Chapter 55 : One side

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  A month later: Minutes before the trial

Michelle: Okay today is the day and Baby if there is something we don't know you might want to put it out there now. Before it is forced out.
Savannah: You guys know everything. *leans on Riker's shoulder, Riker kissing the top of her head*
Riker: Don't worry babe.

                   At the trial in court
Judge: Today we are hear to find out what went down weeks ago. In the case of Savannah Latimer and Brian Vega. Now because Brian Vega has pleaded not guilty to all charges. His lawyer has the floor, you may call up your first witness.
Brian's lawyer (Mr.Smith): We would like to call Savannah Latimer to the stand. *Savannah walks to the stand, everyone is shocked thinking about why they would want to question her* (usually you wouldn't call up the person that is calling you out on what you did) Now Savannah, is it true that you were friends with Alex?
Savannah: Yes, I was friends with him.
Mr.Smith: Is it true that your mother was not okay with this?
Savannah: Yes because she saw what I was to blind to see.
Mr.Smith: Is it true that one night you and Alex went to the fields behind his house and did thing that you can't remember because you were drinking?
Savannah: Yes.
Mr.Smith: *turns to the people* So we are supposed to believe that this girl is telling the truth when she has in fact don't things that she don't know or can't remember. How do we know that Savannah didn't go to his house and ask to stay there and hide out?
Savannah: Maybe because even if that did had which it didn't I wouldn't have stayed for days or have asked him to give to bruises, cuts, and I don't know. Brake me arm! I didn't ask for this.
Mr.Smith: *turns to judge* No further questions.

Judge: Now Savannah may return to her sit and we are going to take a brake to process one side of the court. *Everyone leaves but Savannah's family and her lawyer*
Lawyer: Okay I didn't want to have to put you on the stand again but you are going to have to go up there and explain everything in detail. Not holding anything back or we could very well lose this case.
Savannah: But I'm not lying.
Lawyer: I know and I believe you but so does everyone else.

I mean at this point it is not like I can make it worse. It is not like I'm lying just not good at sharing bad memories or moments in my life. But I guess I better work it out in the next ten minutes or I I'm going to have to live with what happened. I mean I still will have to but it will be easier knowing I am safe and he is locked up. I, I... I can do this. I mean how hard can it be to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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