Chapter 19

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Niall's P.O.V.
After a few days it was time for Riley and Kristen to go back home. I didn't want them to leave, but they couldn't stay here forever. I went with them to the airport and Riley fell asleep in the backseat of the cab. "Maybe I should kiss you goodbye now since she's asleep." I leaned over Riley to kiss Kristen. "I'm really sorry we are hiding like this, and I can't take you like on a date or something."
"It's fine Niall I get it. This relationship is just going to be a little different at first, and that's okay." I leaned over to kiss her again before we got to the airport. I got Riley out of the cab as Kristen got the bags out of the trunk. I carried Riley through the airport, and drug her bag behind me. They started calling for the flight to board. "I wanted to say goodbye to her, but if I wake her up she won't sleep on the plane. Then the time difference will mess her up and she will sleep during the day, and you won't be able to sleep."
"Niall, just wake her up. I can keep up with her sleep schedule don't worry about that. Do you know how heartbroken she would be if she doesn't get to say bye to you. Do you remember how upset she was when she woke up in Harry's bunk that was right under yours. How upset do you think she would be if she woke up in a different country without you telling her goodbye?" I kissed Kristen quickly once more before waking Riley up, "Riley, wake up. It time to get on the plane. You get to go home with Kristen, and play with all your toys."
"Are you coming with us?"
"No I have to stay here."
"When are you coming back?"
"I'll be back for Halloween."
"That's a weally wong time."
"Well I'll call you and we can talk just like we have been doing. Don't worry about it. You just need to worry about what you want to be for Halloween." I booped her nose as I finished saying the word Halloween. "Give me a big hug okay." She wrapped her arms around my neck and tried her hardest to wrap her legs around me. She was squeezing as tight as she could, and I squeezed back. "Give me a kiss." She kissed me, and hugged me once more.
"Don't forget to kiss Kwisten." I leaned over and kissed Kristen's cheek.
"You have to go get on the plane before it leaves." I kissed and hugged Riley again and handed her to Kristen. "Bye guys. I'll miss you." I watched them board the plane before I left the airport. The next day when I skyped with Riley she was telling me all kinds of different Halloween ideas. I barely even spoke I just sat back laughing at her excitement. Kristen came over to the computer, "Alright Riley it's time for you to go to bed."
"Daddy tell her not to make me go to bed."
"Nope, it doesn't work like that. You know I would love to stay and talk to you, but you have to go to sleep. I'd make you go to sleep too if I was there."
"Ugh, no fun."
"Goodnight Riley. I love you."
"Wove you too daddy. Night." She blew me a kiss and ran off to her bedroom. Kristen sat down to turn off the computer before going to help Riley get ready for bed.
"Hey Kristen, are you tired or do you want to get back on skype when she goes to sleep."
"I can get back on. I'll see you in a little while." She got off the computer and I waited for her to return. I answered the skype call as soon as it came through. "Hey Niall."
"Hey. Has Riley been talking all day long about Halloween costumes?"
"From the moment she woke up this morning. I told her it was still September and Halloween wasn't until the end of October. Oh, wait she did ask about her cast once, but it was just to see if would be off for Halloween."
"I wish I could be there when she gets it off. I hate being on tour. I actually love being on tour because I love playing music, but I hate missing things with Riley. It's a lot harder than I expected. I mean I knew it would be hard but I just want to be with her. I miss her."
"At least you get to come back for Halloween and Christmas."
"Yeah, but I miss the boring everyday stuff. I miss seeing her sleep. Which sounds creepy but she's so sweet in her sleep. She's sweet all the time. I just really miss her. I'll stop being sappy now."
"Its okay. I like it. You're a good dad. It would be weird if you didn't miss her. I will start sending you more pictures."
"Thanks. I actually didn't mean to talk about Riley. I wanted to talk about us."
"What about us?"
"I don't really know how we are supposed to keep up with figuring things out for us while I'm not with you. I don't like hiding from Riley, but it is what's best for now. I cant act really feel things out or be a boyfriend or take you out if I'm not around."
"We will be fine. I think that once we have more time together and figure everything out you could potentially be a great boyfriend. Lets just not worry about too much for now. I have low expectations during tour but when you get back I'm going to be very high maintenance." I laughed a little and nodded my head.

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