Chapter 36 : Girl problems

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Coach: Before I forget last practice I forgot to tell you all who was team captain. So I'm going to tell you now and the team captain is . . . . . Devon! Good job boys we will have practice a couple times next week and a game Friday night. The rest of the week you are free to do whatever.

                 The ride home
Rydel: Hey Vanni, want to spend the night?
Savannah: Is that a good idea? I mean we have school tomorrow and knowing us we will stay up all night.
Rydel: True. Yet I want to have a sleepover I wish we were sisters and lived together!!!
Savannah: Us being sister would be great but I'm kind of happy we aren't or I would be dating my brother. *Everyone starts laughing*
Rydel: I guess your right. So will you sleepover?
Savannah: Sure but I would need clothes.
Rydel: You can just use mine if you want.
Savannah: Okay I will just do that then.
Rocky: Your mom won't care that you sleep over on a school night?
Savannah: I should probably text her but as long as I have my homework done it is okay.

*Savannah texts her mom and go a reply a couple minutes later that made her laugh*
Riker: What happened?
Savannah: Nothing my mom just texting my mom I was staying over tonight.
Rydel: *takes her phone and starts laughing* I love your mom so much!
Rocky: What did she say?
Rydel: She said... You can stay over at the Lynches as long as you don't sleepover in Riker's room and because I know you won't listen remember protection. She said making them laugh and Riker blush a little*
Riker: What did Savannah say back? *taking the phone from Rydel*
Savannah: Please don't read it. She said in a scared tone*
Riker: Everything okay Sweetheart? *giving her back the phone and she nods*

When they got home they asked Stormie if Savannah could sleepover. Of corse she said yes and Rydel with Savannah went to her room.
Rydel: Are you sure your okay? You have been acting different since we were in the car.
Savannah: Ya I'm fine just didn't want
everyone to know what I said to my mom about it.
Rydel: What did you say that could of been that bad?
Savannah: Nothing really I just didn't want everyone to know I was on my period.
Rydel: Really?! That's it, I thought you were going to say you cheated or something bad.
Savannah: No I would never cheat on someone that is just no, I would feel to bad about it.
Rydel: Good and about your period that's nothing you have to hide from the guys. One time I had to ask Riker to buy me some tampons and it took him an hour to figure out which one he should get *Savannah giggles* and he still got the wrong ones! *Savannah laughs harder*
Savannah: Do you think he thinks I'm cheating on him because I'm not and I don't want him to think that
Rydel: I don't think so but if he says something about it I'll tell you.
Savannah: Thank you!

I got a sick feeling in my stomach that Savannah is cheating on me. I mean I'm pretty sure she would not do that. I should just ask her about it. After knocking on Rydel's room to ask Savannah to talk we went out into the backyard and put our feet in the pool.
Riker: Savannah, are you cheating on me? I mean I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do that but I just want to know because I really don't want to be cheated on and I really like you and I- *savannah cuts him off*
Savannah: Baby I'm not cheating on you nor would I ever cheat on you. I'm sorry I made you think I was.
Riker: It's fine I just got me thinking when you didn't want me to to see what your mom said. I don't know why.
Savannah: Baby I didn't want you to see what we were talking about because we were talking about my period. *Riker chuckles a little* Here *give him her phone to read the messages* you can read the texts if you want.
Riker: No that is okay I trust you.
Savannah: Are you sure because I don't want to give you a really to not trust me? I don't want you to not believe me.
Riker: It's okay I believe you. I love you Vanni. I really do.
Savannah: *kisses his cheek and hugs him* Love you too Riker love you too. *They looked into each others eyes as they share a kiss in the moon light*

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