. We have matching bewwies. She still had the pillow in her shirt and sat next to Kristen. Kristen wrapped her arm around Riley and leaned down putting their faces next to each other. They both smiled, and in my opinion they both had the two prettiest smiles I had ever seen. We watched t.v. and Riley looked through some of her picture books since she couldn't read yet. She stayed sitting next to Kristen until she fell asleep. I put her in her bed, and me and Kristen went to to bed shortly after.
-Saturday, The Wedding.-
Riley woke us up just as excited as ever. Louis had my tux and Eleanor had Riley's dress, so we didn't need to get ready. Kristen grabbed a dress and brought it with us. She didn't want to wear her dress and heels while she would be running around helping Eleanor and everyone get ready. We walked into the church and people were carrying plants from place to place. They were setting up and getting the church ready for the wedding.
"Daddy wook at those pwetty fwowers?"
"I know! Don't touch them okay. Don't touch anything." A girl I recognized as one of Eleanor's friends came up to us.
"Niall, the boys are getting ready down that hall. Third door to the right."
"Okay, thanks."
"Girls come with me." I put Riley down and she walked off with Kristen.
Kristen's P.O.V.
Riley held my hand as we followed Eleanor's friend to the dressing room. Once we went in she let go of my hand and ran to Eleanor. "Wook at my nails! Are they alwight for the wedding?"
"Yes they're perfect."
"Good, I had to twy weally hard not to mess them up."
"Thank you! You did a very good job." The bridesmaids started getting hair and makeup done, and I kept Riley and Lux busy until it was Riley's turn to get ready. Lou finally called for Riley to get her hair done. She kept her hair in it's natural curls, but piled it all up on the top of her head. She had a flower crown around the big bun with little ringlets framing her face. I helped her into her dress after arguing with her about wearing tights. She finally agreed to wear the tights, and I buckled her shoes on her feet. She had gloves on that went above her elbows, and looked absolutely adorable. "Do I get makeup wike the other girls?" Lou put some make up on her, but not a lot. She just gave her blush, light eye shadow, and lip gloss. Lou started working on Eleanor's hair, and looked at the time. It was almost time to stop getting ready, and get the wedding started. "Kristen can you go check on the boys for me? They all pretty much know how to fix their own hair and get dressed, but you never know with them. Could you help them fix their hair if they need it?"
"Yeah. I'll go. I'll be right back."
"Can I go show daddy my dwess and makeup?"
"You don't want to surprise him?"
"Oh, yeah I want it to be a supwise." I walked off to the boys room. I knocked on the door and Liam answered, "Hey Kristen. Look how pregnant you look I can't believe it. I haven't seen you since before you were pregnant."
"Has it really been that long?" Niall came around the corner,
"What's up?"
"Lou sent me to make sure you all had your hair fixed, were dressed, and ready to go. Is everyone clothed? I'm coming in." Zayn and Harry were fixing their ties in the mirror and Liam was ready to go. Niall needed his hair touched up, and Louis needed his hair done and needed to finish getting dressed. He just had his pants on with his shirt unbuttoned. "Louis how are you the last one to be ready?"
"I don't know. I lost track of time. I can fix my own hair easily, and finish getting dressed." Niall pulled me over to the side, "How's Riley? Is she ready?"
"She is, and she looks adorable." The photographer is taking some pictures now, and they will take more after the ceremony." I started messing with Niall's hair trying to fix it as we talked. My eyes accidentally landed on his lips before quickly going to his eyes, and it didn't go unnoticed by Niall. He did that awful smirk that made me fall apart. He was going to lean in and kiss me, but I reminded him that other people were in the room. Louis had finished getting dressed and he fixed his hair before turning to me, "How do I look?"
"Perfect. I'm going to tell everyone you guys are ready. The photographer is taking pictures outside, so go get your pictures taken. After the ceremony he will take big group pictures and stuff."
"Okay." I went back to the girl's dressing room, and told them everything was fine." I finished getting ready, and taking care of everything before I went and sat down and waited for the wedding to start.
Niall's P.O.V.
