Chapter 25

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Niall's P.O.V.

It had been about a month since I left to go back on tour. We did our usual calling and skyping, and Kristen even let Riley use her phone to send me snapchats. I think that was her favorite because she loved taking pictures of herself making silly faces. I would send her pictures of me making silly faces or pictures of the boys. I hadn't talked to them today though because I was really busy today. I woke up and went straight to interviews and press all day until it was time for the show. After the show interviewers were backstage waiting for us. By the time everything got settled down Riley would already be asleep. I layed down on my hotel bed and looked through some pictures of Riley and Kristen on my phone. My phone switched from pictures to an incoming call from Kristen, and I answered it immediately.


"Hi Niall. Do you have Riley's insurance card with you?"

"I don't know I'll look, but I don't think I do. I think I left it there just in case. Why is something wrong? Do I need to come home?"

"No, she's just getting sick. I was going to take her to the doctor tomorrow."

"I don't have it I think I put it in my dresser, but I forgot to tell you. I can come home I have a couple days off. What's wrong with her?"

"She was just feeling a little warm, and hasn't been acting like herself. I gave her medicine for the fever, and she said her stomach feels funny. I couldn't get her to eat anything except some peanut butter crackers today. She has been napping on and off all day."

"Are you sure I don't need to come home?"

"No you don't have to come home I can handle it." I heard Riley's excited tone in that background, "Is that my daddy? Is he coming to take care of me."

"No he has to stay where he is, but I'm going to take care of you." Her voice saddened as she spoke again.

"Oh. Okay, can I say hi to him?" I hated that I wasn't there with her. Kristen agreed and the next thing I knew her voice was closer and she was on the phone, "Hi daddy."

"Hey princess. How ya feeling?"

"Sick. I don't wike being sick. My tummy feels weird."

"I'm sorry baby. I wish I could make you feel better. I don't like when you're sick either. Kristen said she is going to take you to the doctor tomorrow."

"Will I feel better?"

"Probably not tomorrow, but the doctor might give you some medicine that will help you feel better faster. Tonight you can just cuddle with Kristen and watch a movie."

"Okay. I wove you. You can talk to Kwisten now." Kristen came back on the line, "Hey."

"Hey. I'm coming home for a few days she sounds pitiful."

"She looks pitiful."

"I was looking at flights on my computer while I talked to Riley. I'm not really that far away I can be there in a few hours. I don't like being away from her when she's sick. It only makes me anxious."

"Well, I'm not going to stop you if that's what you want. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, but don't tell her. I want it to be a surprise."

"She would like that."

"I'll see you later, bye."

"Bye." I had no need to pack anything but a carry on bag. I had clothes at my house, and my suitcase could stay on the bus until I get back. I told everyone that Riley was sick and I was going home for the few days we had off to take care of her. It wasn't ideal, but no one stopped me from leaving because they understood she came first. The plane ride felt like forever, and the cab ride home felt even longer. I finally arrived home and went inside to find all the lights off, Riley asleep on the couch, and Kristen in the chair watching the rest of The Little Mermaid. I took my back pack off and leaned down and kissed Kristen before looking back at Riley.

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