Chapter 33

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Niall's P.O.V.

We had planned to go out to eat with my parents and Kristen's parents. We went somewhere in the middle so no one had to drive far out. We wanted them to meet properly, and get to know each other. Riley was well behaved while I got her ready. She was eager to see both sets of grand parents in one night. She was so eager she was ready an hour early and watching a movie in her room to pass the time. I was with Kristen in our room while she was trying on a million different things.

"None of my clothes fit me anymore!"

"I wonder why? That's weird. It's not like you are pregnant or anything are you?" She took her too small shirt off and threw it at my face. I laughed as I pulled the shirt away from my face and layed it on the bed. She was just standing in front of the mirror rubbing her bare stomach that was now noticeably larger.

"I'm getting fat."

"Hey! That fat is my kid you're talking about! You aren't fat you are pregnant. There is a big difference."

"I still don't have any clothes to wear. We never go anywhere, so I have just been wearing sweatpants."

"Wear sweatpants then."

"I can't wear sweatpants to a restaurant."

"We don't have time to go buy you something for tonight, but tomorrow we can go shopping for maternity clothes."

"I do have a kinda flowy dress I could wear tonight." She put the dress on and finished getting ready.


We were all at dinner and Riley sat between me and Kristen. Riley introduced them even though they had met at our New Years party. The waitress came out and took our drink orders. "Are these together or separate?" I would have paid for it, but Glenn spoke before I could. He motioned to himself and Kristen's mom, "We are together." My parent's followed suit, "We are separate." I motioned to Kristen including Riley who was between us, "We are together." Riley spoke up, "I'm sepawate." Everyone including the waitress laughed, but Riley stayed serious. I looked down at her, "No you aren't. You are with me and Kristen."

"No. I'm sepawate. Kwisten's pawents are mawwied so they are together. Your pawents are sepawate. You and Kwisten are together. I don't have a boy so I'm sepawate."

"That's not what separate means. Separate means you have to pay for your own food. Do you have any money?"

"Oh, can I bowwow some money? I alweady told her I was sepawate?"

"She can just put you back with us and I'll pay for you this time. Next time you're paying for me though."

"Okay." Once we got that all sorted out and the drink orders taken we all looked at the menus. Riley looked even though she couldn't read. I told her all her options for food, and she said peanut butter and jelly even though it wasn't an option. I told her options again, but she was dead set on peanut butter and jelly. The waitress came back to take everyone's orders, "What would you like sweetie?"

"Peanut butter and jewwy!"

"Riley I already told you they don't have that here."

"Can I eat when we go home?"

"No this is where we are eating dinner. You have to eat with us. Do you want a grilled cheese?"

"I want peanut butter and jewwy."

"Well they don't have that." I looked over at the waitress while Kristen went back over the menu with Riley. "I'm sorry."

"It's not a problem. I can get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich made for her. We have all the stuff it's just not on the menu."

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