Chapter 46

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Niall's P.O.V.
We got home from dropping Taylor off at the same time Kristen pulled in the driveway. Riley and I got out of our car and she ran to the front door. I walked around to Kristen's car to get Daniel, so she didn't have to carry the heavy seat. Riley went in ahead of us and sat on the couch kicking her shoes off. "Riley is that where your shoes go?" She groaned as she walked off to put her shoes away properly. "Thank you." She came back in the living room and started watching some television show. Kristen walked into the kitchen and I followed her sitting Daniel's carseat in the table to get him out. "How were the doctors appointments?"
"Just good. You aren't going to tell me anything? How much does Daniel weigh now? Is he healthy? Are you healthy? Is he developing properly?" Daniel started to cry a little and I took him out of his carrier as she answered me.
"Sorry. I'm just really tired, and I wasn't really thinking about what you had asked? Daniel's doctor said he was developing just fine. She said he is very alert for only being a month old. He is good at holding his own head up for brief periods of time, and he is very happy. He kept smiling and cooing while she talked to him."
"That's good. He doesn't seem very happy right now though." I started swaying back forth letting him grip onto my finger to try and soothe him.
"Yeah he stopped being so happy when the doctor gave him shots." Kristen came over to me and started kissing Daniel's cheek. "He is grumpy now. It's almost time for him to eat again, and then I'll probably take a nap when he does since I didn't sleep much last night."
"I'll feed him and you can go ahead and go lay down now. I'll bring him in when he's fed, changed, and ready to sleep. I can also keep him out here with me so you aren't as restless."
"Okay, thank you."
"You don't have to thank me for taking care of my own kid." I laughed and kissed the top of her head.
"Oh, yeah."
"Wait before you go lay down tell me what your doctor said."
"They asked a bunch of questions to see if I had any post partum depression, and I'm not. They told me I was healthy and everything is healing up well. They said if I was up to it that we know."
I laughed at her and nodded my head. "They said that if anything hurts or doesn't feel right then we need to stop. Later tonight we might be good to go."
"We have to go to your parents house."
"Not all night. We will come home tonight and we know. I don't want to say it out loud with Riley in the living room."
"I figured as much. Now go get some sleep." Kristen kissed me quickly on the lips before going into our bedroom. Riley walked into the kitchen, "Daddy, I'm thirsty can I have a drink?"
"Of course you can. Just give me a minute and let me put Daniel in his little bouncy seat." I strapped him in and Riley talked to him so he would calm down. She was always able to get him to stop crying for a few minutes a least. I made Daniel's bottle and asked Riley what she wanted to drink. "Chocolate milk."
"What did the dentist say about sweets?"
"He said don't listen to me I'm crazy and don't know anything. Tell your dad to let you all the sweets you want!" I laughed at her and nodded my head. "Is that we he said? I was there and I don't remember him saying that."

"Maybe you weren't listening."

"What did the dentist really say?"

"Ugh. He said not to eat so many sweets, but you don't eat chocolate milk you drink it."
"You know we are going to Kristen's parent's house later, and you know Glenn always gives you sweets. It's your choice, chocolate milk now or candy later?"
"Candy later. Can I have just milk?" I nodded my head and made her a cup of milk. She ran back into the living room and I fed Daniel on the couch next to Riley. Once he was finished eating I changed him and took him in the bedroom to put him in his cradle. Kristen looked so peaceful, and I just wanted to get Riley in here for us all to take a nap. I knew that wouldn't happen, and I had laundry to do anyways. I went into the laundry room and started separating the laundry into two piles. One was kid clothes and one was adult clothes. Riley came in a few minutes later, "Daddy do you want to play with me?"
"I'd love to play with you, but I can't. I have to do this laundry or you won't have anything to wear to school on monday."
"Okay." She sat on the floor in the laundry room and watched me separate the laundry. I looked over at her.
"Do you want to help me? If we get it done fast we can play." She stood up and walked over to me. I set her on the counter and pushed a pile of clothes in front of her.
"What do I do?"
"Go through that pile of clothes and separate the white clothes from colored clothes. If it's white put it on this side of you and if its colored put it on the other side of you."
"Got it." We talked about anything Riley's mind came up with as we separated the clothes. I turned around to get clothes out of the dryer and when I turned back to Riley she had on one of Kristen's bras. She laughed at herself and I did the same. "Riley take that off you don't need a bra."
"I want one."
"You don't need one. You don't have boobs."
"When I grow up I will have them since I'm a girl."
"Yeah and when you grow up you can wear all the bras you want." I put a load of clothes in the washer and started folding clean clothes.
"Daddy I don't want to do laundry anymore. I want to play a game."
"Alright the laundry can wait I guess." We went in her room and had a tea party until Kristen woke up from her nap. I had on a big sunhat with flowers attached to it paired with clip on earrings. Kristen came to the doorway and started laughing. I turned to look at her, "What is so funny? Tea parties are very serious and require formal attire. I even have the matching bracelet and necklace."
"It's very lovely. It looks good on you."
"Thank you. I feel very pretty. How about you Riley are you feeling pretty?"
"Gorgeous darling." After we finished our tea party I made Riley take a bath and get ready to go to Kristen's parent's house. Riley was already ready and so was Kristen. I was almost finished getting ready and Kristen was dressing Daniel. Riley was in the living room watching t.v. before we left. I put on a button up shirt rolling the sleeves up to my elbows and Kristen looked up at me. "Don't wear that shirt."
"Why not? I like this shirt."
"I like it too, but it makes me find you like eighty seven percent more attractive and that isn't fair."

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