Chapter 6: Family Dinner

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After school Rocky, Riker, and I all went to get a soccer ball and after went to there house to finish the model for tomorrow. Plus I'm having dinner at there house tonight I hope their family likes me.
Rocky: Okay we are here and Savannah just to let you know my parent invited you so they can judge you.
Savannah: Umm okay?
Riker: He's joking. He said as Savannah nodded and they all went inside.
Rocky: Okay now who is taking pictures and who is in them?
Savannah: I'll take them of you guys.
Riker: Okay then let go outside.

Two hours later
Rocky: Want to watch tv we are already done?
Riker: Sure.
Savannah: Can it be scary?
Rocky: You like scary movies?
Savannah: More like love.
They laugh at her for saying that when Ryland walks downstairs and sees Savannah.

Ryland: Hey.
Riker/Rocky: Hi.
Savannah: Hey ?
Ryland: I'm Ryland there youngest brother you most me Savannah.
Savannah: Yes I'm Savannah, it nice to meet you.
Ryland: You too. Savannah nods.
Rocky: Hey when is dad getting home?
Riker: He should be home with Mom in a little.

Mark gets home and they start dinner.
Mark: So Savannah may I ask why you moved here?
Savannah: O well it not a happy story but my dad is a Marine, my mom wanted to be closer to him.
Mark: You said Marine right.
Savannah: Yes.
Mark: Well tell you father I said thank you for his service.
Savannah: Will do.
Stormie: How many time have you had to move around?
Savannah: Couple times a year but my dad said that I get to stay at this school tell I graduate.
Stormie: Well I'm happy to hear that.
Savannah: Me too.
                 After dinner
Rydel: Hey Savannah want to spend the night?
Savannah: Umm if it's okay with your parents then yes I would love to.
Rydel: There okay with it and don't worry you can barrow so clothes to sleep in and wear tomorrow.
Savannah: Okay let me call my mom.

Of course Savannah's Mom said it was okay so She slept in Rydel's room. Her and Rydel being the last to go to sleep and first to wake up.

Savannah: Good morning.
Stormie: Good morning sweetheart did you sleep okay?
Savannah: I did thank you for letting me sleepover.
Stormie: No problem you are always welcome here.
Savannah: Thank you.
Riker: Good morning. What are you to talking about? He said before hugging Savannah and giving his mom a kiss on the cheek.
Stormie: Girl stuff.
Riker: Okah Savannah you ready I'm driving you to school.
Savannah: Yes one second let me get my bag. *get bag* okay ready.

After School
Riker: Hey Savannah, would you like you go out this Saturday?
Savannah: Like on a date?
Riker: If that's okay with you.
Savannah: I would love that.
Riker: Okay I'll pick you up 7.
Savannah: K. I have to go home but see you tomorrow.
Riker: See you tomorrow. He said as Savannah walks inside. (Riker drove her home)

At the lynches
(After Riker got home)
Rocky: So do you like her?
Ryland: Ya.
Mark: She seems like a nice girl.
Rydel: She is and I'm going to sleep.
-------------------------------------------Will the date go as planned or will someone/something get in the way? Read to find out. Remember to vote and comment. It means a lot to me. Next chapter will be up soon.
           ~Courtney Luna

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