Chapter 4 : The project

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At the Lynches house in living room starting there project.
Rocky: Hey do you want to use my laptop to type it?
Savannah: Please.
Rocky: Here. *pass it to her*
Riker: Okay so what are so ideas for the sports at school?
Savannah: Maybe to have a spirit week at school were we sell something different everyday for a week and play games to ease money for the basketball team.
Rocky: Why basketball?
Savannah: I don't know it is like the only sport I play all though my mom is making me do cheerleading this year.
Riker: Have you done it before?
Savannah: Ya. Anyways the week idea good and not?
Riker/Rocky: Good. They say as Savannah started to type there ideas.
*There mom gets home from work and sees Savannah*
Stormie: Hey kids who's this?
Riker: Mom this Savannah.
Savannah: Nice to meet you Mrs.Lynch.
Stormie: Saeetheart please call me Stormie and nice to meet you too. Can I ask what you guys are up to?
Rocky: A group project for PE.
Stormie: PE?
Riker: That's what we thought.
Stormie: Well you kids have fun. It was nice meeting you Savannah.
Savannah: As well as it was meeting you also. *stormie walk upstairs*

Rocky: Why?
Savannah: Why what?
Riker: You talk very different around parents.
Savannah: Sorry.
Rocky: Don't be it nice of you. Although you are the first person you call our mom Mrs.Lynch.
Savannah: Well o didn't know her name and I didn't know what people call you mom.
Riker: They usually call her Mama Lynch.
Savannah: Cool, I have to go but can you send me what I just typed I will finish it tonight.
Rocky: we have tomorrow in class to finish it.
Savannah: I know but we need that time to work on the model.
Riker: Your right. Need a ride home?
Savannah: umm no thank you I will just walk home it not to far.
Riker: It is dark outside I'm not letting you walk home alone come on I'll drive you.
Savannah: Thanks.
Riker: No problem really and Rocky can you tell mom I'll be right back.
Rocky: Sure bye Savannah. O one more thing do you have a nickname?
Savannah: Yes everyone one calls me Vanni.
Rocky: Okay bye Vanni.
Savannah: Bye Rocky.
Riker and her go to her house. Riker drops her off and comes home for dinner. Most of the night Riker and Savannah stayed up at texted about random things.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Thanks for reading see ya next time please vote and comment!!! Will be updating all weekend so get ready to read!

~Courtney Luna

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