Chapter 32

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Niall's P.O.V.

It had been a few weeks since we had told Kristen's parents about the baby, and we had since told all the boys and everyone else in my family. Louis said I kinda spoiled the excitement over him and Eleanor getting married soon, but he was only kidding. He was of course just as excited as everyone else. Riley was still excited about the wedding since she was going to be a flower girl and didn't know about the baby yet.

We wanted to wait to tell her last in case something unfortunate did happen, but we were just so excited and told everyone else early. We were probably going to end up telling Riley early. Kristen had completely left the shocked and worried stage, and was just as excited as I was. She was almost twelve weeks pregnant now, and we felt like it was a good enough time to tell Riley. We had ran out of juice yesterday and milk this morning, so I was going to the store to get a few things and we were going to tell Riley when I got home. I got ready to leave and Riley started begging to go with me.

"I'll be right back I promise. I'm just going to get some juice for you."

"Will you buy me a toy?"

"You don't need a new toy every time I go out."

"Pwease I'm bored with my other toys."

"No. Go play with Kristen I'll be back in like ten minutes."

"Fine." She let me leave and went off with Kristen.

When I got back Kristen was reading the pregnancy book on the couch. I kissed Kristen, "Where's Riley?"

"Watching a movie in her room. What toy did you buy her?"

"I didn't buy her a toy."

"Yes you did. You always do."

"I bought her some stickers."


"Whatever I like making her happy."

"You like turning her into a spoiled brat. You two are going to end up like the one family from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

"We are not." She laughed and went back to reading

"RILEEEY!! COMEEE HEREEE!!" She came prancing out of her room,

"Hi daddy. Did you get me a toy?" I looked over at Kristen who started laughing again and I handed Riley the pack of stickers I bought her. She thanked me and went to run back into her room. I stopped her, "Only put those stickers on paper." She was trying to open them not paying a bit of attention to what I said. "Riley Lynn. I mean it. I better not find one single sticker on the wall or on any furniture. Do you remember what happened last time?"

"I had to sit in timeout and I couldn't watch t.v. for two whole days. I get it. I'll be in big twouble. Can I put them on me?"

"Yeah I guess just you and paper." She ran back into her room.

"That was kind of a harsh punishment for a four year old don't you think Niall?"

"No because they were everywhere and would not come off easily. She put them on there after I told her not to do it several times. I think it was plenty of fair punishment."

"Two days is like two weeks to a kid."

"You are just a sucker, and always let her out easy."

"Fair enough. We both have our weakness. Let's tell her about the baby now!"

"Now?" She nodded her head I called Riley back out into the living room. She came out with stickers all over her shirt, and face. She had one on her forehead, and one on her chin. She had one on each cheek. She had one holding her nose up giving her pig nose, and one on each eyelid holding her eyes open so she couldn't even blink properly. Kristen and I both busted out laughing at the sight and I took a picture of her and Kristen told me to add it to the scrapbook. She climbed up in my lap, and I took the stickers off of her eyes, and face. She started sticking stickers on my cheeks, but I took them off. "Riles stop I have to talk to you about something serious."

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