Daddy Niall 4

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Niall's P.O.V.

I walked over to the couch, and moved her hair out of her face. She took her hair down as soon as we got in the car to leave. When she slept her hair always covered her face. I sat on the floor next to the couch, and Kristen stood in the kitchen doorway watching me wake her.

"Riiiileyyyy...wake uuuuuuup." She groaned and curled into a ball. "You invited Kristen over to play, and you're gonna sleep all evening. You've been asleep for a couple of hours now." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" She nodded her head, "Well you know where it is." She hopped off the couch, and I playfully swatted her bum as she passed by me. She came back, and flung water in my face from where she washed her hands. I grabbed her up and started tickling her, "You little brat. I'm gonna fling water in your face."

"No Daddy!!! Stop tickling meeeeee!" She barely got the words out through her laughter. I set her back on the ground and she ran and hid behind Kristen's legs. I threw my hands up, "Fine I won't tickle you anymore!" Kristen leaned down to Riley,

"I will!!!" She started tickling Riley, and she screamed before it turned into laughter. She stopped tickling Riley, "Did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah. Daddy can Kwisten come pway in my woom wif my toys?"

"If she wants too. I'm gonna finish making dinner." Riley grabbed Kristen's hand and they went to her room. I mashed up some potatoes while the chicken was in the oven with some vegetables. I got plates out of the cabinet, two normal sized ones, and a small one. It felt weird having three plates. I cut up a piece of chicken for Riley and I put it on her plate, and I also added a small portion of potatoes and vegetables. I let it cool down for a minute before I called them in. We sat down to eat, and I handed Riley her plate. Kristen and I made our plates as Riley told me about what her Kristen played in her room. "Daddy I'm thiwsty."

"Oh, I completely forgot drinks. I'm sorry." I grabbed some soda for Kristen and made a cup of juice for Riley. She looked over to Kristen,

"Daddy wets me use a big girl cup at the table."

"Well that's good."

"I have to be careful not to spill it."  We were eating while Riley was still going on about games she was playing with Kristen. She accidentally knocked her cup off the table. Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped, "Sowwy daddy." I got up to get a towel,

"It's okay." Her eyes started to get watery and she made a frown. She looked as if she were about to cry, but was trying her hardest not to cry.

"I didn't meant to knock it down."

"It's okay baby. It was an accident. Everyone has accidents it's alright. Don't be upset. I've got it all cleaned it up now, and I'm gonna get you some more juice." She sniffled and dried her eyes,

"Okay. You aren't mad?"

"No I'm not mad at all. Why would I be mad? You didn't do it on purpose did you?" I smiled so she knew I really wasn't bothered by it. She smiled,

"No, are you gonna give me a sippy cup?"

"No, you can still use the big girl cup."

"What if I spill it again?"

"I will clean it, and get you more juice. You will never learn if you don't keep trying." We made it through dinner without her spilling her drink. We went into the living room after dinner, and Riley insisted  on watching a movie. She sat on the couch between me and Kristen. Ten minutes into the movie she laid her head down in Kristen's lap, and fell asleep.

"While you were in her room did she say anything about her mom?"

"Just the same stuff from the park. She will have curly brown hair, green eyes, and she's gonna play ponies with her. She said she will be nice and funny." I covered my face with my palm and shook my head.

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