Chapter 50 : No way out!

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At the Lynches house
Savannah's Mom (Michelle): Okay I just got off the phone and they have reason to believe that she was in fact kidnapped. *cring her eyes out*
Stormie: Does that mean they know who took her? *teary eyed but hopeful yet Michelle shook her head no*
Mark: What are we supposed to do?
Riker: First find out who could of taken her?
Rocky: I don't know, nobody really hates her. At least that I know of.
Riker: *put his head in his hands tearing up*

                With Savannah
I finally know what to do! Whenever it is night I look for ways to get out of here. There is a a window in the top left of the locked room but the doors got unlocked at 3am because he sleeps in there and forgets to lock it. So all I have to go is be super quiet and climb out. It's 8pm right now. A couple more hours of yelling, beating, and bleeding, and I will finally have the final laugh.

I finally got kicked out of my thoughts when a group of guys plus Alex walk into the room. I have seen them all but never at the same time. They start making there way to me. Grabbing me and making me lay on my stomach. Pouring hot water on my open cuts and bruises. Not sure why I mean to would- *screams* They stated to beat and whip my back me not being able to move from there grip.

        Back to the Lynches house
The police just showed up and was talking to them about what they know and what they need.
Police: Look, we do know that Savannah was kip napped and we have a list of kid other then your family that haven't been to your school since Savannah was taken. Now we are going to read the list to you and if a name sound like someone Savannah has befriended then say so. Okay Lily Grand, Sandy Jones, and Alex-
Riker: Alex is someone Savannah talks to they used to be super close but are not so much anymore.
Police: Would he gave an axe to grind with her for any reason?
Michelle: Yes... She stopped hanging out with him because I told her that if she even looked at him that I would ground her forever and she would never leave the house again.
Police: Ya okay *calls it in sending cops to his house* We will let you guys know.

Later that night with Savannah
Savannah got up and out of her room going to Alex's. Climbing up to the window and of course it is looked. She climbed down not giving up finding the key in this drawer by his bed. Trying to quiet, she grabbed it and opened it. As soon as she did the alarm went off waking Alex up but Savannah jumped out and ran. Yet what she didn't relies is that the whole place had a electric shock fence.
Savannah: No no no no no! This can not be happening there has to be any other way!!!
Alex: Well if there is you haven't found it. Now because you leave I guess I will let you sleep out here to night. Good luck. *going back into his room locking Savannah out there in the cold when of course it started to rain*

All the hope that Savannah finally had in leaving this sick place was surly gone.

Will Savannah find her way out?
Will the Police find her?
Will Savannah get more hurt now that she tried to leave?
Find out in later chapters! Thanks for reading! vote and comment if you enjoyed!

~Courtney Luna

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