Before the wedding all of the wedding party was in the lobby together getting ready to walk out. Eleanor wasn't out yet because Louis was in the lobby, but she was coming out after he left. Riley wasn't coming out until I left the lobby because she wanted me to be surprised by her dress. Louis opened the door and walked out into the sanctuary. He stood up at the front and all the bridesmaids started going down the aisle with the groomsmen. I walked out and stood behind Louis since I was the best man. He leaned back and whispered, "Standing up here is nerve wracking. What if she changes her mind?"
"She won't. You guys have been together way too long for her to leave now." I patted him on the back as more people came down the aisle. Riley started coming down the aisle smiling at me and throwing petals on the ground. She looked so cute in her dress. She looked like a tiny princess. Eleanor walked out, and when Louis saw her he let out a breath he had been holding. They both had the biggest smiles on their faces. The ceremony went on and Riley giggled when Louis and Eleanor kissed.. After the ceremony we were all in the lobby again, and Riley ran up to me. I picked her up as she spoke, "Daddy did you see me? Was I good?"
"You were great, and you look very pretty."
"Thank you! You wook vewy handsome. Lou put makeup on me, and fixed my hair. She put eye stuff on me, and stuff on my face, and wip gwoss."
"It looks very pretty." We went to the reception where I found Kristen waiting for me and Riley. We had a lot of fun at the reception. Riley wanted to dance, so we went out the dance floor. "Do you want me to hold you?"
"No. I want to dance."
"Stand on my feet." She did as I said and I held onto her moving us around the floor to the song. I noticed Kristen taking our picture, and then the song ended. We went back to our table, and Riley started talking to Liam and Harry. Another slow song came on and I asked Kristen to dance with me. We went to the floor and she put her arms around my neck. I held her as close as I could get her. "Your baby bump is keeping us from being closer."
"If anything I would think it was bringing us closer."
"You know what I meant. The baby itself is bringing us closer, but not the bump."
"I know. This wedding turned out really well didn't it?"
"It's really beautiful. Eleanor did a good job planning this."
"You know what else is really beautiful?" She didn't say anything she just waited for my response, "You are and one day we will have a beautiful wedding."
"You are really cheesy."
"I'm not cheesy. i was trying to be sweet. I do think you are beautiful, and I hope for us to have a beautiful wedding someday."
"Thank you, and I hope for that too." The song ended and we went back to the table. Riley danced with each of the boys, and we all had a great time. I danced more with Riley and Kristen. We finally got home, and Riley was down for the night. Kristen changed into her pajamas, and came back out to the couch where I was sitting still in my tuxedo. She layed on the couch, and rested her head in my lap. "I should not have worn high heels. My feet hurt enough as it is just being pregnant."
"Sit up for a second babe." She sat up and I stood up from underneath her. "Where are you going? I was comfortable." I gave her a pillow to put under her head, and walked to the other end of the couch. I lifted her feet and sat beneath them. I started massaging her feet. "You don't have to do that for me."
"I want to do it." I started massaging her feet, and she started moaning. I started laughing because i don't think she even realized that she was doing it.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing I'm just glad I can still make you moan like that without having sex." She playfully kicked me with the foot that wasn't in my hand. "I have your foot in my hand I could break your ankle right now."
"You're so mean to me."
"I'm not mean. I was just kidding. I'm massaging your feet. Would a mean person do that?"
"I suppose not, but you in that tux is mean."
"How so?"
"You look so good, but I don't want to have sex with a big pregnant stomach. i don't even know how that would work. Could you even be on top? I don't want to be on top because I just picture my stomach when I think about it, and it isn't a great image."
"We could do it doggy style, or reverse cowgirl. You are quite good at that one." She blushed and covered her face before sitting up. "All I see is stomach when I think about it, and a pregnant stomach doesn't seem so sexy to me."
"It's not that big yet. You are only five months pregnant. You won't get really big until later." She kissed me and started unbuttoning my shirt. "Is this a yes to sex?" She stood up and grabbed my tie pulling me into the bedroom.

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