Chapter 54 : Piece of glass

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I have rewritten this chapter many times. I don't know exactly how to go from this. If you have any ideas please leave them in comments Thanks!

                       A Week Later
            At a therapist / Savannah
Therapist: Okay we have made great progress and everything seems to be going well. Just for next couple of minutes I want you to talk about what happened and how you feel about it. Forget that I am hear.
Savannah: If I knew what was going to happen I would have just asked. I didn't want to be a pain and have someone take me home yet I was a bigger one but worrying everyone. Plus now everyone acts like I am some piece of glass that needs to be glued back together. I just wish it could go back to the way everything was many months ago. I wish my dad was hear...

              A couple hours later
Michelle: Okay Savannah there is something we need to talk about. Alex *savannah cringed at the name*, he is saying he didn't do it and that he was never there. Because of this you are most likely going to have to go to court.
Savannah: They think I'm making it up?!
Michelle: They believe that you were kidnapped but it doesn't matter if he says that I didn't happen then you have to go to court.
Stormie: Sweetheart I know this has to be hard but we are all going to be there for you and we are all on you side. None of us want this guy to get away with what he did. *rubbing her back*

Quietness went over all of them not know what they could say to make Savannah feel better. She really didn't want to go to court and stand up to the guys that beat her.

I understand that they all want to do what is best for me and of course I'm not going to let them get away with what they did. But I can't stay the fact that sense everything happened everyone is watching me like a hawk. I love them for it but I just want everything to go back to the way it was before everything changed. Before everything started to go down hill. I guess it can't tell after the court decides what happens next. The hearing is in a month. Which is not to far away. At least it will be over before I know it. I know that there is no reason to be scared because they can't hurt me but I still can't stopping thinking about everything that happen in that room.

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