Chapter 29

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Niall's P.O.V.

**Weeks Later**

For a few days now Kristen had been feeling sick. This morning I woke up when Kristen got out of bed, but she thought I was still asleep. She was throwing up again like she was doing yesterday. I convinced her to go to the doctor since she had said she didn't feel good, but she wasn't going until tomorrow. She came out of the bathroom and went back to sleep. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Riley came out shortly after I did. "Mornin' daddy. Where's Kwisten.?"

"G'Mornin' sweetie. She's still in bed she still doesn't feel very well today."

"Is she sick wike I was? She could go to the doctor."

"Yeah, and she's going to the doctor tomorrow."

"Good thing I'm spending the night with gwandma and Theo. I don't want to get sick again."

"Yep. You aren't going over until later tonight though." She helped me cook breakfast and after we ate we started watching cartoons. Kristen came out of the hallway, "Good morning guys."

"Mornin' Kwisten."

"I made breakfast. I put the leftovers in the fridge if you want some. It's pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I threw the eggs away, but I can make you more."

"That's very sweet of you, but I kinda just want some cereal."

"Can I eat her pancakes for wunch later?"

"Sure." I went up behind Kristen and hugged her putting my hands on her stomach. I kissed her cheek, and she grabbed my hands and turned around to face me. She usually loved that. "I don't want to get you sick."

"I wasn't trying to put the moves on you in the kitchen. I was just giving you a hug."

"I know, but better safe than sorry." She went back to making cereal as I left the kitchen. She sat on the couch all day in her pajamas while I played with Riley. She watched us play in the living room floor all morning. Riley kept looking at Kristen ever so often asking if she was okay. Kristen would just nod and smile in response. I let Riley eat pancakes again for lunch, and asked Kristen if she wanted anything to eat.

"No I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Not even just a snack."

"Can I have some pretzels?" I brought her the bag of pretzels since she stil didn't want to move from the couch. After lunch I put the dishes in the sink, and the pretzels away. Kristen was sitting in a slant with her head resting on the arm rest and her feet on the couch. Riley climbed up on the couch and sat behind where Kristen's knee's bent. She rested her head on Kristen's hip, and started rubbing her leg. Kristen started twirling one of Riley's curls, and Riley turned to look at her. "I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you, but don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine I'm just tired."

"Wanna take a nap? We can watch some t.v. and maybe you will fall asweep. That's what happens to me sometimes."

"Okay, you pick what we watch." Kristen went through the channels Riley normally watched until they found something. I started washing the dishes, and when I finished they were both asleep. I packed Riley's bag to spend the night at my mom's house, and started washing some of her clothes. I cleaned up her toys she had brought to the living room, and the toys on the floor in her room. Riley woke up before Kristen and I got her ready to go to my mom's while she asked a million questions about what I packed. "Riley I know how to pack you a sleepover bag. I am your dad ya know? I put pajamas, toys, play clothes, clothes in case you go somewhere, and an extra pair of underwear in case you have an accident."

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